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Learn about fundamentalism in Islam, including Wahabism, Islamic reformers, and militant groups like Al-Jama’ah Al-Islamiah. Explore key figures such as Nasser El-Morshidy and Jamal Al-Din Al-Afghani in this comprehensive course.
Fundamentalism & Jihad Elementary Course on Islam Da’wah Committee Kowloon Mosque • Nasser El-Morshidy
Fundamentalism Typeofmilitantlyconservativereligious movementcharacterized by the advocacy ofstrictconformity to sacred texts. OnceusedexclusivelytorefertoAmerican Protestants who insisted on the inerrancy of the Bible, the term fundamentalismwas applied more broadly beginning in the late 20th century toawide variety of religious movements. Indeed, in the broadsense of the term, many of the major religionsoftheworld may be said to have fundamentalist movements. Encyclopedia Britannica
Wahabism The Wahabi Movement started with Mohamed ibn Abdelwahab 1703-1792 in the Arabian Peninsula. He called for eliminating the new inventions in religion. Many of his opinions were rejected by the religious scholars in his time. He succeeded in having an alliance with Mohamed ibn Saud the ruler of Al-Diryah.
Wahabism Wahabism has a solid ground mainly in Saudi Arabia. The Wahabi Movement takes a rigid view regarding the application of Islam. Such rigid ideas were not attractive in different Muslim countries. The attacks of 11/9/2001 shed more lights on the ideas of the Wahabi movement that influenced Osama bin Laden.
Jamal Al-Din Al-Afghani1838-1879 CE Jamal Al-Din Al-Afghani was a Muslim reformer. He was the leading figure of Islamic modern revival. He was born and educated in Afghanistan. He struggled against the Western influence in the Muslim World. He traveled to India, Iran, Egypt and Turkey.
Jamal Al-Din Al-Afghani 1838-1879 CE Al-Afghani indicated that there are two reasons for the backwardness of Muslims: religious prejudice and political despotism. He called upon Muslims to have a constitutional government and adopt the principle of Al-Shura as a basis for the governments in Islamic World. He called for the education of woman and defended the freedom of the press.
Mohamed Abdou 1849-1905 CE He was born in Egypt and educated in Al-Azhar Mosque. He participated in the war against the British colonization1882. He was arrested and exiled to Lebanon for three years. He joined his mentor Jamal Al-Din Al-Afghani in Paris where they published Al-’urwah Al-Wothqa Newspaper.
Mohamed Abdou 1849-1905 CE Mohamed Abdou concentrated more on the reform of education especially in the religious institutions. He believed that reforming education will lead to the right understanding of the spirit of Islam. He called for the application of the constitutional and parliamentary System in the Muslim World.
Rashid Reda 1865-1935 CE He was born and educated in Lebanon. He came in contact with Mohamed Abdou when he was in Beirut. He decided to migrate to Egypt and established Al-Manar Magazine which was widely distributed in the Muslim World. He supported the restoring of the Caliphate.
Hassan Al-Bana 1906-1949 Hassan Al-Bana was born in Egypt. When he was young, he was taught by his father who was a religious scholar. He was graduated from Dar Al-Iloum College in Cairo. He worked as a primary school teacher. He was influenced by the ideas of Rashid Reda. He was highly respected by all who has come in contact with him.
Jama’at Al-Ikhwan Al-Muslimeen Hassan Al-Bana decided to establish Jama’at Al-Ikhwan Al-Muslimeen Muslim Brotherhood in 1928. The main principles of the group is to spread the awareness about Islam among the Muslims. He declared that the group consider Islam as a comprehensive way of life.
Abu Al-A’laa Al-Maududi 1903-1979 Al-Maududi was born in the Indian Subcontinent. He learned Arabic and religious studies in the early years of his lifetime. He worked as a journalist. He wrote many books among them: Towards understanding Islam which is translated to thirty languages.
Islamic Group in Pakistan Al-Maududi established the Islamic group in 1941. The group called for an Islamic constitution for the new state of Pakistan. He has been arrested many times for calling upon the government to apply the Islamic Law. The confrontation between Al-Maududi and the government continues as the latter ignore the call for establishing an Islamic State.
Muhammadiyah in Indonesia Muhammadiyah is an Islamic organization in Indonesia. The organization was founded in 1912 by Ahmad Dahlan who was influenced by Muhammad Abdou. Muhammadiyah is the one of the largest Islamic organizations in Indonesia with 29 million members. Muhammadiyah runs mosques, prayer houses, clinics, public libraries, and universities.
