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Synchrotron Radiation Science Present and Future. Tetsuya Ishikawa Director, RIKEN Harima Institute. 16 June 2010 The 4th Yamada Conference on Advanced Photons and Science Evolution 2010. Plan. Plan. Introduction SPring-8 Facility Recent Science Development at SPring-8
Synchrotron Radiation SciencePresent and Future Tetsuya IshikawaDirector, RIKEN Harima Institute 16 June 2010 The 4th Yamada Conference on Advanced Photons and Science Evolution 2010
Plan Plan • Introduction • SPring-8 Facility • Recent Science Development at SPring-8 • X-Ray Free Electron Laser • Future Prospect
New Light Always Creates New Science & Technology 16 June 2010 The 4th Yamada Conference on Advanced Photons and Science Evolution 2010
Synchrotron Radiation (SR) Synchrotron radiation is electromagnetic radiation generated by a synchrotron. It is similar to cyclotron radiation, but generated by the acceleration of ultrarelativistic (i.e., moving near the speed of light) charged particles through magnetic fields. This may be achieved artificially in synchrotrons or storage rings, or naturally by fast electrons moving through magnetic fields in space. The radiation produced may range over the entire electromagnetic spectrum, from radio waves to infrared light, visible light, ultraviolet light, X-rays, and gamma rays. It is distinguished by its characteristic polarization and spectrum. (from Wikipedia) • Deliver high energy photon beams inaccessible by any other means • Well-defined photon beam characteristics in 6D phase space & polarization • Pulsed photon beam suitable to fast time-resolved observation • Light to explore the nano-world 16 June 2010 The 4th Yamada Conference on Advanced Photons and Science Evolution 2010
SPring-8: Super Photon Ring-8GeV SPring-8 SPring-8 Introductions SuperPhotonring 8GeV SuperPhotonring 8GeV ●Location: Harima Science Garden City, Hyogo Pref. Japan ●Construction Period: 1991~1997 (Open to Public: Oct. 1997) ●Construction Cost:110 Billion JPY ($1 Billion *$1=110 JPY) *including 10 Public Beamlines ●Operation and Utilization: • (1) Machine time (FY2009): • Operating time of the Storage Ring = 5,035 hours User Time = 4,015 hours • (2) Number of proposals carried out • Annual (2009): 1,904 (Public BL = 1,391, Contract BL = 513) • Total (Oct. 1997 - Mar. 2010): 16,344 • (3) Number of users • Annual (2009): 12,938 (Public BL = 9,033, Contract BL = 3,095) • Total (Oct. 1997 - Mar. 2010): 110,223 On June 5, 2009, the number of total user visits to SPring-8 reached 100000.
Progress of Electron Beam Performance The thinner, the brighter for the same current Sectional View of Electron Beam @ ID Center Now Beam Profile @ BM (Acc.Diag.BL 38B2) 7
Top-up Operation enabled ‘Absolute Intensity Measurement’ • Fixed interval (~ Oct. 2007) • Interval 1 min (several, hybrid) or 5 min (multi-bunch) • Current stability 0.1 % • Variable interval (Nov. 2007 ~) • Interval depending on lifetime 20 sec ~ 2 min. • Current stability 0.03 % (30 A/one shot) Stable Top-up Operation 1. Stored Current Variation < 0.03 % 2. Injection Beam Loss < 10 % 3. Stored Beam Oscillation Free 0.03 mA 8 The 4th Yamada Conference on Advanced Photons and Science Evolution 2010
1000 m Beamline, BL29XUL Great Possibility of the Coherent X-Rays The 4th Yamada Conference on Advanced Photons and Science Evolution 2010
Coherent X-Rays at the 1000 m Endstation X-Ray speckle was observed! Image of Be window at 1000 m Endstation View size0.48 mm ×0.48 mm Detector Resolution480 nm E = 16 keV ( l ~ 78 pm) The 4th Yamada Conference on Advanced Photons and Science Evolution 2010
27m Undulator Beamline, BL19LXU 27 m long in-vacuum undulator was constructed! In-vacuum undulator Total length = 27 m lU= 32 mm N = 781 K1.76 E1st: 7.2 ~ 18.7 keV Baverage~ 1020 photons/mm2/mrad2/s in 0.1 % b.w. Total Power ~ 35 kW On axis power ~ 1.2 kW/mm2 @ 50 m H. Kitamura et al, NIM A (2001) The 4th Yamada Conference on Advanced Photons and Science Evolution 2010
