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The Power The Majesty The Messiah

Explore the rich prophecies of Isaiah, from the divided kingdom to the Messiah, highlighting key events and themes such as deliverance, salvation, and the everlasting light. Discover the power and majesty in Isaiah's words of hope and despair.

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The Power The Majesty The Messiah

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  1. The PowerThe MajestyThe Messiah Isaiah 40-66

  2. Divided Kingdom approx 900-650BC

  3. The Problem Isaiah 1-5 Deuteronomy 28 Leviticus 26: 40-45

  4. The Prophet Isaiah 6

  5. The Prophecies Isaiah 7 – Immanuel Isaiah 8 – Assyria Isaiah 9 – Messiah, Assyria

  6. The Prophecies Isaiah 10 – Remnant Isaiah 11 – Messiah, a 2nd time Isaiah 12 – Praise God

  7. The Prophecies Isaiah 13 – Babylon Isaiah 14 – Lucifer? Isaiah 15-21 – Foreigners

  8. The Prophecies Isaiah 22 – Jerusalem Isaiah 23 – Tyre/Sidon Isaiah 24 – Day of the LORD

  9. The Prophecies Isaiah 25 – Praise! Isaiah 26 – Praise! Isaiah 27 – Deliverance

  10. The Prophecies Isaiah 28 – Woe to Ephraim Isaiah 29 – Woe to Ariel Isaiah 30 – Hope/Despair

  11. The Prophecies Isaiah 31 – Rely on God Isaiah 32 – a righteous kingdom Isaiah 33 – Distress/Help

  12. The Prophecies Isaiah 34 – Judge the nations Isaiah 35 – Redemption Isaiah 36 – Assyria

  13. The Prophecies Isaiah 37 – Deliverance Isaiah 38 – Hezekiah Isaiah 39 – Babylon

  14. The Prophecies Isaiah 39 – Babylon II Chronicles 36: 15-22 Daniel 5: 1-4

  15. The PowerThe MajestyThe Messiah Isaiah 40 – comfort, comfort Isaiah 41 – Israel’s Helper Isaiah 42 – Servant, covenant, light

  16. The PowerThe MajestyThe Messiah Isaiah 43 – Savior God Isaiah 44 – useless idols Isaiah 45 – Cyrus

  17. Approximate Timelines Isaiah ~ 700BC Jeremiah ~ 600BC Jeremiah 25 – 70 years captivity Babylonian invasion/siege ~ 597BC Temple Destroyed – 586BC Cyrus – 538BC Temple dedicated – 516BC

  18. The PowerThe MajestyThe Messiah Isaiah 43 – Savior God Isaiah 44 – useless idols Isaiah 45 – Cyrus I am the LORD and there is no other

  19. The PowerThe MajestyThe Messiah Isaiah 46 – I am God Isaiah 47 – Babylon falls Isaiah 48 – Freed from Babylon

  20. The PowerThe MajestyThe Messiah Isaiah 49 – MESSIAH! Isaiah 50 – Israel sins/ Messiah obeys Isaiah 51 – Salvation & wrath

  21. 2014 World Jewish population Total World = 13.9 million Israel = 6.1 million U.S. = 5.5 million France = 475,000 Canada = 385,000 Britain = 290,000 jewishvirtuallibrary.org

  22. 2015 Aliyah Statistics Over 30,000 returned 16% increase over 2014 France – 7500 (+118%) Ukraine – 7100 Russia – 6300 U.S. - 2900 (over 3 million since 1948)

  23. The PowerThe MajestyThe Messiah Isaiah 49 – MESSIAH! Isaiah 50 – Israel sins/ Messiah obeys Isaiah 51 – Salvation & wrath

  24. The PowerThe MajestyThe Messiah Isaiah 52 – good news to Jerusalem Isaiah 52:13 - 53 – suffering Servant

  25. The Suffering Servant Isaiah 52:13 - 53 Late addition? – Septuagint Dead Sea Scrolls Israel? – 53: 8 & 9 Haftorah – Chapters 49-56 Minus 52:13-53

  26. The Suffering Servant Isaiah 52:13 - 53 NT references: Luke 22: 37 John 12: 37-38 Matthew 8: 16-17 Messiah must suffer: Mark 9: 12 Luke 9: 22 Luke 24: 45-48

