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WELCOME. Presentation by Sri. Sunil Sharma., I.A.S., Mission Director - NFSM Commissioner & Director of Agriculture. . Department of Agriculture Government of Andhra Pradesh, Hyderabad. NFSM- RELEASE & EXPENDITURE -2009-10 ( Rupees in Lakhs).
WELCOME Presentation by Sri. Sunil Sharma., I.A.S., Mission Director - NFSM Commissioner & Director of Agriculture. Department of Agriculture Government of Andhra Pradesh, Hyderabad.
NFSM- RELEASE & EXPENDITURE -2009-10( Rupees in Lakhs) • All UCs from 2007-08 to 2009-10 have been submitted • Audit reports for 2007-08 & 2008-09 have been submitted
Targets and Achievements under Rice From 2007-08 to 2009-10 and targets for 2010-11 & 2011-12 Base Line - 100.00 lakh tons • N.B:- • During Rabi-2007-08 Rice production increased by 54.71% in NFSM districts over baseline • as against 26.90% in Non NFSM districts. • During 2008-09 Rice production increased by 89.69% in NFSM districts over baseline as • against 38.07% in Non NFSM districts.
Planning of input procurement for Kharif-10 and progress • APSSDC is identified as the agency to supply paddy seed • 30% of the seed is already positioned up to Mandal level and further • movement is in progress
Quantity of INM Inputs planned to be positioned for distribution during Kharif 2010 in Andhra Pradesh Through MARKFED/AGROS under NFSM
Promotion of SRI in Andhra Pradesh • It is decided to promote SRI cultivation in the state on a large scale under wells and tanks during the remaining years of XI plan. • A training programme was organized for all District Joint Directors of Agriculture and 2 master trainers from each district on 1st May-10. • A workshop was also organized on SRI with scientists, NGOs and department officers to decide the strategy to promote SRI & cover about 3.71 lakh ha during 2010-11. • The following strategies are evolved: • Intensive trainings to be imparted to staff (up to field staff and modal farmers) scientists, farmers & labour. • Wide publicity to be give to promote SRI. • To follow area approach. • Work through NGOs, RMGs, WUAs, KVKs etc. • Custom hiring centers to be established for hiring SRI implements. • One person to be made incharge in each village to ensure constant supervision. • Farmers field visits to be organized.
Total Pulses Targets and Achievements From 2007-08 to 2009-10 and targets for 2010-11 & 2011-12 Base Line - 12.50 lakh tons Achievement Source:- DES * Third Estimates
Targets and Achievements under Bengalgram From 2007-08 to 2009-10 and targets for 2011-12 Achievement Source:- DES * Third Estimates • Bengalgram production during Rabi-07-08 increased by 121.26% in NFSM districts over • baseline as against 22.20% in Non NFSM districts. • Bengalgram production during Rabi-08-09 increased by 107.27% in NFSM districts over • baseline as against 19.41% in Non NFSM districts.
Targets and Achievements under Redgram From 2007-08 to 2009-10 and targets for 2010-11 & 2011-12 Achievement Source:- DES * Third Estimates • Reduction in area due to delayed monsoon during kharif-08 • Reduction in yield due to late sowings in kharif-08 and severe drought in kharif-09 • During Rabi-2009-10 an area of 1.03 lakh ha was covered as against a normal of 0.06 lakh ha
Targets and Achievements under Greengram From 2007-08 to 2009-10 and targets for 2011-12 Achievement Source:- DES * Third Estimates • Kharif-08 -Reduction in area due to diversification to Maize crop & delayed monsoon • Reduction in yield due to heavy rains in July – August-08. • Kharif-09 - Reduction in area and yield due to severe drought & YMV incidence
Targets and Achievements under Blackgram From 2007-08 to 2009-10 and targets for 2011-12 Achievement Source:- DES * Third Estimates • Kharif-08 – Reduction in area due to diversification to Maize and delayed monsoon. • Reduction in yield due to heavy rains in August-08 • Kharif-09 – Reduction in area due to severe drought. Reduction in yield due to YMV • Rabi-09-10 – Reduction in yield due to hailstorm.
Pulses seed requirement & availability kharif-10 APSSDC is the agency to supply seeds
Quantity of INM Inputs planned to be positioned for distribution during Kharif 2010 Through MARKFED/AGROS under NFSM
GENERAL • IPM – (14) Departmental Biological control labs are geared up to produce the required quantity of bio-agents (Trichoderma viridi 104000 kgs, Pseudomonas fluroscence 48000 kgs, Tricho cards 86500 nos, NPV (LE) 50.00 lakhs) • INM – (2) Bacterial Cultural Labs in the state have already started producing 100800 packets (500 g each) of PSB & Rhizobium culture and will be supplied by 31.05.10 to field level • Farm Mechanization – AGROS is the identified agency – tenders are floated
Broad Strategy for Increasing Pulse Production in Andhra Pradesh • Redgram • promotion on Paddy field bunds • popularization during Rabi in irrigated areas • Heliothis, Maruca and podfly management. • Greengram • preceding Paddy in tankfed and command areas • production potential to be exploited in Telangana agro climatic zones • Blackgram • as an alternative crop to black soil tobacco • as alternative crop to Rabi rice under tail end command areas • General • Area Approach • Short duration pulses crops (GG, BG, Cowpea) as intercrops in cotton • Yellow mosaic virus resistant Blackgram and Greengram under rice fallows of Krishna delta. • Sustain the growth of Bengalgram. • Focused attention on INM & IPM. • Credit to Pulse growers. • Increasing irrigated area under Pulses.
