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BRIEFING For Typhoon Yolanda Humanitarian Response. National systems and structures for GBV prevention and response. NATIONAL LEGISLATION. Anti-VAW / GBV laws. RA 9710 – Magna Carta of Women.
BRIEFING For Typhoon Yolanda Humanitarian Response National systems and structures for GBV prevention and response.
RA 9710 – Magna Carta of Women • "Violence Against Women" refers to any act of gender-based violence that results in, or is likely to result in, physical, sexual, or psychological harm or suffering to women, including threats of such acts, coercion, or arbitrary deprivation of liberty, whether occurring in public or in private life. It shall be understood to encompass, but not limited to, the following: • (1) Physical, sexual, psychological, and economic violence occurring in the family, including battering, sexual abuse of female children in the household, dowry-related violence, marital rape, and other traditional practices harmful to women, non-spousal violence, and violence related to exploitation; • (2) Physical, sexual, and psychological violence occurring within the general community, including rape, sexual abuse, sexual harassment, and intimidation at work, in educational institutions and elsewhere, trafficking in women, and prostitution; and • (3) Physical, sexual, and psychological violence perpetrated or condoned by the State, wherever it occurs. • It also includes acts of violence against women as defused in Republic Acts No. 9208 and 9262.
RA 9710 – Magna Carta of Women "SECTION 13. WOMEN AFFECTED BY DISASTERS, CALAMITIES, AND OTHER CRISIS SITUATIONS • Women have the right to protection and security in times of disasters, calamities and other crisis situations especially in all phases of relief, recovery, rehabilitation, and reconstruction efforts. The State shall provide for immediate humanitarian assistance, allocation of resources, and early resettlements, if necessary. It shall also address the particular needs of women from a gender perspective to ensure their full protection from sexual exploitation and other gender-based violence committed against them. • Responses to disaster situations shall include the provision of services, such as psychosocial support, livelihood support, education, and comprehensive health services, including protection during pregnancy.
RA 9710 – Magna Carta of Women "SECTION 13. Continuation • Timely, adequate and culturally-appropriate provision of relief goods and services such as food, water, sanitary packs, psychosocial support, livelihood, education and comprehensive health services including implementation of the Minimum Initial Service Package (MISP) for sexual and reproductive health at the early stage of the crisis
RA 9710 – Magna Carta of Women "SECTION 13. Continuation • Proactive adoption of measures by camp managers to prevent sexual violence in evacuation centers and relocation sites which include: • Security and safety of women as key criteria for selection of evacuation sites • Separate functional and well-lit latrines for men and women with locks • Bathing facilities with privacy • Regular security patrols preferably by female police officers • Prohibition of alcohol, drugs and gambling, among others
RA 8353 – Anti-Rape Law of 1997 Rape is committed • By a man who shall have carnal knowledge of a woman under any of the following circumstances: • Through force, threat, or intimidation; • When the offended party is deprived of reason or otherwise unconscious; • By a man who shall have carnal knowledge of a woman under any of the following circumstances: • Through force, threat, or intimidation; • When the offended party is deprived of reason or otherwise unconscious; • By means of fraudulent machination or grave abuse of authority; and • When the offended party is under twelve (12) years of age or is demented, even though none of the circumstances mentioned above be present.
RA 8353 – Anti-Rape Law of 1997 Rape is committed • By any person who, under any of the circumstances mentioned in paragraph 1 hereof, shall commit an act of sexual assault by inserting his penis into another person’s mouth or anal orifice, or any instrument or object, into the genital or anal orifice of another person.
RA 9262 – Anti-Intimate Partner Violence • “Anti-Violence Against Women and Their Children Act of 2004“ • "Violence against women and their children" refers to any act or a series of acts committed by any person against a woman who is his wife, former wife, or against a woman with whom the person has or had a sexual or dating relationship, or with whom he has a common child, or against her child whether legitimate or illegitimate, within or without the family abode, which result in or is likely to result in physical, sexual, psychological harm or suffering, or economic abuse including threats of such acts, battery, assault, coercion, harassment or arbitrary deprivation of liberty.
