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Oakhaven Middle School School-wide Discipline Plan. 3125 Ladbrook Memphis, TN 38118 Pamela N. Yancy-Taylor, Principal Leslie Sandifer, Assistant Principal. Goals & Objectives. To decrease the number of office referrals by 10% To decrease the number of home suspensions by 10%
Oakhaven Middle School School-wide Discipline Plan 3125 Ladbrook Memphis, TN 38118 Pamela N. Yancy-Taylor, Principal Leslie Sandifer, Assistant Principal
Goals & Objectives • To decrease the number of office referrals by 10% • To decrease the number of home suspensions by 10% • To increase the attendance rate by 5%
Vision The vision of Oakhaven Middle School is to develop our unique qualities to become the middle school of choice for our community.
Mission Our mission is to be a positive place for learning where children and adults grow in knowledge, skills, and respect.
Standards of Excellence • To create a safe nurturing environment that encourages students to accept and find the best in themselves and others • To challenge students to reach their full academic potential • To help students find the inner confidence they need to take risks and set goals in their lives
Standards of Excellence • To instill in students a sense of responsibility and respect for themselves, their school, and their community • To have students leave Oakhaven Middle School prepared to be the teachers, leaders, and dreamers of tomorrow
Discipline Committee Name of School: Oakhaven Middle School *Indicates members mandated by MEA contract
Behavior Expectations School rules are designed to create a safe environment that is conducive to learning with emphasis placed on procedure. • We Do The Right Thing. • We Respect Ourselves. • We Respect Others. • We Respect the Learning.
How we Teach the Rules & Procedures • On-going (daily) in core and exploratory lessons • School-wide rules are posted throughout the building • Teams/individuals are recognized for outstanding performance
School Procedures: Entering School • Oakhaven Middle School hours of operation are 7:15 a.m. – 2:15 p.m. • Students can enter the building as early as 7:00 a.m. and report to the cafeteria for breakfast. • Students not entering the building for breakfast but on time will enter the building at the west entrance • Students arriving to school after 7:45 a.m. are tardy and must use the school’s main entrance.
School Procedures: Closing of School • School is dismissed at 2:15 p.m. with students leaving the building through the west doors. • Bus riders are escorted from the building at 2:05 p.m. • Non-bus riders will exit the building at 2:15 p.m. • Teachers escort last period classes out of the building and remain on grounds duty until 2:30 p.m. • Support teachers remain on grounds duty in assigned areas until 2:30 p.m.
School Procedures:Passing Classes • Students will walk to the right side of the hallway. • Students will not talk during transition times.
School Procedures:Cafeteria Rules • Students will respect the authority of supervising monitors. • Students will talk using quiet voices except during designated quiet times. • Students will remain seated if not in the serving line. • Students will keep their area clean and dispose of all trash in the appropriate places. • Students will display appropriate behavior in the serving lines/areas.
School Procedures:Assemblies • Students will enter assembly area with the classroom teacher. • Students will not talk upon entering, during, or leaving the assembly. • Students will sit up straight and be attentive.
School-wide Incentives • “Fresh Fridays” • End of 20-day Period Blue Ribbon Celebrations • Six Weeks Honors Day Celebrations and Trips • Attendance Initiatives
Teacher Incentives • Attendance Incentives every Six Weeks • Teacher of the Six Weeks • Caught Looking Good Box
RESOURCES FOR INCENTIVES • Incentives will be part of our partnerships from area businesses and adopters.
General Procedure for Dealing with Problem Behaviors Observe problem behavior Is behavior major? Student reports to de-escalation center (verbal redirection) NO YES Ensure safety Step 1 Verbal Warning Write referral & contact office for student escort Problem solve (Blue Ribbon Coordinator) Step 2 (Optional Conference,Team-assigned detention, etc.) Determine consequence Step 3 & 4 (Include Peer Mediation Panel) Follow documented procedure NO YES Does student have 4? Follow through with consequences File necessary documentation Send referral to office File necessary documentation Follow up with student within a week
Character Education Character education is enforced during morning meetings and afternoon announcements, Health and P.E. class meetings, and Friday club meeting times. During this time, students meet with Club Sponsors and homeroom teachers to set and work toward academic and behavior goals and monitor individual progress made toward reaching set goals
Sexual Harassment Education • Annual sexual harassment training takes place with staff on August 26, 2008. • Annual sexual harassment training takes place with students on September 2-3, 2008.
HARRASSMENT & BULLYING PREVENTION The guidance department will conduct annual harassment training with the staff in October 2008. The training will address defining bullying/intimidation and recognizing early stages of such. It will also provide strategies for addressing these issues.
MULTIHAZARD EMERGENCY SCHOOL PLAN • The school safety plan will be submitted in September 2008. • It will be reviewed by faculty members on August 2008. • Drills for fire, weather, and other emergency situations will occur as indicated within the plan. • Faculty and staff will be trained on September 2, 2008.
MONITORING PROCESS Data will be disaggregated and improvements will reflect those results.
ACTION STEPS • Oakhaven Middle provides on-going professional development on effective instruction according to NMSA’s This We Believe, Marcia Tate’s Worksheets Don’t Grow Dendritesand Classroom Management that Works by Marzano. • Each professional development session is designed with emphasis on positive solutions to classroom management.
INTERVENTION PLAN • Male and Female Mentoring Groups • S-Team Referrals • Individual Counseling • ISS reconnection group counseling (anger management with Guidance) • Peer Mediation Court • Behavior Intervention Plans/Contracts
SECONDARY INTERVENTION EVALUATIONSECONDARY INTERVENTION EVALUATION We will track number of referrals and solicit input through: • Teacher Surveys • Parental Surveys • Student Surveys • Surveys from community persons Decreased referrals signal whether or not interventions are working
CELEBRATION Student and staff celebrations take place periodically throughout the school year and focus upon improved achievement in academics, behavior, and attendance.
CONCLUSION As the year goes on, we will modify this plan accordingly ensuring input from all stakeholders.