NFSM – Accelerated Pulse Production Programme – (A3P) - Implementation • 28 units (1000 ha) allotted to Andhra Pradesh during Kharif-10. • Redgram - 13 blocks • Greengram - 5 blocks • Blackgram - 10 blocks Total - 28 blocks • Out of 13 blocks of Redgram 1 unit in Anantapur will be implemented by NCIPM.
NFSM-YEARWISE BUDGET RELEASE & EXPENDITURE DETAILS ( Rupees in Lakhs) • All UCs from 2007-08 to 2009-10 have been submitted • Audit reports for 2007-08 & 2008-09 have been submitted
Pulses Promotion in the state • Pulses estimated requirement - 30.61 lakh tons. (Including seed, feed & fodder) • Present Production - 13.83 lakh tons • Gap - 16.78 lakh tons
State Pulses Development Mission Targets (Area lakh ha, Yield kg / ha, Production lakh tons)
Pulses Development - Source of Funding / requirement Pulses Development - Source of Funding / requirement • National Food Security Mission • a) Annual Action Plan - 48.53 crores • b) Under A3P - 15.12 crores • Sub Total - 63.65 crores • 2. 60,000 villages – RKVY - 33.00 crores • Grand Total - 96.65 crores • 3. Requirement of funds under State Pulses Mission: • to cover additional areas planned • Total requirement - 2010-11 2011-12 • 155.82 180.69 • a) To be met from ATMA - 2.11 2.11 • b) Balance to be met from RKVY- 153.71 178.58
Organizing sixty thousand “Pulses and Oilseeds Villages” in Rainfed Areas
Special Features • Responsibility is fixed on District Joint Directors of Agriculture and extension staff for achieving the targets allotted. • Season wise internal Concurrent Evaluation and Final Evaluation to be taken up by Department of Economics and Statistics. • The District Annual Plans will be formulated based on the targets allocated to the districts and submitted for approval of the State Committee. • The District Committee will have powers for innovative measures or any special component to the extent of 10% of the financial allocation. • For involvement of private sector provision to the extent of 10-15% would be set apart. • District Committee may revise inter componental changes up to 20% based on local situation from the non seed component. • The seed subsidy is allowed is 50% of the cost or Rs. 12/- per kg whichever is less. • Subsidy on Sprinklers is raised from 50% to 90% and HDPE pipes for carrying water to the fields of high statured Pulse crops like Redgram is included. • Provision for infrastructure development. • Provision for contract research
Special Features(Contd..) • Net income of farmers growing pulses will increase as given below which will encourage them to go for pulses The project will save Rs. 3356.00 crores of import bill on pulses. • The implementation of the Mission demands that the Extension machinery including Model • farmers are fully geared up .The farmers and Extension staff are intensively trained.
Financial Statement Abstract (Rs in lakhs)
Constraints in Pulses Production (contd..) 2. Inadequate availability of quality seeds of improved varieties 3. Prone to Pest & Diseases and Heavy yield Loses 4.Inadequate and imbalanced use of nutrients 5. Pulses suffer heavily from soil moisture stress/drought 6. Lack of mechanization 7. Trade policy and MSP do not fully support pulse growers
Constraints in Pulses Production 1. Net returns in Pulses are low compared to Rice, Maize etc. Source:- Department of Agriculture / Marketing • As could be seen the net returns especially Greengram and Redgram are not attractive where as, there is an immediate need for increase in production of pulses in the state through increase in area and productivity. • Since Redgram is the staple food it is envisaged to increase its productivity and production along with other pulses.
Mission Structure • A State Level Executive Committee will be constituted under the chairmanship of Special Chief Secretary (Agriculture) to over see the activities of the Mission in the state. • Commissioner of Agriculture will be the convenor of the meeting and Vice Chancellor ANGRAU, Secretary (Irrigation), Secretary (Power), Convenor of the SLBC etc. will be the members. • At district level, the committee will be headed by District Collector and JDA concerned will be the convenor with members from line departments and banks etc.
Strategy and Approach for the project implementation • It is proposed to radically change the implementation strategy of pulse production programme by concentrating on Block demonstrations • Focused attention on Integrated Nutrient Management (through supply of Sulphur, micronutrients, Rhizobium culture, PSB and Urea for foliar spray). • IPM (through supply of fungicides for seed treatment and Need Based Pesticides for insect control.) and weed control through supply of weedicides. • It will be implemented in a Mission mode.
Strategy for increasing the Pulses Production General:- • Government to provide 50% subsidy to farmers on certified seeds. • Sprinklers to be supplied on 90% subsidy. • INM & IPM kits to be supplied to the farmers while providing intensive field trainings. • Credit to be provided to all pulse growers. • MSP which is generally lower than the market rate should be reviewed & enhanced periodically by Government of India.
