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Emerging restorative treatments refer to innovative and evolving therapies that aim to restore function or structure to damaged tissues or organs. These treatments often involve cutting-edge technologies, such as regenerative medicine, which focuses on stimulating the body's own healing mechanisms to repair and regenerate tissues. RNRmedicine offers the best platelet-rich plasma treatment for knee in Mumbai, providing cutting-edge care and personalized treatment plans. For more information visit website - https://rnrmedicine.com/regenerative-medicine/platelet-rich-plasma-for-knee-in-mumbai/
Introduction: Dr. Paresh K. Doshi has been practicing as the director of neurosurgery and stereotactic & functional neurosurgery department at the Jaslok Hospital and Research Center since 1998. Dr. Doshi, the pioneer of functional neurosurgery of India has launched the first Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) surgery program in the country. Today Dr. Paresh Doshi has an experience of more than 500+ Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) surgeries and several lesional surgeries. He is an expertinthefieldofParkinson’sdisease,Dystonia,Trigeminalneuralgia,Migraine,Braintumors, OCD,Writer’sdystonia,Tremors,Torticollis,Autism,TouretteSyndrome,tonameafew.Dr. DoshihasbeenextensivelytrainedinthefieldofStereotaxyandFunctionalNeurosurgeryatthe mostpremierecentersinEnglandforaperiodoffouryears.
plateletrichplasmaforthekneeinmumbai TheJaslokHospital&ResearchCentreisoneof the oldest super speciality tertiary care private trust hospitals in the country. In the late 60s, when the establishment of large private hospitals was not common, the institution was conceptualised & endowed to the city of MumbaibySethLokoomalChanrai.
Information: ItisApromisingtherapywithmultipleapplicationstohealinjuredor degenerated musculoskeletal tissues to alleviate pain and improve function. PRP (Platelet-rich plasma) is a therapeutic product with high platelet concentration prepared from small quantity of one’s own blood (autologous human plasma) with the help of a special equipment in our dedicatedset-upof“RegenerativeandRestorativeMedicinedepartment”.
WhoisEligibleforPRPTreatmentinMumbai? Apromisingtherapywithmultipleapplicationstohealinjuredordegeneratedmusculoskeletaltissuestoalleviate painandimprovefunction. PRP(Platelet-richplasma)isatherapeuticproductwithhighplateletconcentrationpreparedfromsmallquantity of one’s own blood (autologous human plasma) with the help of a special equipment in our dedicated set-up of “RegenerativeandRestorativeMedicinedepartment”. Post-treatmentCare Patientscanresumetheiractivityaftertheinjection.Mildpainatthesiteafterinjectioncanbefelt,in that case we normally advise rest for 2 hours or more depending upon patients comfort and a single doseoforalpainkiller.
PRP therapy holds immense promise as a regenerative healing option for those suffering from musculoskeletal conditions and chronic pain.Itsnaturalhealingapproach,personalized treatment, reduced risk of adverse reactions, potential for long-lasting relief, and ability to potentially avoid surgery make it an attractive option worth considering. However, it’s importanttoconsultwiththebestplatelet-rich plasma disease doctors in Mumbai at RNR Medicine to determine if PRP therapy is suitable for your specific condition. Don’t let pain hold you back; explore the transformative power of PRP therapy and take a step towards regainingyourqualityoflife.
Contact Us! CallUs: Email: Address : Website : 913722016 conta5ct@rnrtreatment.com DepartmentofRNRMedicine,7thFloor,JaslokHospital andResearchCentre,15,Dr.GDeshmukhMarg,Mumbai 400026 https://rnrmedicine.com