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4.4 America Moves Towards War. Essential Questions: How did the United States become involved in world War II? How do you think populations in the US, such as women, African Americans, and Japanese Americans responded to the war?. Moving Cautiously Away From Neutrality.
4.4 America Moves Towards War Essential Questions: How did the United States become involved in world War II? How do you think populations in the US, such as women, African Americans, and Japanese Americans responded to the war?
Moving Cautiously Away From Neutrality • Sept. 1939, FDR persuades congress to pass the “cash-and-carry” provision • Countries in war could buy US arms as long as they pay in cash and for transportation • He argued this would help France and Britain and keep us out of war – isolationists attack • After 6 weeks, Congress passes the Neutrality Act of 1939 – Cash-and-carry • Too little too late?
The Axis Threat • Summer 1940, France had fallen and Britain was under siege • FDR provided “all aid short of war” • sent 500,000 rifles and 80,000 machine guns • Traded 50 old destroyers for leases on British military bases in Caribbean and Newfoundland • Sept. 27, Germany, Italy, and Japan sign a mutual defense treaty – The Tripartite Pact • Rescue and help should be given if needed between the 3 • Aimed at keeping US out of war. How? • They knew that the last thing America wanted was to be in a war that was in both the Atlantic and Pacific • The three nations became known as the Axis powers
Building US Defenses • 1940 Nazi victories lead to increases in defense spending • 1st peace time draft enacted- Selective Training & Service Act • 16 mil men between 21-35 were registered • 1 mil from them would be drafted for 1 year but would only serve in the Western Front • FDR announces to a listening nation the first number drawn from the draft
FDR Runs for a 3rd Term 1940- FDR runs for 3rd term against republican Wendell Willkie Both had almost identical policies, so the public voted for the one they were most familiar with FDR reelected with 55% of votes
The Great Arsenal of Democracy • FDR tells nation if Britain falls, Axis powers will be free to conquer the world • To prevent this, U.S. must become “the great arsenal of democracy” • Late 1940 Britain has no more cash to buy arms • 1941- Lend Lease Act- U.S. to lend or lease supplies for defense • Compared it to lending a hose to a neighbor whose house was on fire – isolationists disagree
Supporting Stalin • 1941, Hitler broke his agreement he made in 1939 with Stalin to not invade the USSR • An “enemy of my enemy is my friend” • FDR begins sending supplies to Soviets • Many Americans are not happy with this • Churchill says, “If Hitler invaded hell, the British would be prepared to work with the devil himself”
German Wolf Packs • So . . . Sending supplies to USSR is one thing. . . Getting there is a little trickier • Hitler deploys 100s of U-boats to prevent the delivery of those supplies by attacking ships • Attacks became known as “wolf pack attacks” • Groups of 40 subs would patrol at night in North Atlantic • Sunk up to 350,000 tons of shipment within 1 month • Sept. 1941, FDR grants navy permission to send warships out to attack U-boats • Sonar was a relatively new technology used to find U-boats and bring them down “You sunk my battleship!”
FDR calls for “Quarantine” of the aggressor nations. 75% of Americans want to vote on war FDR & Congress said no
Atlantic Charter • FDR & Churchill meet on the USS Augusta to develop & issue the Atlantic Charter- a declaration of war aims: • Collective security, disarmament, self-determination, economic cooperation, and freedom of seas • Allies – nations that fight Axis powers • Signed by 26 nations
Shoot on Sight Germans fire on U.S. ships FDR orders navy to shoot U-boats on sight U-boat attacks lead Senate to repeal ban on arming merchant ships Undeclared naval war
Japan Attacks the US • Hideki Tojo • Chief of staff for Japanese army that invades China • Seizes French and British bases in Indochina (Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia) • U.S. cuts off trade with Japan • Included oil to fuel boats • Placed embargo on oil
Peace Talks are Questioned • Tojo meets with Japanese Prime Minister and promises to ease conflict with US • Instead, Nov. 5th, Tojo orders Japanese navy to prepare an attack on US soil • US is able to break the code about the attack, but they do not know where and when it will be • FDR sends a military war warning to bases in Hawaii, Guam, and the Philippines
The Attack on Pearl Harbor • Dec. 7th, 1941, the Japanese war planes attack US’s largest naval base in the Pacific • Over 180 war planes dropped bombs in early morning. • US was taken by surprise and was unprepared for the attack Now lets see a video about Medal of Honor recipient John Finn as it truly happened in Pearl Harbor
Map of USS Placements Attacked targets:1: USS California2: USS Maryland3: USS Oklahoma4: USS Tennessee5: USS West Virginia6: USS Arizona7: USS Nevada8: USS Pennsylvania9: Ford Island NAS10: Hickam field
Pearl Harbor Statistics • Lasted less than 2 hours • killed 2,403 Americans • wounded 1,178 more • sunk or damaged 21 ships • 8 battleships, • destroyed/damaged 300 aircrafts • 3 aircraft carriers avoided any damage • proved crucial to war’s outcome
Dec 7, 1941 – “A Date that will Live in Infamy” • Dec 8th FDR ask Congress to declare War against Japan- they do • Germany & Italy declare war on the U.S.
