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Gearing the Philippine Statistical System Towards the Measurement of the Impact of Climate Change. Presented by Raymundo J. Talento Director National Statistical Coordination Board Conference on Climate Change and Official Statistics 11-12 December 2008, Seoul, Korea.
Gearing the Philippine Statistical System Towards the Measurement of the Impact of Climate Change Presented by Raymundo J. Talento Director National Statistical Coordination Board Conference on Climate Change and Official Statistics 11-12 December 2008, Seoul, Korea Conference on Climate Change and Official Statistics RJ Talento /Seoul, Korea/11-12 Dec 2008
Outline of Presentation • Introduction - The Philippine Statistical System • A Glimpse of Social, Economic Environment & Statistics in the Philippines • Issues & Concerns - generation of statistics on impact of climate change, Philippine setting • The Way Forward: Mainstreaming climate change related statistics into the Official Statistics of the Philippines Conference on Climate Change and Official Statistics RJ Talento /Seoul, Korea/11-12 Dec 2008
INTRODUCTION Climate Change Impacts in the Philippines • The Philippines considered as one of the climate hotspot due to: • Geographical Features • Low level of economic development • Exposure exacerbated by poor access to resources. • Evidence of climate change in the Philippines: • frequent occurrence of severe El Niño and La Niña events (7 El Niño & 5 La Niña episodes from 1970-2000 compared to 2 El Niño & 3 La Niña episodes from 1950-1970) • deadly and damaging typhoons (7 extreme tropical cyclone/southwest monsoon induced extreme events from 1991 to late 2004) Conference on Climate Change and Official Statistics RJ Talento /Seoul, Korea/11-12 Dec 2008
INTRODUCTION • Fall in agric. prod.experienced during strong El Niño events and after occurrences of severe tropical cyclones (highest typhoon damage: 1.17% of GDP and 4.21% of agriculture) • Massive coral bleaching in various reefs caused by elevated sea temperature during the severe 1997-98 ENSO episode • Severe red tide outbreaks after the strong El Niño periods (worst incidence of red tide in Manila Bay occurred in 1992). • Philippines ranked 4th in the Global Risk Index for 2006 (Germanwatch) Conference on Climate Change and Official Statistics RJ Talento /Seoul, Korea/11-12 Dec 2008
INTRODUCTION Objectives of the Paper • To present the mechanisms & structures available that can strengthen the involvement of the Philippine Statistical System (PSS) in the measurement of the social impacts of climate change. • To discuss the challenges facing the PSS in this direction. • To present a rough framework on indicators on climate change plus some statistics that are already available, both official and non-official. Conference on Climate Change and Official Statistics RJ Talento /Seoul, Korea/11-12 Dec 2008
INTRODUCTION The Philippine Statistical System (PSS) a decentralized system composed of: • a policy making and coordinating body • a general purpose statistics producing agency • a statistical research and training center; and • all government agencies engaged in the generation of statistical information Conference on Climate Change and Official Statistics RJ Talento /Seoul, Korea/11-12 Dec 2008
INTRODUCTION Framework and How It is Coordinated Conference on Climate Change and Official Statistics RJ Talento /Seoul, Korea/11-12 Dec 2008
INTRODUCTION Existing PSS coordination mechanisms useful in the generation of official statistics for measuring the social impacts of climate change: • Philippine Statistical Development Program (PSDP) • System of Designated Statistics (SDS) • Budget Review and Prioritization • Statistical Survey Review and Clearance System (SSRCS) • Statistical Standards and Classification Systems • Technical and Inter-Agency Committees on Statistics (TCs/IACs) and Task Forces (TFs) Conference on Climate Change and Official Statistics RJ Talento /Seoul, Korea/11-12 Dec 2008
INTRODUCTION Existing PSS coordination mechanisms • Development and Maintenance of Statistical Frameworks and Multi-Sectoral Indicator Systems • Philippine System of National Accounts • Philippine Framework for the Development of Environment Statistics • Philippine Economic-Environmental and Natural Resources Accounting • Advance Release Calendar • Focal point in Statistics • Sub-national Coordination Conference on Climate Change and Official Statistics RJ Talento /Seoul, Korea/11-12 Dec 2008
2. Socio-Econ & Environment Statistics in the Phil. Agriculture & Food Security Conference on Climate Change and Official Statistics RJ Talento /Seoul, Korea/11-12 Dec 2008
