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Annual South Asia Networ k Meeting and Thematic workshop of the National Ozone Officer on “HCFC Phase-out and Kigali Amendment 23-26 May 2017 Agra, India. Roles and Functions of National Ozone Officers. Tshewang Zangmo BHUTAN. Outline of Presentation.
Annual South Asia Network Meeting and Thematic workshop of the National Ozone Officer on “HCFC Phase-out and Kigali Amendment 23-26 May 2017 Agra, India Roles and Functions of National Ozone Officers Tshewang Zangmo BHUTAN
Outline of Presentation • Executive Committee Decision on the establishment of a National Ozone Unit under the Institutional Strengthening project • Why it is necessary to have a National Ozone Officer? • Roles and functions of the National Ozone Officer • Discussions
South Asian Countries • Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, China, DPR Korea, India, Iran, Maldives, Mongolia, Nepal, Pakistan, RO Korea, Sri Lanka • Implementing agencies • UNEP • UNDP • UNIDO • World Bank
Institutional Strengthening (IS) support to National Ozone Units • The Executive Committee, at its 5th meeting in November 1991, recognized the need to provide funding from the Multilateral Fund (MLF) for institutional strengthening of Article 5 countries • To strenghten a mechanism within the country to facilitate implementaion of projects for effective phase- out of the controlled substances • Emphasizes greater responsibility of governments for national phaseoutprogrammes • Ensure the effective liaison between the country Executive Committee, the Fund Secretariat, and the Implementing Agencies • IS renewed every two years
Thirtieth Meeting of the Executive Committee March 2000 Article 5 countries with institutional strengthening projects to ensure that: • National Ozone Unit is given a clear mandate and responsibility • to carry out the day-to-day work in order to prepare, coordinate and, • where relevant, implement the government's activities to meet its commitments under the Montreal Protocol; • this also requires access to decision-makers and enforcement agencies;
Principal roles and responsibilities of NOO Position: a sufficientlyhighlevelofficerwiththeoverallresponsibilitesforsupervisingthework of the National Ozone Unit. • Implement, monitor and reportonthe Montreal Protocolcompliance status including: • ODS Phaseoutschedules • Legislation and licensingsystemsforimport and export of ODS (and ODS dependenttechnologies); • Timelysubmission of iPIC, Article 7 data and CP data to MLF and OS; • Prepare workplans and ensure timely implementation of the activities; • Establish a reliable system to collect data , ODS monitor, licensing quota system, and report data on imports and exports of ODS; • Conduct advocacy and awareness programs and prepare advocacy materials; • Work closely with Implementing agencies;
Contd.. • Represent country at regional and internationalmeetings of the MP ; • Advises national stakeholders on the MP requirements (this often requires the training and capacity building of other national stakeholders); • National Stakeholder committee ; • Keep abreast with the decisions of the Meetings of the MOP, MLF (Ex. Com.) etc; • Nationalize the decisions arising from the national, regional and international meetings. • Organise Network Meetings/border dialogue or other ozone related meetings; • to continue support for compliance with the Montreal Protocol and to address the challenges related to the phase-out of HCFCs in line with the objectives of decision XIX/6 and the transition to alternatives that minimized environmental impact • Manage the Ratification of amendments to the Montreal Protocol and the implementation of the decision of each Amendment (Kigali Amendment) • linkages with national sustainable development priorities and in particular those of Climate, Energy efficiency and Chemical management
Why the need for this special training workshop? • Frequent changes in NOO….. Why??? • Inadequate institutional transfers when changes occur • Project approach versus institutional approach • Skills base of NOOs are varied and the positions of NOOs in the network are non standardized • Need for continued training, re-training, including on new and emerging subjects.