RA 9208 - Anti-Trafficking in Persons Act of 2003 • Trafficking in Persons - refers to the recruitment, transportation, transfer or harboring, or receipt of persons with or without the victim's consent or knowledge, within or across national borders by means of threat or use of force, or other forms of coercion, abduction, fraud, deception, abuse of power or of position, taking advantage of the vulnerability of the person, or, the giving or receiving of payments or benefits to achieve the consent of a person having control over another person for the purpose of exploitation which includes at a minimum, the exploitation or the prostitution of others or other forms of sexual exploitation, forced labor or services, slavery, servitude or the removal or sale of organs. • The recruitment, transportation, transfer, harboring or receipt of a child for the purpose of exploitation shall also be considered as "trafficking in persons" even if it does not involve any of the means set forth in the preceding paragraph.
RA 10364 – Expanded Anti-Trafficking Law • Recruitment in the guise of domestic or overseas employment for sexual exploitation, forced labor or involuntary debt bondage; recruitment of any Filipino woman to marry a foreigner, engagement in sex tourism, recruitment for organ removal, and recruitment of a child to engage in armed activities abroad can now be considered human trafficking
Local Committees on Anti-Trafficking and Violence Against Women and Their Children (LCAT-VAWC)
Joint Memo Circular on Local Committees on Anti-Trafficking & Violence Against Women and Their Children (LCAT-VAWC) issued by DILG, DSWD and DOJ
JMC Circular No. 2010-118 October 2010 “For purposes of EXPEDIENCY, MAXIMIZING RESOURCES and PREVENTING DUPLICATION OF FUNCTIONS and REPRESENTATION at the LOCAL LEVEL, LCAT-VAWCs will be created instead of establishing two separate bodies at the provincial and city/municipal levels.”
PURPOSE for CREATING LCAT-VAWCs • Establish functional parallel structure & system at the local level ---- to monitor & oversee implementation of the provisions of RA 9208 and RA 9262 and OTHER WOMEN/VAW-related laws and policies • Increase capacities of local partners to develop & implement culturally appropriate & gender responsive policies and programs • Mobilize resources of the local community in the • PREVENTION • PROTECTION • RECOVERY • REINTEGRATION of victims/survivors • Establish partnership with NGOs, POs
LCAT-VAWC Organizational Structure National Inter-Agency Council on Anti-Trafficking Chair: DOJ Co-Chair: DSWD National Inter-Agency Council on Anti-VAWC Chair: DSWD Co-Chair: DILG Regional Committee on Anti-Trafficking and VAWC (RCAT-VAWC) Chair: DSWD Co-Chairs: DOJ and DILG Provincial Committee on Anti-Trafficking and VAWC (PCAT-VAWC)Chair: Local Chief Executive City/Municipal Committee on Anti-Trafficking and VAWC (C/MCAT-VAWC) Chair: Local Chief Executive
Provincial LCAT-VAWC Governor PPDC PSWDO PHO DILG PNP Prosecutor, DOJ Chair, Committee on Women, Children & Family, SP DepEd Field Officer Director, CSC PESO NGOs (Women, Children, OFW) City/Municipal LCAT-VAWC Mayor C/MPDC C/MSWDO C/MHO City Director/Municipal LGOO City/Municipal Chief of Police City/Municipal Prosecutor NGOs (Women, Children, OFW) LCAT-VAWC COMPOSITION In emergencies, membership may be expanded to include UN Agencies, International NGOs
“Humanitarian Mandate” • The interagency committee will EXPAND its membership to include new members such as United Nations (UN) agencies, international NGOs, and other relevant organizations in cases where it is warranted especially during a disaster or emergency – either a conflict or natural disaster – that causes the serious disruption of the functioning of a society, creating widespread human, material or environmental losses which exceed the ability of the affected areas to cope using its own resources.
