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The University of Texas at Brownsville and Texas Southmost College “Not Your Typical High School Graduate” Upward Bound Math & Science Program Funded by the U.S. Department of Education Successfully Transitioning Students into a Post-Secondary Institution Advance Placement Exam (AP)
The University of Texas at BrownsvilleandTexas Southmost College “Not Your Typical High School Graduate” Upward Bound Math & Science Program Funded by the U.S. Department of Education
Successfully Transitioning Studentsinto a Post-Secondary Institution • Advance Placement Exam (AP) • College Level Examination Program (CLEP) • Concurrent Enrollment • Dual Enrollment 95% 88% 80% 73% “Not Your Typical High School Graduate”
What is CLEP? The College Level Examination Program (CLEP) provides students with the opportunity to demonstrate college level achievement through a program of exams in undergraduate college courses. 95% 88% 80% 73% “Not Your Typical High School Graduate”
What is Concurrent Enrollment? 95% 88% A process by which a high school student is enrolled in a college course and receives college credit. 80% 73% “Not Your Typical High School Graduate”
What is Dual Enrollment? 95% 88% A process by which a high school student is simultaneously enrolled in both a high school and college course and receives credit for both. 80% 73% “Not Your Typical High School Graduate”
What is the purpose ofDual Enrollment? • To provide high school students an opportunity to acquire university credit while attending high school • To prepare students for post-secondary studies geared towards a four- year degree and beyond 95% 88% 80% 73% “Not Your Typical High School Graduate”
Dual EnrollmentAdvantages for Students • Eases the transition from high school to college • Allows time to adjust to rigorous academic expectations while in a familiar setting • Courses count toward Distinguished Achievement Program (DAP) • Opportunity for motivated students to complete their 1st year of college or earn an Associate’s Degree prior to high school graduation 95% 88% 80% 73% “Not Your Typical High School Graduate”
Dual EnrollmentAdvantages for Parents $$ Each dual enrollment course costs $5 $$Save on tuition & fees, books, housing, and other expenses $$Students live at home while gaining college experience 95% 88% 80% 73% “Not Your Typical High School Graduate”
Student Test Score RequirementsAcademic Courses • Sophomore & Junior Level TAKS: • ELA: 2200 with writing score of 3 and/or • Math: 2200 • Passing scores on other exams such as: • THEA, COMPASS, ACCUPLACER, SAT, ACT, ASSET 95% 88% 80% 73% “Not Your Typical High School Graduate”
Student Test Score RequirementsTechnical Courses Students are waived from the testing requirement when the course is part of a Level I Certificate Program at UTB/TSC 95% 88% 80% 73% “Not Your Typical High School Graduate”
Dual EnrollmentCourse Offering by School 95% 88% PLEASE REFER TO HANDOUT 80% 73% “Not Your Typical High School Graduate”
Upward Bound Math & Science“Not Your Typical High School Graduate” Best Practice & Effective Strategic Planning
Upward Bound Math & Science“Not Your Typical High School Graduate” Target Population • Low Income and/or First Generation College Students • Citizens of the United States or Permanent Resident Aliens • High School Students at: • San Benito Consolidated Independent School District • Harlingen Consolidated Independent School District • Brownsville Independent School District (Lopez & Rivera High School) 95% 88% 80% 73% Serving First Generation and/or Low Income Students
Upward Bound Math & Science“Not Your Typical High School Graduate” Academic Component Services • College & Career Lunch Meetings • Saturday Enrichment Workshops • THEA & SAT Test Preparation • Dual & Concurrent Enrollment at UTB/TSC • Community Service Events • Field Experience Trips • Parent Meetings • One-to-One & Group Tutoring 95% 88% 80% 73% Serving First Generation and/or Low Income Students
Upward Bound Math & Science“Not Your Typical High School Graduate” Summer Component Services • Summer Enrichment Courses • Concurrent Enrollment at UTB/TSC • One-to-One & Group Tutoring • Supplemental Instruction • Field Experience Trips • Annual Banquet 95% 88% 80% 73% Serving First Generation and/or Low Income Students
Upward Bound Math & Science“Not Your Typical High School Graduate” THEA Test Passing Rate by UBMS Seniors 95% 88% 80% 73% Serving First Generation and/or Low Income Students
Upward Bound Math & Science“Not Your Typical High School Graduate” Post-Secondary Enrollment by UBMS Seniors while still in High School 95% 94% 73% 63% Serving First Generation and/or Low Income Students
Upward Bound Math & Science“Not Your Typical High School Graduate” Average College Credit Hours Earnedby UBMS Seniors while still in High School In 2007, 2 high school seniors graduated with an A.A. Degree prior to High School Graduation In 2006, 1 high school senior graduated with an A.A. Degree prior to High School Graduation 31 26 17 10 Serving First Generation and/or Low Income Students
Upward Bound Math & Science“Not Your Typical High School Graduate” Tuition & Fees Cost Savings by UBMS Seniors $83,504 $68,420 $29,644 $23,007 Serving First Generation and/or Low Income Students
Upward Bound Math & Science“Not Your Typical High School Graduate” Scholarships Received by Graduating Class $454,710 $402,475 $246,214 $130,911 Serving First Generation and/or Low Income Students
Upward Bound Math & Science“Not Your Typical High School Graduate” Post-Secondary Enrollment by Graduating Class 100% 100% 93% 91% Serving First Generation and/or Low Income Students
Closing the Gaps by 2015 Thank You! Upward Bound Math & Science Program Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board 2007 Star Award Finalist