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UPS : UNIVERSITÀ PONTIFICIA SALESIANA. The Salesian Pontificial University was promoted by the Salesian congregation of
The Salesian Pontificial University was promoted by the Salesian congregation of S. John Bosco and canonically erected by the Sacred Congregation of Seminaries and of the Universities of Studies (now the Congregation for Catholic Education) with the Decree of 3 May 1940 (Prot. N. 265/40) with the title: «Pontificio Ateneo Salesiano». It became Salesian Pontificial University with the Motu Proprio “Magisterium vitae” of 24 May 1973..
It began in Turin and was then shifted to the NuovoSalario district in Rome in 1965
It consists of the following Faculties:1. Faculty of Theology2. Faculty of the Sciences of Education3. Faculty of Philosophy4. Faculty of Canon Law5. Faculty of Christian and Classic Letters6. Faculty of the Sciences of Social Communications On 8 December 1986 a Department was constituted to oversee the «Youth Pastoral and Catechetics Curriculum». It was the result of an agreement between the Faculties of Theology and the Sciences of Education.
The UPS is “Don Bosco’s University for Youth” The UPS is an institute at the service of society, the Church and the Salesian congregation. Its Characteristic Scope: to dedicate particular attention to the study and the solution of questions inherent to education and pastoral action, especially among youth and common people, in Don Bosco’s spirit and method of education. …forming animators, professional educators (= first cycle baccalaureate/bachelors), …formators, leaders, teachers (= second cycle licenza), …experts, researchers, teachers (= third cycle doctorate, masters, school of specialization post lauream in psychotherapy)
Reformed curricula in line with the Bologna process… Educative emphasis in curricula and didactic activity (example Youth Pastoral, Catechetics, philosophical anthropology, child rights, psycho-pedagogy, social pedagogy and youth problems, school, education and communication,…) Strong connection between theory and praxis (in the form of seminars, workshops, training, practical exercises) U NIVERSITY
U NIVERSITY • Stimulate research in diverse formative cycles and above all at the level of doctorate (in course of reformation) • It gives meaning to the “reforms in process” of the Chairs identified as sectors / areas of research • Sustained by the CIR (= interfaculty center of research) • [ = formative interfaculty initiatives, doctors and students of doctorate together, an impulse for interfaculty research]
Openness to the Christian vision of life Dialogue between faith and culture “Catholicity” (to live and study in Rome) Internationality, multiculturality Meet the challenges with culture and globalisation P ONTIFICAL
In the style of the “FAMILY SPIRIT”= the university = “home” To be PROTAGONISTS of the educative process, valuing the present resources Attention to INTEGRAL FORMATION Develop a serious professionality in the eccesiastical and civil world (“honest citizens and good Christians” Don Bosco used to say) Develop responsibility, SOLIDARITY, sharing and participation S ALESIAN
OrdinaryProfessors: 21 (salesians) AdjunctProfessors: 30 (salesians) ExtraordinaryProfessors: 19 (salesians) Assistants: 6 (salesians) Emeriti:47 (salesians): some in service: asinvitedannually PROFESSORS UPS a.acc. 2009/2010 Salesians: 76 … + emeriti in service Non salesians: 145 Established Profs: 11“famiglia salesiana” InvitedProfs: 122 ad annum: Collaborators: 12 ad annum
Per continent: Europe – 1028 Asia – 188 Africa – 245 North America – 3 Central & South America 193 Male Students 924 (56%), Female students 733 (44%). Diocesan Priests 241 (15%), from 207 Dioceses. Total of male and female religious 635 (38%) (of which 278 SDB and 5 FMA Students a.a. 2008/2009(on 30 april 2009) Laity: 781 (47%), of which 235 male & 546 female students. total 1657 from 90 diverse countries Students per Faculty: Theology 402 (DPGC 88) – Science of Education 943 (Postlaurea Psicologia clinica 83; Corsi Master 33; Tirocinio post lauream 3; DPGC 91) - Philosophy 94 – Cannon Law 30 – Christian & Classical literature 43 – Sciences of Social Communication 145.