27m Undulator Performance Performance Photon Flux with Si 111 Undulator spectrum @ 12 mm gap • Beam size: 0.5 x 1.3 mm2 (FWHM) • Flux density with Si 111 > 2x1014 photons/s/mm2 T. Hara et al, RSI (2002) The 4th Yamada Conference on Advanced Photons and Science Evolution 2010
SPring-8 Beamlines Inauguration in 2009-2010 Planned or Under Construction
Structure of Rhodopsin, a G Protein-Coupled Receptor ◆ G Protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) play a role of switch to control the operation and fate of cells as receptors for a variety of hormones and neurotransmitters. ◆ Many kinds of drugs targeting GPCRs such as antasthmatic and psychotropic have been developed. ◆ Rhodopsin, one of GPCRs, is a membrane protein in retina of eye, and acts as a very sensitive molecular switch. ◆The structure of bovine rhodopsin was determined using RIKEN Structural Biology I beamline (BL45XU). ◆ The findings from the structural analysis of rhodopsin elucidated a variety of visual functions of rhodopsin. ◆ This achievement was published in Science on 4 August 2000, and the image of rhodopsin has adorned the cover. ◆The number of citing articles is 2746, current as of May 14, 2010. (data from ISI Web of Knowledge) ◆ RIKEN, University of Washington, Tokyo Institute of Technology. Structure of Bovine Rhodopsin The 4th Yamada Conference on Advanced Photons and Science Evolution 2010
New Nanoscience One-dimensional Array of O2 Direct Observation of H2 ◆Arrangements of H2 molecules adsorbed onto a microporous metal-organic material were observed directly by SPring-8 X-ray powder diffraction. ◆The SPring-8 high-brilliance X-rays and a new analysis method based on the MEM/Rietveld method enabled the direct observation of hydrogen, the lightest element. ◆Published in Angewandte Chemie International Edition (Online Edition), November 22, 2004. ◆Osaka Women’s University,JASRI,Kyoto University, and others. ◆One-dimensional arrays of O2 molecules physisorbed in a microporous metal-organic solid were observed directly by SPring-8 X-ray powder diffraction method. ◆The findings will pave the way for the development of advanced functional materials such as magnetic and superconducting materials. ◆Published in Science, December 20, 2002. ◆ Prof. Kitagawa (Kyoto University) et al. Electron density distribution of the microporous solid and O2 molecules physisorbed in it. a: before adsorbing O2 b: after adsorbing O2 red spheres: O2 Electron density distribution of the microporous solid and H2 molecules physisorbed in it. blue spheres: H2 green arrow: direction of a micropore The 4th Yamada Conference on Advanced Photons and Science Evolution 2010
High-pressure phase transition in mantle mineral ◆ High-brilliance synchrotron X-rays at SPring-8 incorporated with the highly-sophisticated high pressure technology made possible a reliable in situ measurement under high-pressure conditions corresponding to the deep interior of the earth. ◆ The excellent combination revealed that a principal mineral, MgSiO3, forms a new phase named “post-perovskite” in the mantle-core boundary (D” layer). ◆ This can successfully solve the long-standing mystery of discontinuous seismic changes and seismic anisotropy in the D” layer. ◆ Published inScience(Science Express Reports Online Edition), April 9, 2004. ◆ Prof. Hirose (Tokyo Institute of Technology) et al. X-ray crystal structure analysis under high temperature and pressure The 4th Yamada Conference on Advanced Photons and Science Evolution 2010