Institute policies and programs to protect women and children who are victims-survivors of trafficking & violence Establish systems on surveillance, investigation and rescue to ensure effective & efficient coordination Undertake information, education and advocacy campaign against trafficking and VAWC Monitor and oversee the strict implementation of RA 9208, RA 9262 and other related laws for the protection of women and children Oversee implementation of the IACAT and IACVAWC national plans of action LCAT-VAWC FUNCTIONS
Institutional Arrangements • National IACAT and IAC-VAWC • overall coordinating, monitoring and advocacy body at the national level • Regional CAT-VAWC (RCAT-VAWC) • link between the national and LGUs, shall coordinate directly with the province for the proposed establishment of PCAT-VAWC • Provincial CAT-VAWC (PCAT-VAWC) • coordinate directly with the city/municipality for the establishment of C/MCAT-VAWC • LCAT-VAWCs may call on the assistance of NGOs/POs to assist in formulation & implementation of localized programs
Institutional Arrangements • At any level, LCAT-VAWC shall establish linkage with other existing bodies/local councils on women & children & may invite other relevant agencies/orgs to participate in its meetings. • Member agencies/institutions shall appoint a permanent alternate representative at the regional level not lower than an Assistant Director who shall attend meetings/activities when the permanent rep is unavailable.
REPORTING National IACAT and IAC-VAWC RCAT-VAWC PCAT-VAWC shall submit a comprehensive report on the programs undertaken on a semestral basis Every 22nd of January and July of the following year (or in synchrony with the reporting schedule to the President) C/MCAT-VAWC shall submit a comprehensive report on the programs undertaken on a semestral basis Every 15th of January and July of the following year
All DILG Regional Director and Field Officers are hereby directed to cause the widest dissemination of this Circular to all LCEs in their respective jurisdiction and provide technical assistance, where appropriate and necessary.They shall likewise MONITOR LGU COMPLIANCE and SUBMIT REPORT to the Secretary, DILG through the National Barangay Operations Office (NBOO), not later than 3 months after the JMC approval.
Guidelines in the Establishment and Management of a Referral System on VAW at the LGU level (Philippine Commission on Women & IAC-VAWC)
Multi- sectoral response to Gender-based Violence PROTECTION HEALTH PSYCHO- SOCIAL* SURVIVOR/ COMMUNITY LEGAL/ JUSTICE SAFETY/ SECURITY *Includes social reintegration and livelihood initiatives
Obtain the highest quality care and treatment, assistance and protection to victims-survivors of violence; Facilitate the provision of services to meet the various needs of victims-survivors and ensure their recovery and reintegration; Establish a feedback mechanism between and among concerned agencies to ensure that requested services are provided; Make possible the exchange of knowledge, skills, practices, and experiences geared towards enhanced capacity of service providers; Achieve a more rational use of financial and human resources for more efficient and effective delivery of services Why establish A Referral System?
