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Presentation of current Projects within Programmes: - MED - EMMC/Erasmus Mundus - ENPI. Foreword.
Presentation of current Projects within Programmes: - MED - EMMC/Erasmus Mundus - ENPI F. Pittaluga – Université de Gènes DIMSET/SCL – Savona Combustion Laboratory http://proxy.sv.inge.unige.it/SCL/
Foreword (Excerpted from the Editorial of Dec. ‘08 issue of EC magazine “Research * EU”, http://ec.europa.eu/research/research-eu/index_en.html )….. in connection with the on-going devastating financial crisis, why did the calls for caution from numerous economists, including several Nobel prizewinners, go unheeded? .....…. One is tempted to draw a parallel with global warming, where we are again faced with what seems like a gigantic gap between decision-making and expertise… F. Pittaluga – Université de Gènes DIMSET/SCL – Savona Combustion Laboratory http://proxy.sv.inge.unige.it/SCL/
Foreword The common motivation behind all the project Proposals herewith briefly presented is rooted on the same “vision” of above Editorial.For us, the most intelligent answer to the words of caution referred to climate change, coming from the international scientific community, has got a clear name, which is also a committment: Sustainable Development. The EC Editorial ends with the words of Einstein on the envisaged “stone axe civilization” after a possible global catastrophe. We hope to be still in time to avoid a return to that civilization by controlling now our actions. F. Pittaluga – Université de Gènes DIMSET/SCL – Savona Combustion Laboratory http://proxy.sv.inge.unige.it/SCL/
The knowledge-base common to all Projects:Energy Life-Cycle Scenario Notice: GHG Emissions are a measure of the Earth Entropy increase !! F. Pittaluga – Université de Gènes DIMSET/SCL – Savona Combustion Laboratory http://proxy.sv.inge.unige.it/SCL/
The knowledge-base common to all Projects:Energy Life-Cycle Scenario Notice: Offset Efficiency is the corresponding saving in Earth Entropy !! F. Pittaluga – Université de Gènes DIMSET/SCL – Savona Combustion Laboratory http://proxy.sv.inge.unige.it/SCL/
The knowledge-base common to all Projects:Fuel Costs Scenario The following Table gives the comparison of today average costs for generating one thermal kWh in function of the fuel being utilised. Fuel Unitary price Energy value Cost per kWh Comparison %Gasoil 1,227 €/l 10 kWh 0,123 € 100%Liq. Petr. Gas 2,036 €/kg 12 kWh 0,170 € 138%Natural gas 0,816 €/m³ 9,8 kWh 0,083 € 68%Wood Pellets 0,207 €/kg 4,8 kWh 0,043 € 35%Wood Chips 0,117 €/kg 4,3 kWh 0,027 € 22% F. Pittaluga – Université de Gènes DIMSET/SCL – Savona Combustion Laboratory http://proxy.sv.inge.unige.it/SCL/
A common, integrated objective for all Projects The common target which, from different perspectives, will be pursued by all Projects can be summarised as follows.To achieve a successful territorial implementation of a “combined strategy of energy generation and saving” suitable to provide triple-E sustainability (energy, ecology, economy) to land-based enterprises or territorial districts to be progressively established in the Mediterranean near-coastal territories. F. Pittaluga – Université de Gènes DIMSET/SCL – Savona Combustion Laboratory http://proxy.sv.inge.unige.it/SCL/
Different perspectives but a common, integrated objective for all Projects Within Programme MED, our Project MED-SISTER (Mediterranean Systemic Integration of Sustainable Territorial Energy Resources) will pursue the above target addressing land-based enterprises. Its operational motivation, in close agreement to Programme MED “spirit”, is TECHNOLOGICAL COMPETITIVITY.Ref.www.programmemed.eu F. Pittaluga – Université de Gènes DIMSET/SCL – Savona Combustion Laboratory http://proxy.sv.inge.unige.it/SCL/
Different perspectives but a common, integrated objective for all Projects Within Programme EMMC Erasmus Mundus, our Project REMASD (Renewable Energies Management for A Sustainable Development) will pursue the above said target by offering a peculiar, advanced formation opportunity for Master level young engineers, typically addressing the issue of penetrating a successful, integrated scenario of sustainable energies management in all Countries of the Mediterranean basin.Its operational motivation, in close agreement to Programme Erasmus Mundus “spirit”, is to pursue SCIENTIFIC EXCELLENCE WITHIN AN INTERCULTURAL, TRANSNATIONAL SCENARIO.Ref.www.ec.europa.eu/education/external-relation-programmes/doc/call09/call_it.pdf F. Pittaluga – Université de Gènes DIMSET/SCL – Savona Combustion Laboratory http://proxy.sv.inge.unige.it/SCL/