450 images are superimposed Toward Ultra Small Evolution of Structure Analysis X-ray Pinpoint Structural Measurement @BL40XU Structure analysis is now possible with single grain of powder sample. NIST Powder sample: CeO2 Structure determination of 100 nm BaTiO3 X-ray diffraction of 500 nm BaTiO3 -1-10 0-20 0-11 -101 002 0-10 001 Rint0.0771(4350ref) R1 0.0436(2356ref) 2θmax65.6° Completeness0.925 (Beam size3.2W x 2.8H um) ωtotal=225°, Δω=0.5°, 2θ=30°, Exposure time 5sec/1 image Rint0.0620(326 refs) R1 0.0377(93 refs) 2θmax31.17° Completeness1.00 • N. Yasuda et al., J. Synchrotron Rad. 16, 352 (2009). The 4th Yamada Conference on Advanced Photons and Science Evolution 2010
Industrial Applications ●Films for ULSI, ●Semiconductors ●HDD, DVD ●Semiconductor laser Electronics Metals & Soft materials Coatings ●Tires ●Fibers ●Functional polymer ●Steel plates ●Construction materials ●Coatings ●Welding ●Tools TOYOTA CENTRAL R&D LABS., DAIHATSU, MATSUDA etc. Canon, NTT, SUMITOMO ELECTRIC, SONY, TOSHIBA, NEX, HITACHI, FUJITSU, Fuji Electric, Mitsubishi Electric, Panasonic, SANYO Electric, RICOH, Nichia, TAIYO YUDEN, etc. Kawasaki, KOBELCO, SUMITOMO Metals, Nippon Steel, JFE Steel CO., MITSUBISHI HEAVY INDUSTRIES, TOSHIBA, MITSUBISHI MATERIALS, AsahiKASEI, AKO KASEI CO., SRI, TOYOBO, SUMITOMO CHEMICAL, FUJIFILM, NISSAN CHEMICAL INDUSTRIES, MITSUBISHI RAYON CO., TAKIRON, etc. Automobile Steel plates Semiconductor Display Tires Fibers HDD Energy & Environment Life science Medicine Deep seawater Fuel cell Exhaust gas catalyst TOYOTA, TOYOTA CENTRAL R&D LABS., Honda Motor Co., DAIHATSU, MATSUDA, NISSAN ARC, KANSAI ELECTRIC POWER CO., TOKYO GAS, GS Yuasa Co., TOHO GAS, DAISO Co., NIPPON OIL CO., etc. Astellas, Eisai, DAINIPPON SUMITOMO PHARMA, SHIONOGI & Co., Meiji, Mochida Pharmaceutical Co., Kao Co., SUNSTAR, LION, P&G, INAX, SHISEIDO, Kanebo, KOSE, MENARD, Takeda Pharmaceutical Co., etc. TRC, Kobelco research Inst., NITTECH RESEARCH, Sumitomo Metal Technology Inc., Mitsui Chemical Analysis & Consulting Serve Inc., MCRC, etc. Health care Li-ion batteries ●Batteries: fuel cell & Li-ion ●Nuclear power material ●Analysis of contamination elements ●Catalysts for environment ●Medicine ●Personal care products ●Health care Material Analysis The 4th Yamada Conference on Advanced Photons and Science Evolution 2010
“X-ray Free Electron Laser, XFEL”coherent light to explore nano-world [coherence ] Laser Light X-ray Free Electron LASER LASER Synchrotron Light Normal Light Lamps 100 nm 10 nm 1 nm 1 Å 10 mm 1 mm infra-red rays visible rays THz rays UV rays soft X-rays X-rays hard X-rays [wavelength ] long wavelength(low energy)← → short wavelength (high energy) The 4th Yamada Conference on Advanced Photons and Science Evolution 2010
Linac-Based Free Electron LaserSelf-Amplified Spontaneous Emission (SASE) e-gun linac undulator X-Ray Laser e-beam Micro-bunching e-beam • e-gun • linac • undulator The 4th Yamada Conference on Advanced Photons and Science Evolution 2010
Light Source Performance 10-15 10-14 10-13 10-12 10-11 10-10 XFEL 100 ×103 10 1 Degree of Coherence(%) Pulse Width (sec) 0.1 SPring-8 0.01 ×10-3 Photon Factory 1010 ×109 1020 Peak Brilliance 1030 (Photons/sec/mm2/mrad2/0.1%b.w.) Remarkable Features of XFEL producing l<0.1 nm X-Rays ◎ High Peak Brilliance ◎ Narrow Pulse Width ◎ High Degree of Coherence The 4th Yamada Conference on Advanced Photons and Science Evolution 2010
SASE Lasing in April 2009 The 4th Yamada Conference on Advanced Photons and Science Evolution 2010
Three Facilities Use Different Technologies INJECTOR ACC. STRUCTURE UNDULATOR LCLS Laser-RF gun S-Band, Normal Conduct. Out-of-Vacuum Euro-XFEL Laser-RF gun L-Band, Superconducting Out-of-Vacuum Jpn-XFEL DC-gun + V.B. C-Band, Normal Conduct. In-Vacuum e-gun linac undulator X-Ray Laser e-beam Micro-bunching e-beam The 4th Yamada Conference on Advanced Photons and Science Evolution 2010
8 GeV X-Ray Free Electron Laser Facility at SPring-8Total Facility Length ~ 0.7 km Unique Features XFEL and SR X-ray beams on the same sample Short & Low emittance e-beam injection to SP8 from XFEL Linac The 4th Yamada Conference on Advanced Photons and Science Evolution 2010