A group of agencies providing comprehensive multi-sectoral services A coordinating agency/organization A directory of services and agencies with service provision Standard referral forms A feedback loop to track referrals Documentation of referral Essential elements of a referral system
Entry of a GBV victim-survivor to the Referral System NGA Central/Regional Field Offices and their branch offices including IACAT and IAC-VAWC agencies LGU Executives and Offices Prosecutor’s Office or Legal Representative/association Victim-Survivor of Gender-based Violence Barangay Council Provincial/City/Municipal Social Welfare Development Office Provincial/City/Municipal Medical Facility Law enforcement (PNP/NBI) NGO/FBO Guidelines in the Establishment and Management of a Referral System on VAW at the LGU level (PCW & IAC-VAWC)
The general referral flow Guidelines in the Establishment and Management of a Referral System on VAW at the LGU level (PCW & IAC-VAWC)
Referral network in the case management of GBV victims-survivors Guidelines in the Establishment and Management of a Referral System on VAW at the LGU level (PCW & IAC-VAWC)
GENDER-BASED VIOLENCE REFERRAL PATHWAY FOR HUMANITARIAN EMERGENCIES PROVINCE OF DAVAO ORIENTAL – TYPHOON PABLO/BOPHA PagpangitaUgdinaliangtabang Mamahimongmagpakitabangangbikitimasamgatao o ahensyanggahatagoghinabangsakomunidadsamasa: Polis FP: ________ CP: ________ Medikal/Panglawas FP: ___________ CP: ___________ Non-Government Organizations (NGOs) FP: ______________ CP: ______________ Brgy. Captain/BCPC/ VAW Desk Officer FP: ____________ CP: ____________ Social Worker FP: ________ CP: ________ Magtutudlo FP: _________ CP: _________ Tribal/Religious/ Indigenous Leaders FP: ___________ CP: ___________ SERBISYO ALANG SA BIKTIMA GIKAN SA NAGKA LAIN-LAING SEKTOR Kining paagiha sa tubag mao ang mupaniguro nga ang biktima makadawat sa angay, ug dekaledad nga serbisyo gikan sa nagkalain-laing sektor sama sa serbisyo sa panglawas, pangisip, suporta sa komunidad, seguriadad ug serbisyong legal. MEDICAL/PANGLAWAS Provincial Hospital – WCPU: Dr. Hermigilda B. Nartatez CP: 09197899436 Health Center: RHU – Boston Dr. Al Raymond Tupas CP: 09052405384 Health Center: RHU – Cateel Dr. Modesto I. Veroy, Jr. CP: 09207709274 Health Center: RHU – Baganga FP: _______________________ CP: _______________________ Health Center: RHU – Caraga FP: _______________________ CP: _______________________ LEGAL / HUSTISYA Commission on Human RightsAtty. Junitte Rose Barroquillo CP#: (082) 2982233/ (082) 2983749/ (082) 3210275 Public Attorney’s Office (PAO):FP: Atty. Godelina Etcubanas CP: 091617724257 Department of Justice: FP: ________________________ CP: ________________________ Shari’a Court: FP: ________________________ CP: ________________________ Legal/Paralegal NGO: FP: ________________________ CP: ________________________ SEGURIDAD Provincial Philippine National Police HQ – Davao Oriental:PO3 Angelica Gayta Hotline: 09096228877/09283121594 PNP (Boston) PO2 Arlene Belano Hotline: 09165527403/09268038058 PNP (Cateel) PO2 Melba Labasano Hotline: 09214884947 PNP (Baganga) SPO1 Heidi Acido CP: 09081854128 Philippine National Police (Caraga): SPO1 Debora Matilac CP: 09273918557 PANGISIP / KALISANG / ESPIRITUHANONG KAAYUHAN Tigpahigayon sa komunidad sa Probinsya: Meravic Laquinon CP: (087) 3884339 Tigpahigayon sa komunidad sa Munisipyo - Boston: Maria Consolacion Cabrera CP: 09182781127 Tigpahigayon sa komunidad sa Munisipyo - Baganga: Daryl F. Bohol CP: 09206173738 