Part 2 - The United States in World War II: Mobilizing for Defense
Part 2 – But First, Review • Choose the dictator: • Was in prison after WWI? • Fascist leader who created a private army called the black shirts? • Wrote the famous book Mein Kampf that was the source of policy for his party? • Communist leader who killed or exiled anyone who spoke against his regime?
More Review What organization failed to do anything to stop Axis powers and their imperialism before WWII? What event started WWII in Europe? What countries made up the Axis powers? What countries made up the main Allied powers? What phrase did FDR use to describe The Pearl Harbor Attack? Provide a definition for The Holocaust. What word can describe a hatred for Jews?
America Joins the War Effort After the attack on Pearl Harbor, The Japanese thought we would just shrink The Japan Times boasted that the US had been reduced to a third-rate power and was “trembling in her shoes” We were trembling with RAGE though, NOT fear
Selective Service and the GI • After the attack, the military lines filled up with young men wanting to be heroes • 5 million volunteer, but it was not enough • The Selective Service System expanded the draft and provided another 10 million
Expanding the Military • There was so much need for a military work force that the Army Chief of staff, George Marshall pushed for the formation of the Women’s Auxiliary Army Corps • May 15, 1942, Non-combat positions, thousands enlist • Paid salary, but not the same benefits as men • In July 1943, Auxiliary is dropped and the WAC are granted full military benefits • Nurses, radio operators, electricians, pilots
Recruiting and Discrimination Minorities question their rights. “Why fight for democracy in another country, when we don’t even have equal rights?” wrote one African-American newspaper Reader responded: “Just carve on my tombstone, ‘Here lies a black man killed fighting a yellow man for the protection of a white man’”
Dramatic Contributions • Despite the discrimination, 300,000 Mexican Americans enlist • 1 million African Americans join • Lived and worked in segregated units and were limited to non-combat roles • 13,000 Chinese Americans and 33,000 Japanese Americans • Served as spies and interpreters • 25,000 Native Americans (800 women)
A Production Miracle • In Feb. 1942, end of the automobile production for private use • Within weeks of the shutdown, the plants retooled for production of tanks, planes, boats, and command cars • Not the only ones • Mechanical pencils – bomb parts • Bedspreads – mosquito netting • Soft-drinks – filling shells with explosives
Labor Contributions Factories convert from civilian to war production Shipyards, defense plants expand, new ones built People work at record speed 18m workers in war industries- 6 m women- 2m minorities Propaganda like “Rosie the Riveter” were created to encourage women to get jobs in war industries
A. Philip Randolph • Founder of the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters pushes against discrimination • Organizes a walk on Washington on July 1, 1941 • Banner read “We Loyal Colored Americans Demand the Right to Work and Fight for Our Country” • FDR calls him and backs out fearing a conflict in DC • Leads to new jobs opportunities
Executive order 8802 “to provide for the full & equitable participation of all workers in defense industries, without discrimination because of race, creed, color, or national origin”
Mobilization of Scientists • 1941, Office of Scientific Research & Development (OSRD) to help with War Effort • Technology – sonar • Chemicals – DDT to rid soldiers of body lice • Medicine – penicillin for injuries • Secret New Weapon • Germany had discovered that splitting uranium atoms released tons of energy • Einstein wrote to FDR warning him of this knowledge
Response to This News • First Look into technology • Would take 3-5 years to create an atomic bomb • To speed this time up FDR created a secret project in 1942 • Manhattan Project • Development of Atomic Bomb as quickly as possible – Oak Ridge, TN • Einstein, Fermi, Oppenheimer
Federal Government Takes Control • Because all factories were making war products and none for consumers, demand decreased and prices were expected to increased • FDR created the Office of Price Administration OPA • Freezes prices, fights inflation • Higher taxes, and nation encouraged to use excess money to buy War bonds
War Protection Board • Government needed to ensure that the armed forces received the resources they needed to win the war • WPB • Allocates raw materials • Tin cans, paper, rags, cooking fat, scrap iron • Collection of recycled materials • Children scouring attics
Rationing • In addition the OPA set up a system of rationing- fixed allotments of goods needed by military • Under this system, households received coupon books for buying scarce goods such as: • Sugar, meat, coffee, shoes, gasoline
Quiz – Let’s see if you were paying attention 1-10 • Choose the dictator: • Was in prison after WWI? • Fascist leader who created a private army called the black shirts? • Wrote the famous book Mein Kampf that was the source of policy for his party? • Communist leader who killed or exiled anyone who spoke against his regime?
Quiz Continued 5. What organization failed to do anything to stop Axis powers and their imperialism before WWI? 6. What event started WWI in Europe? 7. What countries made up the Axis powers? 8. What countries made up the main Allied powers? 9. What phrase did FDR use to describe The Pearl Harbor Attack? 10. What word can describe a hatred for Jews?