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Points of View

Points of View. By grace and ivy div. 7. What is it?. Your opinion A mental viewpoint attitude or standpoint how someone sees or thinks of something. Example #1. IS THE GLASS: HALF EMPLY OR HALF FULL?. Example #2. Is the person: Standing up Or Bending down?. Example #3.

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Points of View

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Points of View

    By grace and ivy div. 7
  2. What is it? Your opinion A mental viewpoint attitude or standpoint how someone sees or thinks of something
  4. Example #2 Is the person: Standing up Or Bending down?
  5. Example #3 You think that your The Outsiders essay deserved an A but Ms. Chiew only gives you a C+
  6. Example #4 You think that you’re ready to have a later curfew but your parents think that you’re not responsible enough
  7. How is it constructive? Gives everyone individuality when they're expressing their thoughts Shows that you can look at something in different ways, ex. The glass can be half full or half empty Unites people no matter what their nationality is Shows your personality, you can see it through their opinions
  8. How is it destructive? Can cause arguments when two or more people have different opinions Can lead to misunderstandings, ex. A guy overhears u saying that I like him but you only like him as a friend Can cause disagreements, two people have different opinions and they contradict each other Breaks up friendships
  9. Works Citation Photos: http://us.cdn2.123rf.com/168nwm/wayoutwest/wayoutwest0808/wayoutwest080800010/3415356-old-torn-white-lined-paper-stuck-to-a-black-background.jpg http://scottepp.files.wordpress.com/2010/07/glass-half-full-2.jpg http://images.clipartof.com/small/213014-Royalty-Free-RF-Clipart-Illustration-Of-A-Chubby-Old-Businessman-Hurting-His-Back-While-Bending-Over-To-Pick-Up-A-Briefcase.jpg http://us.cdn4.123rf.com/168nwm/marcusarm/marcusarm0804/marcusarm080400133/2876542-vector-illustration-of-an-icon-of-a-clock-with-shadow.jpg http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/5/50/Calvin_%26_Hobbes_-_Calvin.png
  10. Works Citation con’t Definitions: http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/point+of+view http://www.thefreedictionary.com/point+of+view
  11. Thank You!
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