CENTRES of university Formation LINKED to the UPS are 29, in diverse continents. In 2007/2008 the students of the linked centres numbered 1.719. UPS sees to the scientific-formative quality of the curricula, releases the titles, forms many teachers through the doctorate obtained at the UPS
ALCUNI SERVIZI UNIVERSITARI di maggiore incidenza nella vita dello/a studente/essa UNIVERSITY SERVICES • SECRETARY GENERAL • Don Bosco’s LIBRARY • LAS Publication • PASTORAL CARE AT THE UNIVERSITY • CESIT: telematic and informatic service centre • PUBLIC RELATIONS OFFICE, website, news • PRINTING CENTRE • UNIVERSITY MESS/ REFECTORY
Services on line Books on the open rack, lending, photocopies… More than 670.000 volumes Includes 17 smallerspecializedlibraries • Among the funds • The Gambaro fund (a pedagogist of history) • The Marega fund (in the Japanese language, • on customs and religious history of Japan), The Recchia fund (patristic greek and latin literature), Pagella - Antoliseifund, in music Bongioanni fund for theatre Periodicals: 5.235 titles, of which 1.615 are current Data bank, multimedia documentationand automaticcatalogues
Publications of LAS PUBLIC RELATIONS diffusion Il sito le News Institutions for development and the DEVELOPMENT OFFICE
Note The economic DEFICIT isannuallyarrangedby the Direzione Generale Opere Don Bosco (otherthan the offeringsthat come frombenefactors) Extraordinary works (restructuring of buildings, constructions, didactic instruments …) are financed separately by the ordinary management of the Direzione Generale Opere Don Bosco or by benefactors (example: INTERNATIONAL AGENCIES)
Between 2003 and 2006 an evaluation of the quality of the UPS was held. It concluded in 2009 with the publication of the INSTUTIONAL AND STRATEGIC PROJECT From this year the EVALUATION for the improvement of quality begins. It was requested by the Congregation for Catholic Education and monitored by the Agency of quality AVEPRO of the Holy See.
Application of PIS - UPS for the period 2009-2010 Keeping in mind the period of the triennio from 2009-2012 • At the personal level: • ● To look after the understanding of the religious structure (= the Salesian Vice Province PAS), the spiritual formation of the professors • ● To look after and accompany, the salesian students of doctorate in view of their insertion in the UPS as professors, and also during the period of their first insertion. • ● Make effective the plan of action and content elaborated in “On Being students at the UPS”.
At the formative level: ●Continue the experimentation of the approved curricula and restructuring of the curriculum of the DPGC. ● Proceed in the evaluation – promotion of quality, requested by the Congregation of Catholic Education and assisted by the Agency AVEPRO. ● Continue with the promotion of the Masters courses, on the initiative of the Faculties. ● Realise an interfaculty research on the theme of youth religiosity. ● Coordinate and look after the good interaction among the university organisms of research, of communication, of university publicity (Library, CIR, Website, Cesit, CREDI, the Journal, News…)
At the level of legislation: ● Accept the Direttorio-UPS, after the approval of the Grand Chancellor. ● Take up again the Commission for the integration of the Chairs of the Faculties (as a kind of transversal-interfaculty character) ● Give life to a Commission of revision and harmonization of the Statuti e Ordinamenti UPS.
At the level of improving the environment ●Put into effect an extraordinary project of maintenance, in view of the 50th anniversary since the construction of the UPS. ● Continue to outline and realise, year after year, extraordinary operations of improving the ambient (example pavements, external window panes, services, the Paul VI auditorium) ● Give life to a Commission of study that projects a wide range of long-term structural interventions (utilising places that are presently “disused”, “under used”, for example, the Great Hall, the glass Hall on the first floor, the ground floor of the rectorate building ex-Iscos, the old library underground … )in view of organizing better the Historical Archives, reorganize the necessary ambient as a library store room, renew the Great Hall, transfer the rectorate to the 1st floor above the Hall...
A the level of development: ● Research of the funds (for the study burse, for research, for macro-structural interventions of the university living quarters), under the impulse of the Office of Development., the Fondazione UPS, the Associazione Pro Universitate D. Bosco. ● Increase the relations and the conventions with other ecclesiastical, catholic and civil Universities. ● Initiate and take up again the rapport with IUS (= istituti universitari salesiani) which are not connected directly with the UPS