2. Socio-Econ & Environment Statistics in the Phil. Human Settlements & Society Conference on Climate Change and Official Statistics RJ Talento /Seoul, Korea/11-12 Dec 2008
Health Statistics 2. Socio-Econ & Environment Statistics in the Phil. Conference on Climate Change and Official Statistics RJ Talento /Seoul, Korea/11-12 Dec 2008
3. Issues/Challenges • On Framework and Indicator Systems • Need for a Climate Change Framework and Indicator System • Need to pursue and update Disaster Management Indicator System (DMIS), PEENRA system, and other existing relevant statistical frameworks Conference on Climate Change and Official Statistics RJ Talento /Seoul, Korea/11-12 Dec 2008
3. Issues/Challenges • Data Problem • Data on climate change are few & faces a number of challenges • Challenges: • Data cuts across different sectors and requires expertise which official statisticians generally do not have, costly • Lack of statistical framework • Data needs to be more specific to location and time of observation • Data must typically span longer time intervals for observation • Requires standards to measure the impact, adaptation and mitigation of climate change. Conference on Climate Change and Official Statistics RJ Talento /Seoul, Korea/11-12 Dec 2008
3. Issues/Challenges • On Institutional Coordination, Linkages and Capability Building • Need to Strengthen Institutional Linkages • IAC-ENR has to recommend to the NSCB Board the necessary statistical activities to include researches to be conducted and fund allocation. • Insufficient coordinating structure at the sub national level • A high power inter agency body has to be established to gear regional development efforts in the planning & programming of the generation/compilation of statistics in specific geographical areas Conference on Climate Change and Official Statistics RJ Talento /Seoul, Korea/11-12 Dec 2008
3. Issues/Challenges • Need to strengthen capability of statistical personnel to undertake and handle statistical researches and other activities related to climate change and its social impact. • Formulation of a training agenda at the national and sub-national levels • Statistical advocacy to recognize the importance of undertaking researches on climate change • Support from the UN agencies, e.g., Statistical Institute for Asia and the Pacific, to enhance the capacity of the PSS to measure the impact of climate change • Need to to Create Awareness on Climate Change and its Impacts among Statistical Agencies • Assistance to statistical agencies and other data producers to understand issue on climate change and identify relevant data and indicators Conference on Climate Change and Official Statistics RJ Talento /Seoul, Korea/11-12 Dec 2008
3. Issues/Challenges • Resources (manpower and financial) • The PSS lacks the required resources to address issues and challenges presented on a more permanent basis • National government should formulate a comprehensive study on programs and projects that need funding • RDC and RSCCs should plan programs and project suited to the particularity of their locale • The international community has an obligation to support developing countries in adapting to climate change. Conference on Climate Change and Official Statistics RJ Talento /Seoul, Korea/11-12 Dec 2008
4. The Way Forward Mainstreaming Climate Change & Related Statistics into the Philippine Official Statistics • Integration of Climate Change Issues into National & Local Development Plan & Policies • Presidential Task Force on Climate Change seeks to address & mitigate the impacts of climate change in the country. • The Philippines is in the process of undertaking an improved national GHG inventory & preparing the country’s Second National Communication. • Filing of a bill on Climate Change in the the Phil. Congress Conference on Climate Change and Official Statistics RJ Talento /Seoul, Korea/11-12 Dec 2008
4. The Way Forward Source:Inter governmental Panel on Climate Change, Fourth Assessment Report. Climate Change 2007, Synthesis Report • Development of a Statistical Framework and Indicator System in Measuring/Monitoring Climate Change Impacts Basis of the rough Statistical framework: AR4’s schematic framework on climate and change Conference on Climate Change and Official Statistics RJ Talento /Seoul, Korea/11-12 Dec 2008