  27. The Suffering Servant Isaiah 52:13 - 53 Messiah ben David Ezekiel 21: 25-27 Acts 1: 6 Messiah ben Joseph

  28. The Suffering Servant Isaiah 52:13 - 53 Past? Present? Future? Ephesians 2: 4-7

  29. Surely he took up myinfirmitiesand carried mysorrows,yet Iconsidered him stricken by God,smitten by him, and afflicted. But he was pierced for mytransgressions,he was crushed for myiniquities;

  30. the punishment that brought mepeace was upon him,and by his wounds I amhealed.I, like a sheep, have gone astray,I haveturned to myown way;and the Lord has laid on him myiniquity.

  31. The Suffering Servant Isaiah 53: 10 It was the LORD’S will to crush Him It pleased the LORD to bruise Him It pleased the LORD to crush Him It delighted the LORD to bruise Him Hebrews 12: 2

  32. The PowerThe MajestyThe Messiah Isaiah 52 – disfigured Servant Isaiah 53 – suffering Servant Isaiah 54 – Zion redeemed

  33. The PowerThe MajestyThe Messiah Isaiah 55 – God is not like us Isaiah 56 – salvation to all Isaiah 57 – anger not forever

  34. And whatsoever conception comes into your minds, say, This is not God; God is more than this: if I could conceive him, he were not God; for God is incomprehensibly above whatsoever I can say, whatsoever I can think and conceive of him. The Existence and Attributes of God (Stephen Charnock)

  35. Left to ourselves we tend immediately to reduce God to manageable terms. We need the feeling of security that comes from knowing what God is like, and what He is like is of course a composite of all the religious pictures we have seen, all the best people we have known or heard about, and all the sublime ideas we have entertained. The Knowledge of the Holy (A.W. Tozer)

  36. The PowerThe MajestyThe Messiah Isaiah 55 – God is not like us Isaiah 56 – salvation to all Isaiah 57 – anger not forever

  37. The PowerThe MajestyThe Messiah Isaiah 58 – right & wrong fasting Isaiah 59 – no justice Isaiah 60 – Zion restored

  38. The Everlasting Light Isaiah 60: 19-20 The glory of God gives it light, and the Lamb is its lamp They will not need the light of a lamp or the light of the sun… Revelation 21: 22-27; 22: 5 And the gates are always open

  39. Proclaim the year of the LORD’s favor Luke 4: 16-21 The year of the LORD’s favor The day of vengeance of our God Isaiah 61: 1-2

  40. Priests of the LORD Isaiah 61: 6-9 I Peter 2: 5-9 Descendants, offspring, blessed Genesis 12: 1-3 Galatians 3: 29 Romans 9: 8Ephesians 2, 3

  41. New Names Isaiah 62 Revelation 2: 17; 3: 12 Isaiah 65: 15 I have posted watchmen on your walls, O Jerusalem Psalm 127: 1

  42. Gates & Highways & a Banner Isaiah 62: 10-12 Isaiah 40: 3 Isaiah 11: 16 Isaiah 35: 8 Isaiah 5, 11, 13, 18, 49: 22

  43. Winepress of God’s Wrath Isaiah 63: 1-6 Revelation 14: 18-20 Revelation 19:13

  44. A trampled sanctuary Isaiah 63: 18 100 years before Babylonians! Daniel 9 Luke 21: 24 Revelation 11: 2

  45. Rend the heavens & come down! Isaiah 64: 1-3 Psalm 144: 5 Proverbs 30: 2-4 John 6

  46. The PowerThe MajestyThe Messiah Isaiah 64 – temple burned Isaiah 65 – remnant, New Heavens, New Earth Isaiah 66 – Israel again

  47. Who has ever heard of such a thing? Isaiah 66: 7-11 Revelation 12: 1-9 Matthew 24: 8 I Thessalonians 4: 3

  48. 2000BC – Abraham 1450BC – Israel into Promised Land 1050BC - first king of Israel (Saul) 1000BC – King David 950BC – First temple dedicated (Solomon) 700BC – Isaiah

  49. 586BC – First Temple destroyed – last king of Israel (Zedekiah) 516BC – Second Temple dedicated (Zerubbabel) 168BC – second temple desecrated 164BC –second temple rededicated 40BC-60AD – second temple remodeled (Herod)

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