Infrastructure Development • Increased production of seed and its storage is crucial for the success of the Mission, • Therefore provision is made to create appropriate need based infrastructure facilities for this purpose. • This will be used for providing irrigation facilities on seed farms (bore wells, tube wells, lining of channels, pump sets levelling of fields, fencing etc) and creation of storage facilities. • Department and ANGRAU could avail this provision.
Additional Area Planned and requirement of various class of seed for the year 2010-11 & 2011-12
Pulses Research by ANGRAU: • An amount of 5% of allocation under seed component will be earmarked to ANGRAU for Contract Research for development of new varieties including drought resistant varieties of pulses. Specific new problems hampering cultivation of these crops needing immediate remedies will also be taken up by ANGRAU. • Transfer of Technology: • Block Demonstrations: • The size of each demonstration will be 5 ha in a compact area to the extent possible. • Results will be analyzed and evaluated and given wide publicity through distribution of leaflets and other mass communication media • Demonstration on Integrated Pest Management (Farmers Field School)
Monitoring & Evaluation • The Mission will have a strong mechanism of Monitoring of Evaluation with the involvement of all the concerned agencies and line departments. • Formats for monitoring progress under various interventions will be developed and communicated to the implementing officers. • Internal Concurrent Evaluation will be done at the end of each season. • Final evaluation will be done by Director of Economics & Statistics. • District JointDirectors of Agriculture will be allotted targets for area coverage, productivity and production levels to be achieved for each season and the performance of Joint Directors of Agriculture and field extension staff will be reviewed against achievements every year.
Estimated cost of State Pulses Development Mission for Additional areas (intervention wise) for 2010-11 and 2011-12
Area Expansion: i. Unutilized potential of rice fallows and diversion from less remunerative crops. In late rice situation (January & February) in Nellore district and after rabi paddy in delta, the greengram varieties namely LGG-460, TM-96-2, and blackgram varieties LBG-752 can be cultivated successfully. The existing area under Rice in Kharif & Rabi in these three districts is 11.03 lakh ha.
ii. Proposed areas of Rice fallows under pulses (area in 000’ ha) Further there is a wide scope of promoting greengram preceding paddy cultivation in Prakasam, Guntur, Warangal and Khammam districts over an area of about 1.00 lakh ha. (Area in 000 ha)
iii. Crop Diversification:- The following crop areas are dwindling year after year. The table below indicates the areas reduced from 1984-85 to 2008-09
It is envisaged to divert the areas of less economical rainfed crops like Jowar, Bajra, Ragi, castor and even maize duly stabilizing maize area at about 6.30 lakh ha as indicated below
Goal of the Mission & Objectives • The over all goal of the Mission is to ensure a balance between the requirement and production of pulses in the state for major pulse crops viz. Redgram, Greengram, Blackgram and Bengalgram. Objectives: • The main objectives of the mission are: a) To improve the lot of rainfed farmers through pulse production. b) To increase the area, productivity and production of major pulses i.e. Redgram, Greengram, Blackgram and Bengalgram. • To establish the Mission in partnership with stakeholders farmers’ groups /private /public institutions by ensuring end to end resources availability and by adopting improved INM and 1PM production technologies for accelerating the production of pulses • To provide technical support by the extension staff throughout the growing season with a view to ensure effective dissemination of improved production technology to the farmers. • To establish Village Based Seed System for self sufficiency in seeds on the same lines as that of Seed Village Scheme.
Need for the Mission • The present normal production of pulses is 13.83 lakh tons. • Under NFSM the target given is 16.00 lakh tons by end of XI plan. • The present pulses requirement is estimated at 24.90 lakh tons during 2010 based on 26 kg per capita need per year as per NIN recommendation, similarly based on NCA recommendation @ 25 kg per head per year it is estimated at 24.00 lakh tons during 2010. • Thus there is a gap of more than 10.00 lakh tons. • Hence there is an urgent need to step up the production of pulses in order to meet the growing demand.
iv. Table showing area covered under Redgram in irrigated areas and plan for 2010-11 & 2011-12
Pulses Overview • India is the largest producer of pulses with 25% share in Global production. • During 2007-08 the total production in the country was 14.76 million tons from an area of 23.63 million ha. • The present production is not keeping pace with domestic requirements • The Nation has to import 2-3 Million tons of pulses annually. • India is the largest importer of Pulses. • The import bill during 2007-08 was Rs. 5649.60 crores. • The deficit in availability vis-à-vis expected demand is anticipated to continue in future. Source:- Ministry of Agriculture
Need for the Mission Requirement of pulses in Andhra Pradesh (Based on Low cost balanced diet (sedentary man) (* Including other pulses) Source:- ANGRAU However under Perspective Plan formulated earlier, the pulses requirement was estimated at 24.90 lakh tons during 2010 based on 26 kg per capita need per year as per NIN recommendation, similarly based on NCA recommendation @ 25 kg per head per year it is estimated at 24.00 lakh tons during 2010. Thus there is an urgent need to step up the production of pulses in order to meet the growing demand.