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College-Generated Graduation – Proposed Policy Change

College-Generated Graduation – Proposed Policy Change. Presentation to AGC November 13, 2012 Laurie Chesley. What does this mean?. Current practice – Graduation (8.3)

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College-Generated Graduation – Proposed Policy Change

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  1. College-Generated Graduation – Proposed Policy Change Presentation to AGC November 13, 2012 Laurie Chesley

  2. What does this mean? • Current practice – Graduation (8.3) • Students must fill out and turn in to the Student Records Office a Graduation Audit, available at the Student Records Office or online.  The Graduation Audit can be turned in as early as the semester prior to when the student plans on graduating.  An audit of degree/certificate requirements will be completed to determine which courses are required for graduation.  Students are sent an email notifying them of any missing requirements and courses that must be completed in order to graduate.  A final audit is done at the end of the semester that the student has applied to graduate for to determine if the student has completed the degree or certificate.  Notification is sent by email letting the student know the result of the audit. (Registrar’s Office moving toward automation of process.) • Proposed policy change • Students will automatically be awarded the degrees and certificates that they earn at GRCC. • Students will have the opportunity to decline these credentials.

  3. Origin of this Proposal On April 10, 2012, the AGC voted unanimously to accept an Issue Paper on this subject submitted by Mike Light, Ann Alexander, and Robert Long. They asked the AGC to consider College-Generated Graduation due to the increasing focus on degree and credential attainment by the government and accreditors.

  4. Committee Membership Ann Alexander – Faculty, Business Becky Brinks – Faculty/Program Director, Education and Child Development Sheryl York – Faculty, English Katie Hughes – Faculty, Counseling Diane Patrick – Registrar Laurie Chesley – Dean, SAS

  5. Why now? • It’s good for the College. • Internal benefits • Completion Agenda • State and regional benefits • Higher Learning Commission accreditation • Perkins funding – Indicator 2P1 • Talent 2025 • State performance-based funding • Projected future benefits • Increasing focus on accountability • Increasing focus on performance-based funding

  6. Focus on accreditation Criterion 4C: The institution demonstrates a commitment to educational improvement through ongoing attention to retention, persistence, and completion in its degree and certificate programs. Criterion 4A: The institution demonstrates responsibility for the quality of its educational programs.

  7. Focus on state funding For ‘12-13, a portion of GRCC funding was based on four Performance Indicators, one of which was Weighted Degree Completions – more “weight” was given to certain types of degrees (health, engineering, technology, and natural science, for example). We can expect this trend in funding to continue in MI, as it has in other states.

  8. Why now? • It’s good for students. • Motivationally • Financially • Improved quality of life linked to educational attainment and financial security

  9. Additional information considered • Benchmarking • Relatively few schools have implemented this policy – some examples: Montgomery County Community College, Collin County Community College, Brazosport Community College, Suffolk County Community College • Several schools in Michigan have partially implemented this policy through pilot or other limited projects: Washtenaw, Mott, Delta, and Northwestern Michigan

  10. Additional information considered • Internal stakeholders • General Counsel • Financial Aid Office • Registrar’s Office • Implementation philosophy: “First, do no harm.”

  11. Additional information considered • Difficult to know the number of students impacted by this policy change • Some interesting figures: • Students who earned a GRCC degree in 2011-12 = 1734 (source: IRP Office - IPEDS report) • Current students who will have earned 60 credits or more with a GPA of at least 2.0 by the end of Fall 2012 = 2230 (source: Registrar’s Office – PeopleSoft query) • Pilot project in SWD – positive response

  12. Next Steps Take this recommendation back to your departments for feedback. Send feedback to Laurie Chesley or any other committee member before Friday, November 30. 2nd presentation of policy at AGC – Tuesday, December 11. Final vote on policy at AGC – Tuesday, February 12.

  13. Finally … Questions? Feedback?

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