4. The Way Forward The Framework: • provides a systematic organization of the interdisciplinary nature of climate change statistics & focuses on the identification, description & presentation of data variables useful for tracing & verifying interrelationships and interdependency of the earth and human systems. • pictures the changes in the earth system triggered by climate process drivers, the impacts and vulnerability of earth ecosystems & human system, & the coping mechanism of the human system to climate change. Conference on Climate Change and Official Statistics RJ Talento /Seoul, Korea/11-12 Dec 2008
4. The Way Forward Conceptual Framework Conference on Climate Change and Official Statistics RJ Talento /Seoul, Korea/11-12 Dec 2008
4. The Way Forward Conceptual Framework Conference on Climate Change and Official Statistics RJ Talento /Seoul, Korea/11-12 Dec 2008
4. The Way Forward • Operationally, the framework starts with the topics/items identified in the conceptual framework & proceeds to the identification of specific relevant variables & their corresponding units of measurement needed to quantify the earlier discussed concepts. • The indicator system can commence with existing indicators & variables found in the PFDES, SEEA, poverty, health accounts, etc. Conference on Climate Change and Official Statistics RJ Talento /Seoul, Korea/11-12 Dec 2008
4. The Way Forward Statistical Framework: Climate Change Conference on Climate Change and Official Statistics RJ Talento /Seoul, Korea/11-12 Dec 2008
4. The Way Forward Statistical Framework: Climate Process Drivers Change Conference on Climate Change and Official Statistics RJ Talento /Seoul, Korea/11-12 Dec 2008
4. The Way Forward Statistical Framework: Climate Change Impact & Vulnerability Conference on Climate Change and Official Statistics RJ Talento /Seoul, Korea/11-12 Dec 2008
4. The Way Forward Statistical Framework: Impact & Vulnerability, con’t Conference on Climate Change and Official Statistics RJ Talento /Seoul, Korea/11-12 Dec 2008
4. The Way Forward Statistical Framework: Socio-Econ Dev’t - Mitigation & Adaptation Conference on Climate Change and Official Statistics RJ Talento /Seoul, Korea/11-12 Dec 2008
4. The Way Forward • The framework needs further development as researches on climate change & its impacts become available. Conference on Climate Change and Official Statistics RJ Talento /Seoul, Korea/11-12 Dec 2008
4. The Way Forward • Designation of Climate Change Statistics • The listof designated statistics has to be reviewed to include climate change impact & ENR statistics/indicators • The current designated statistical activities i.e. energy and water, etc., have to be updated to include salient features of climate change impact statistics Conference on Climate Change and Official Statistics RJ Talento /Seoul, Korea/11-12 Dec 2008
4. The Way Forward Standards & Classification System • IAC-ENR will identify the terms w/c have statistical bearing for approval of the NSCB Executive Board for adoption as official climate change/ENR terms to be use for statistical purposes. • IAC-ENR will come up w/ standard methodologies & techniques in data collection, processing & presentation to ensure comparability of statistics produced by the government. Conference on Climate Change and Official Statistics RJ Talento /Seoul, Korea/11-12 Dec 2008
4. The Way Forward Partnership Among Gov’t Agencies, Academe & Research Inst’s for Continuous Improvement of Climate Change Statistics • Statisticians to collaborate with other scientists to advance their understanding on the nature, causes, & impacts of climate change • Government can gear its science & technology research towards climate science & climate change impact. • Different government agencies, national & local, should involve research institutions & academe in formulation of plans & programs on climate change. Conference on Climate Change and Official Statistics RJ Talento /Seoul, Korea/11-12 Dec 2008
4. The Way Forward Research and Training • SRTC can develop a comprehensive & integrated research & training program on theories, concepts & methodologies in climate change and its impact. • Key specific research priorities might deal on: • Enhancing capability to establish & maintain observation facilities & to collect/compile data on climate change; • Measuring impacts of extreme weather events, i.e., human diseases from flood, storm surges, sea level rise, plant & insect pests; • Identification of social vulnerability to multiple stressors due to climate change environmental change • Identification of critical climate thresholds for various sectors in different locale Conference on Climate Change and Official Statistics RJ Talento /Seoul, Korea/11-12 Dec 2008
Maraming salamat po! URL: http://www.nscb.gov.ph e-mail: info@nscb.gov.ph Conference on Climate Change and Official Statistics RJ Talento /Seoul, Korea/11-12 Dec 2008