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This program aims to provide comprehensive assistance to African communities by utilizing school-based platforms, focusing on areas such as education, infrastructure, agriculture, and healthcare. By promoting self-sufficiency and long-term development, it seeks to empower African countries to thrive. (500 characters)
Helping Africa help itself Complete Community Assistance Through School-Based Platforms
Complete Community Development Assistance Through School Based Platform Helping Africa help itself WATER FOOD Nutrition, Water, Sanitation, HIV/AIDS, Agriculture, Teacher Training School Becomes a Center for Development TRAINING Health & HIV / AIDS INFRASTRUCTURE AGRICULTURE Development of Political Will, Macro Policy Frameworks, Civil Society Activation, National Human Capital Capacity Hand-out to Hand-Up
JAM operates three food processing facilities in Mozambique, Angola and Sudan, producing fortified blended foods, such as CSB. JAM will be establishing a 25,000 MT per year CSB plant in South Africa, together with a 10,000 MT pre-positioning warehouse JAM has added a Plumpynut plant to our Mozambique facility, and will be producing an RUTF for malnourished people and people living with HIV/AIDS JAM has the flexibility to use in-kind commodities from donors, locally purchased commodities (with small holder farmer preference) to process into fortified blended foods JAM factories form an important part of the JAM sustainability plan for each country, by providing a national ability to produce vitally-needed fortified blended foods for nutritional programming. Ultimately, these factories will operate as nationally-owned entities supplying food into nationally-funded programs, and the commercial market Helping Africa help itself Local Production
Based on a model that combines MoE and WFP established priorities for school feeding M&E Must conduct a minimum of one joint monitoring visit, with Ministry of Education staff, to each school each school term Monitors are required to make a minimum of two visits per month (depending on the distribution, terrain and school location) Monitors must accompany the commodities when they are delivered to the schools and ensure program volunteers accurately record receipt and distribution JAM uses a Commodity Accounting System (CAS) to track all commodities from origin to final distribution Evaluation teams collect outcomes data and compare this to baseline, at the end of each term or annually, to track impact on enrolment, attendance and graduation; and to inform necessary improvements to ensure enhanced program impact Helping Africa help itself Monitoring & Evaluation
There is no silver bullet for sustainable school-feeding programs. The basic model can be the same, but there must be flexibility to contextualize the model on a case-by-case basis Infrastructure plays a huge role in the success of the program and needs development at all levels A school-based platform is an effective way to change mindsets toward education, operate a complete community-assistance model efficiently and invest in long-term community development Educational assistance (not just food), including but not limited to teacher training, is critical to ensure the long term commitment to and success of education School feeding can reduce shock on school aged beneficiaries (high risk) during emergencies There needs to be a mix of vulnerability and geographical targeting Helping Africa help itself Lessons Learned
JAM believes strongly in a multifaceted approach,utilizing consortia of NGO’s and donors to achieve maximum impact within the communities we serve, while providing the donor with the most efficient mechanism to achieve their individual objectives The use of school-based platforms allows for a unique opportunity to use one mechanism within the community to achieve a multiplicity of programming, resulting in the development of a positive outlook toward education and maximizing efficiency within our program implementation Education is one of the key foundation blocks to long-term development and ultimate sustainability Attention needs to be paid to the development of national human capital, national infrastructure development and local supply chains, to ensure ultimate long-term sustainability We need to focus on helping Africa help itself, transitioning from hand-out to Hand-Up! Helping Africa help itself Conclusions
Helping Africa help itself ‘Serving Africa is not what we do but who we are’