Road Map Road Map USER OPERATION PERIOD CONSTRUCTION PERIOD <8GeV > Accelerator/Undulator Building Experimental Hall Injector and Accelerator Beamlines Operation as a User Facility Building Commissioning Machine Commissioning Remaining 3 FEL lines Seeding + New Equipment <Prototype> User Operation Exp。Hall User Operation as a Seeded FEL Use for R&D Commissioning 【Management】 User Operation Phase I Construction Phase II Construction The 4th Yamada Conference on Advanced Photons and Science Evolution 2010
XFEL develops Leading-edge Researches Limitations in SRX technology Shortage of luminosityX-ray Picosecond Resolution No-coherent X-ray X-ray structure analysis requires the crystallization Not-control of electron-state Low resolution X-ray imaging X-ray Free Electron Laser Coherent X-ray Femtosecond Resolution High-luminosity X-ray Life Science Astronomy / Intense Laser fields ・Atomic-level analysis without crystallization ・Ultra-high-speed imaging Repetition of observational data black hole High-resolution Cell Imaging pump-probe Intense Laser fields Nano-Science and Technology Nano-Dynamics Structure analysis of the Cellular Membranewithout Crystallization Observation of electron-state The 4th Yamada Conference on Advanced Photons and Science Evolution 2010
SPring-8 Future Plan Major Upgrade to SPring-8-III 2041 Generalization Major Upgrade to XFEL-II Next Next Generation SR Elements Development 2033 Generalization Return SR Research Outcome to the Society Next Generation XFEL Development New Generation SR Use Industrial Use Return XFEL Research Outcome to the Society Major Upgrade to SPring-8-II Industrial Use 2019 Academic Use of XFEL Generalization XFEL Use 3rd Generation-like Use Next Generation SR Elements Development XFEL Inauguration 2011 2010 Next Generation SR ConceptualDevelopment XFEL Project 2006-2010 Return SR Research Outcome to the Society Groundbreaking for the Next Generation Industrial Use 3rd Generation SR Use 2nd Generation-like Use SPring-8 Inauguration 1997 The 4th Yamada Conference on Advanced Photons and Science Evolution 2010
1997 when SPring-8 started operation • SR, short wavelength light, is essential to observe materials in atomic or molecular level which forms the foundation of modern science and technology. • See functions of nano-scale materials such as atoms and molecules as individual components of systems and interaction among them in the particular systems. See System SP8 PF See Individual The 4th Yamada Conference on Advanced Photons and Science Evolution 2010
Future Photon Science • SR, short wavelength light, is essential to observe materials in atomic or molecular level which forms the foundation of modern science and technology. • See functions of nano-scale materials such as atoms and molecules as individual components of systems and interaction among them in the particular systems. • Present SPring-8 is mostly for static observation of individual components. • SASE-XFEL will enhance the capability of observing functions of individual components. • We hope we can enhance the capability of analyzing functions of interacting systems by using SP8-II. See System SP8-II (2019) XFEL (SASE) (2010) SP8 See Individual The 4th Yamada Conference on Advanced Photons and Science Evolution 2010
Concluding Remarks • Synchrotron Radiation offers short wavelength light to explore the nano-world. • Continuous effort towards brighter sources are ongoing. • SPring-8 is one of 3 large scale 3rd generation x-ray SR facilities starting the user service in 1997. • SPring-8 is now widely used as an analytical tool in vast area of science and technology. • 3rd generation sources opened the capability of utilizing X-ray coherence. • An X-Ray Free Electron Laser facility is under construction at the SPring-8 site as one of the 5 Key Technology Projects of National Importance, to be completed in 2010 FY.