Tigpahigayon sa komunidad sa Munisipyo – Caraga: FP: _________________________ CP: _________________________ • Human mahatagangdinaliangtubag, ihatagang: • Temporaryongpuy-anan • Tabang pang-edukasyon • Panginabuhianugpagbansaysaabilidad • Proteksyonsapagtistigo Kini nga mga lakang nga agihan buhaton lamang diha sa sitwasyon nga dunay katalagman o kapit-os sama sa panahon sa bagyo, baha, linog, giyera, ug uban pa. Ang tumong ug katuyuan sa magdumala, mao ang paghatag ug luwas, maampingon nga palibot ug ang pag respeto sa paghipos sa mga impormasyon bahin sa hintungdan (survivor), pagpakisayud sa ilang mga panginahanglan, paghatag sa tinuod ug klarong impormasyon mahitungod sa mga serbisyo nga ilang madawat. Kung kini gikauyonan na sa maong hingtundan, himoon na dayon ug “referrals” ug pwede usab ubanan ang maong hintungdan aron makaangkon sa maong serbisyo nga angay kaniya. Kung ang hintungdan usa ka menor de edad gikinahanglan nga adunay kauban nga hamtong (ginikanan, paryente o nagbantay nga edaran nga maoy gisaligan sa mao nga bata). Kanunay gamiton ang “Best Interest Principle”” sa pag-atiman sa mga kabataan
MGA DAPAT GAWIN KUNG MAY PANG-AABUSO SA MGA BABAE O BATA SA PANAHON NG KALAMIDAD (GRAND STAND EVACUATION CENTER, ZAMBOANGA CITY) ANG BIKTIMA o kahitsino ay maaaringmagsumbongsa: Social Worker – Pantawid __________________ CP#: ______________ Zone A Camp Manager __________________ CP#: ______________ Zone B Camp Manager _________________ CP#:_____________ Zone C Camp manager __________________ CP#: _____________ Zone D Camp Manager __________________ CP#: _____________ MGA SERBISYO NG IBAT-IBANG SEKTOR NA NAKASENTRO SA PANGANGAILANGAN NG BIKTIMA: Anglayunin ay angpagsiguronaangbiktima ay makakatanggapngnararapatnaserbisyogalingsaibat-ibangsektor. Angmgasektornaito ay Medikal, Saykolohikal, Seguridad at Legal . PANGANGAILANGAN MEDIKAL (Health) Zamboanga City Medical Center Women and Children Protection Unit Dr. Leila Nella L. Estrella Cel # 0917-7113423 Rural Health Unit Dr. _____________ Cel # ____________ PAGKAKATAKOT / PERSPEKTIBO SA BUHAY (Psychosocial Support) DSWD Grandstand Evacuation Operation Center Ms. Ma. Socorro A. Rojas CP# 0908-862-8618 Ms. Faith Casipe CP#: 0915-216-7554 • Mataposmaibigayangpangangailangan, maibibigay din ang: • Temporaryongtirahan • Tulongsaedukasyon • Hanapbuhay at pagsasanaysakakayahan • Proteksyonsapagtitistigo SEGURIDAD (Security) PNP Women and Children Protection Desk Police Inspector Izel Dua Maraviles Hotline: (062) 926-1450 Philippine National Police (City) PO3 Norwena Cuizon Balaton Cel# 0916-2724764 SERBISYONG LEGAL / HUSTISYA (Legal and Justice) Hall of Justice ________________________ ________________________ Public Attorney’s Office (PAO): _________________________ _________________________ Ang mga hakbang na ito ay dapat gawin sa panahon ng kalamidad gaya ng gyera, baha, bagyo, at iba pa. Ang pakay ay ang pagbibigay ng ligtas, maingat at nararapat na impormasyon at seguridad para sa biktima upang hindi sila mapahiya sa kanilang komunidad; pag-aalam ng kanilang mga pangangailangan at pagbibigay ng malinaw na impormasyon tungkol sa serbisyong matatanggap. Kung papayagan ng biktima ay gagawin kaagad ang pagsusumbong tungkol sa nangyaring pang-aabuso at kung maaari ay dapat samahan sila sa tagapagbigay ng nararapat na serbisyo. Kung menor de edad ang biktima o di kaya ay bata, dapat may kasama siya na nasa tamang edad na gaya ng magulang o kamag-anak. Titingnan palagi ang kabutihan ng menor de edad o bata.