Different perspectives but a common, integrated objective for all Projects Within Programme ENPI, our Project MEDGRIDD (Mediterranean Grid of Integrated-Development Districts), still provisional for the Call is expected within next June 2009,will pursue the above said target by addressing social/territorial communities, typically sharing common or complementary traits (geografical location and resources, history-linked common heritage, policy-induced common interests, etc.) to be organised in novel, “Sustainable Development Districts”. Its operational motivation, in close agreement to Programme ENPI “spirit”, is PROXIMITY MULTIPLE-LEVEL COOPERATION.Ref.http://www.regione.sardegna.it/speciali/enpicbc/en/documents.html F. Pittaluga – Université de Gènes DIMSET/SCL – Savona Combustion Laboratory http://proxy.sv.inge.unige.it/SCL/
□ University of Genoa, Department DIMSET (UNIGE-DIMSET)□ ANATOLIKI S.A. – Thermi (REACM)□ Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTH)□ Professional School CIOFS-Fp - Genoa (CIOFS-FP)□ High School "Martini" - Arts & Environment - Savona (LAPAMS)□ Ecole Centrale Marseille (ECM)□ Forestry Center of PACA Region – La Bastide des Jourdans (FCRP) Project MED-SISTER (Programme MED)Mediterranean Strategic Integration of Sustainable Territorial Energy Resources PARTICIPANTS Project Keywords: “Triple-E” Competitive Territorial Enterprises F. Pittaluga – Université de Gènes DIMSET/SCL – Savona Combustion Laboratory http://proxy.sv.inge.unige.it/SCL/
□ University of Genoa, Department DIMSET (UNIGE-DIMSET)□ Universitad Politecnica de Valencia, Dept. of Industrial Eng. (UPV)□ Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Dept. of Chem. Eng. (AUTH)□ Ecole Centrale Marseille (ECM) Project REMASD (Programme EMMC/Erasmus Mundus) Renewable Energies Management for a Sustainable Development PARTICIPANTS Project Keywords: “Triple-E” Conscious Mediterranean Post-Graduate Engineers F. Pittaluga – Université de Gènes DIMSET/SCL – Savona Combustion Laboratory http://proxy.sv.inge.unige.it/SCL/
□ University of Genoa, Department DIMSET (UNIGE-DIMSET)□ Ben-Gurion University – Beersheba (BENGUR)□ Inspire Institute – Marseille (INSPIRE)□ Liguria Region, Dept. of Territory and Environment – Genoa (LIREG)□ Nat.nl Coord. Centre for Professional Developm. – Rome (CIOFS-FP)□ Réseau Mediterranéen des Ecoles d'Ingenieurs – Marseille (RMEI)□ ANATOLIKI S.A. – Thermi (REACM)□ Joint Arab-Israeli Development Agency – Beersheba (JAIDA) (Provisional) Project MEDGRIDD (Programme ENPI) Mediterranean Grid of Integrated-Development Districts PARTICIPANTS Project Keywords: “Triple-E” Cooperation among novel Mediterranean Districts F. Pittaluga – Université de Gènes DIMSET/SCL – Savona Combustion Laboratory http://proxy.sv.inge.unige.it/SCL/
Conclusions (or Openings?) • (Excerpted from Nov. 2008 issue of “Notre Région – La Lettre de la Région PACA” • …le nombres du Developpement durable dans notre Région……….. • 70 M-euro sont affectées dans le dispositif “AGIR pour l’énergie” • 55 000 emplois professionnels directement liés au domaine de l’énergie • 200 associations (éco-citoyens) agréées pour la protection de l’environnement • 6 000 tonnes de CO2 dans l’atmosphère évitées gràce au photovoltaique • 15 000 particuliers ont bénéficié du Chèque Energie Renouvelable • We can take advantage of above numbers, which have similar counterparts • in other Mediterranean Regions, for concluding that the “path ahead”, under • the heading ‘Sustainable Development’, is clear and is being actually pursued. • But this is no Conclusion. It is just an open challenge and a great opportunity. F. Pittaluga – Université de Gènes DIMSET/SCL – Savona Combustion Laboratory http://proxy.sv.inge.unige.it/SCL/
Proud to be part of the RMEI community, I Thank you for your attention. F. Pittaluga – Université de Gènes DIMSET/SCL – Savona Combustion Laboratory http://proxy.sv.inge.unige.it/SCL/