Al-Jama’ah Al-Islamiah Al-Jama’ah Al-Islamiah in Egypt was one of the main militant groups during the 1980s - 1990s. The spiritual leader of the group is Dr. Omar Abdel Rahman who was accused of issuing a Fatwa that led to the assassination of the President Sadat in 1981. The leaders of the group declared that they were wrong regarding killing of civilians and holding arms against the government.
Jama’at Al-Jihad Jama’at Al-Jihad was established in 1970s. One of the main figures of this group is Aiman Al-Zawahri, the head of Al-Qaeda after the assassination of Osama bin Laden. There was a military confrontation between the group and the government in 1990s. The group in Egypt declared in 2008 that their concepts of Jihad was wrong.
Harakat Al-Nahda - Tunisia Harakat Al-Nahda started in the 1970s in Tunisia under the leadership of Rashid Al-Al-Ghanoushi. The group tried to be involved in the political system in 1980s. The Government rejected the application of Al-Nahdah to establish a political party. Prominent leaders fled abroad after they were accused of organizing a military coup in 1991.
Islamic Salvation Front (FIS) Islamic Salvation Front was established in 1989 under the leadership of Abbasi Madani. The group called for the application of the Islamic Law in different fields in Algeria. The Front won majority of seats in the district elections in 1990. The elections was cancelled. The leaders of the group fled Algeria and still lives abroad.
Jihad & Terrorist Attacks 1- India 2- Philippines 3- Indonesia 4-Thailand 5- China 6- Palestine 7- Saudi Arabia 8- Russia
What is Jihad? The word Jihad means struggle or strive. Thus Jihad means to struggle or strive in the cause of Allah. Jihad can be done in different ways. It is not right to translate it as Holy War.
Kindness to Parents Jihad is not restricted to fighting in the battlefield. Doing different good deeds is a kind of Jihad. A man asked the Prophet (P.B.U.H) : “Should I join Jihad?’ The Prophet asked him: ‘Are your parents still alive?’ The man said: ‘Yes!’ The Prophet said: ‘Then strive by serving them.” (Bukhari)
Resisting Oppression An advice to an unjust ruler is a great action of Jihad. The person might lost his life for such a good deed. Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H) said: “The best Jihad is a truthful word in the presence of an unjust ruler.” (Tirmizi)
Permission to Fight Islam focuses on the defence of the weak, the humble and the oppressed and enjoinsJihad for their protection “To those against whom war is made, permission is given (to fight) because they are wronged and verily Allah is Most Powerful for their aid. They are those who were expelled from their home in defiance of right, (for no cause) except that they say: ‘Our Lord is Allah….” (Qur’an 22:39-40)
Fighting is Disliked Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H) said: “O people! Do not desire a combatwith the enemy, but pray to Allahfor safety. But when you are faceto face with the enemy be steadfast.” Bukahri
No Aggression Jihad on the battlefield is the last resort, and is subject to certain conditions. Jihad must be launched against the enemy who attacks Muslims. "Fight in the cause of Allah those who fight you, but do not transgress limits; Allah loves not transgressors."Qur’an 2:195
Accepting Peace War is not the main aim for Muslims. If the enemy offers peace, the Muslims should respond positively. “But if they incline towards peace, you also incline towards it and (put your) trust in Allah. Verily, He is the All-Hearer, the All-Knower.” Qur’an 8:61
Divisions of Jihad 1- Fard Kefayah When a group of Muslims carry on Jihad (soldiers), there is no blame on others. 2- Fard ‘Ain All Muslims in a certain country should participate in the Jihad.
Conditions of Jihad Good intention ”إنما الأعمال بالنيات و إنما لكل امرئ ما نوى...“ “The reward of deeds depends upon the intentions, and every person will get the reward according to what he has intended” Bukhari
Conditions of Jihad Jihad under a Muslim Ruler Muslim scholars agreed that Muslims must respond positively to the call to Jihad by the caliph or the ruler of a Muslim country. when invaders invade a Muslim country, all Muslims in that country should defend their country without waiting for any permission or any call.
Conditions of Jihad Following Islamic Manners The Mujahideen should follow the rules of Islam during fighting. Old people, woman, children, monks should not be killed. Fighting is against those who carry the weapons to fight the Muslims. Prisoners of war should be dealt with kindly. Mutilation of dead bodies is absolutely forbidden.
Victorious Believers Victory is not a reason for feeling proud and doing injustice to others. Establishing justice and achieving prosperity is a priority. "(They are) those who, if We give them power in the land, establish regular prayer and give regular charity, enjoin the right and forbid the wrong. WithAllah does rest the end (and decision) of (all) affairs." Qur’an 22:41
Treatment of Defeated Enemy Abu Bakr, the first caliph, instructed a leader of a Muslim army going for fighting: “When you gain victory over your enemies do not kill their children, old people nor women. Do not go even closer to their date palms nor burn the harvest nor cut the trees bearing fruits...