DSWD Central Office • Corazon “Dinky” Juliano-SolimanSecretary • Parisya H. TaradjiUndersecretary, Operations and Programs Group • Patricia B. LunaDirector IV, Social Technology Bureau • Dulfie T. ShalimDirector IV, Protective Services Bureau • Restituto B. MacutoDirector III, Head DSWD Disaster Risk Reduction and Response Operations Office
DSWD Field Offices Region VI (Western Visayas) Aklan Antique Capiz Guimaras Iloilo Negros Occidental Bacolod Iloilo City • DSWD FIELD OFFICE VI (Iloilo) MA. EVELYN B. MACAPOBRE, CESO IIIRegional Director and Concurrent andChief-Operations and Programs DivisionE-mail: mebmacapobre.fo6@dswd.gov.ph DELIA V. BAGOLCOLSocial Welfare Officer IVFocal Person on GAD/Core Group of Specialist for Womenand CenterMonitor/Coordinator
DSWD Field Offices • DSWD FIELD OFFICE VII (Cebu City) MERCEDITA JABAGATRegional Director NEMIA ANTIPALA Asst. Regional Director for Operations Region VII (Central Visayas) Bohol Cebu Negros Oriental
DSWD Field Offices Region XIII – CARAGA Agusan del Norte Agusan del Sur Surigao del Norte Surigao del Sur Butuan City • DSWD FIELD OFFICE CARAGA (Butuan City) Minda B. Brigoli, CESO IIIRegional Director+63.85.342.5619 to 20 Angelita B. AmistaSWO V / Chief, Institutional Dev’t Division/Head, Protective Services Unit+63.85.342.5619 to 20
Health sector response to gbv Women & Children Protection Unit in Department of Health (DOH) retained hospitals and Local Government Unit (LGU) supported hospitals
Department of Health (DOH) Administrative Order 2013-0011 Revised Policy on the Establishment of Women and Children Protection Units (WCPUs) in All Hospitals
Objective • Institutionalize and standardize the quality of health service delivery in all Women and Children Protection Units in support of the strategic thrust to achieve Universal Health Care as described in the Kalusugan Pangkalahatan Execution Plan.
Scope and Application • The AO shall apply to the entire health sector including • DOH health care facilities • LGU-supported health facilities • Private health care facilities • Other DOH attached agencies • Development partners and other relevant stakeholders
Key Definitions of Terms • WCPU • A unit composed of a multidisciplinary team of trained physicians, social workers, mental health professionals and police providing comprehensive medical and psychosocial services to women and children victims of violence • 4Rs • Refers to the processes of RECOGNITION, RECORDING, REPORTING & REFERRAL of violence against women and children abuse cases
Every province/chartered city shall establish at least one WCPU
Minimum Requirements for All Hospitals • ALL HOSPITAL PERSONNEL shall undergo training on 4Rs (recognition, reporting, recording, referral) of cases of violence against women & children • Hospitals without a WCPU must have a WCPU COORDINATOR to coordinate the management and referral of all VAWC cases
LEVEL 1 SERVICES Medico-legal examination Acute medical treatment Minor surgical treatment Monitoring & follow-up Full coverage, 24/7 Minimum social work intervention (safety & risk assessment, coordination with other disciplines Peer review of cases Expert testimony in court, documentation, record-keeping
LEVEL 2 SERVICES In addition to Level 1 services Rape kits Surgical intervention Case management and case conferences Documentation and record keeping using the Child Protection Mgt Info System (CPMIS) Availability of specialty consultations (ENT, ophthalmology, surgery, OB-Gyne, pathology)
LEVEL 3 SERVICES In addition to Level 2 services Long-term case management Mental health care Police investigation Nursing services Death review Other support services (livelihood, education) Availability of sub-specialty consultations (child development, forensic psychiatry, forensic pathology)
DIRECTORY:WOMEN & CHILDREN PROTECTION UNITSGOOGLE MAPShttps://maps.google.com/maps/ms?msid=200959510253189550153.0004d1564fbc8cb3b00ca&msa=0