Treatment of Defeated Enemy Do not break the promise once you havemade it and do not break the terms of a treaty once you have entered into it. You will find some people in the monasteries, monks engaged in the worship of God, leave them alone with what they are pleased with. Do not destroy their monasteries and do not kill them.”
Treatment of non-Muslims Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H) said:“Whoever persecutes a Zimmi (singular of Ahlu-Zimma) or usurps his right or asks him to do work beyond his capacity or takes something from him unwillingly, I shall be a plaintiff against him in the Dayof Judgement.” Abu Dauwd
Forced Conversions? “Let there be no compulsion in religion: Truth stands clear from error.” Qur’an 2:256 “Say: The truth is from your Lord; so let whosoever wills, believe and letWhosoever wills, disbelieve.” Qur’an 18:29
Did Muslims Use Force? Sir Thomas Arnold, said: “…of any organized attempt to force the acceptance of Islam on the non-Muslim populations, or of any systematic persecution intended to stamp out the Christian religion, we hear nothing.” ‘The Preaching of Islam, A History of the Propagation of the Muslim Faith’
Was It Possible? “Had the caliphs chosen to adopt either course of action, they might have swept away Christianity as easily as Ferdinand and Isabella drove Islam out of Spain or Louis XIV made Protestantism penal inFrance, or the Jews were kept out of England for 350 years.” Sir Thomas Arnold; ‘The Preaching of Islam, A History of the Propagation of the Muslim Faith’
Another Non-Muslim Witness De Lacy O’Leary said: “History makes it clear, however, that the legend of fanatical Muslims, sweeping through the world andforcing Islam at the point ofsword uponconquered races is one of the most fantastically absurd myths that historians have ever repeated.” ‘Islam at Crossroads’
Fatwas Against Violent Actions Muslim scholars condemn violent actions committed by some Muslim groups: 1- Kidnapping or killing of tourists. 2- Violent actions against civilians. 3- Violent actions in Muslim Countries.
Jihad and Terrorism differences between Jihad and terrorism 1. Jihad is limited to combatants while terrorism involves indiscriminate killing of civilians 2. Jihad, when the need arises, is declared openly, while terrorism is committed secretly.3. Jihad is bound by strict rules of Islamic manners while terrorism is not bound by any rules
Al-Qa’eda Al-Qaeda is an Islamic group founded in 1988 under the leadership of Osama bin Laden. Al-Qaeda has attacked civilian and military targets in various countries, the most notable being the September 11 attacks in 2001. The attacks were followed by the US government launching the War on Terrorism and the occupation of Afghanistan.
Scholars’ Opinions In 2007, around the sixth anniversary of September 11, Sheikh Salman al-Ouda, a Saudi religious scholar addressed the leader of Al-Qaeda: My brother Osama, how much blood has been shed? How many innocent people, children, elderly, and women have been killed ... in the name of Al Qaeda? Will you be happy to meet God Almighty carrying the burden of these hundreds of thousands or millions [of victims] on your back?
Wrong Fatwas and Actions Al-Jama’ah Al-Islamyah in Egypt declared an initiative in 1997 to stop the acts of violence. This was a breakthrough in the relationship between the government & the Islamic group. The leaders of the Al-Jama’ah Al-Islamyah issued some books declaring that they were wrong in their Fatwas legalizing the acts of Violence. الدكتور ناجح إبراهيم
Wrong Fatwas and Actions The main intellectual of Jam’at Al-Jihad in Egypt declared in 2007 that the group was wrong in committing violence. He wrote a book entitled “Rationalizing Jihad in Egypt and the World”. He criticizes the Sept.11 attacks. Many experts believe that this book will help in convincing the members of the group who live abroad to stop the acts of violence. سيد إمام الشريف
Al-Qa’eda Opinion Al-Zawahri replied to Said Imam that “... we have the right to do to the infidels what they have done to us. We bomb them as they bomb us, even if we kill someone who is not permitted to be killed.”
Influence of Peaceful Initiative Some experts believe that the writings of the leaders of these groups denouncing violent actions will not stop the violence. The main reason of the violence is the political despotism in Muslim countries, American European countries’ foreign policy towards Muslims especially in Palestine and persecution facing Muslim minorities in non-Muslim countries. All these factors are still existed on the world stage.
Conclusion We can conclude that Jihad is a vast concept that encompasses various spheres of activity that is directed towards the betterment of self and society. Regardless of how legitimate a cause may be, Islam does not condone the killing of innocent people. Terrorizing the civilian population, whether by individuals or states, can never be termed as Jihad and can never be reconciled with the teachings of Islam.