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Airports: Noise vs. Proximity

Airports: Noise vs. Proximity. Alexander Knapp Econ 439 3/12/2008. Questions. Should people living near an airport be compensated for the noise generated? If so, how much?. Reno-Tahoe Airport. 1417 homes were observed Noise levels were taken in decibles

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Airports: Noise vs. Proximity

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  1. Airports: Noise vs. Proximity Alexander Knapp Econ 439 3/12/2008

  2. Questions • Should people living near an airport be compensated for the noise generated? • If so, how much?

  3. Reno-Tahoe Airport • 1417 homes were observed • Noise levels were taken in decibles • Overall quality of houses were recorded, including selling price

  4. Map was created:

  5. A hedonic equation was used to calculate the new price of the house including the noise nuisance: • P = β0 + βnNoise + βDDistance +∑ β1Xi + u • Where β0 is a constant term • Noise is the noise level within a certain contour • Distance is valued in miles • Xi is all of the external variables

  6. Results:

  7. Conclusion: • Noise and Distance both have a negative impact on property values for the Reno-Tahoe Airport

  8. Manchester Airport • Very similar setup to the Reno-Tahoe study • 568 homes observed • Similar external house variables added to equation • Leq was used in place of overall decibels • Observes the excess noise energy made by the airport excluding the background noise

  9. Graphically the results look like this:

  10. Conclusion: • Noise, like the Reno-Tahoe study, has a negative impact on property values • Proximity, however, has a positive impact on property values

  11. What does this mean for policy makers? • Reno-Tahoe Study? • Placing tougher noise policies could increase property value • Manchester Study? • Placing tougher noise policies could cause flight delays and eventually stunt the growth of the surrounding area Must be looked at on a case by case bases

  12. Zurich airport to pay $160,000 USD to one homeowner • 19,000 more lawsuits could follow • In 2008 the Minneapolis Airport was forced to provide noise mitigation for 9,560 homes totaling $127 million • Oakland CA. the Port of Oakland agreed to insulate 200 homes if the city would drop the lawsuit preventing an airport expansion

  13. Questions?

  14. Espey, M., & Lopez, H. (2000). The Impact of Airport Noise and Proximity on Residential Property Values. Growth and Change , 408-419. • Tomkins, J., Topham, N., Twomey, J., & Ward, R. (1998). Noise versus Access: The Impact of an Airport in Urban Property Market. Urban Studies, Vol. 35, No. 2 , 243-258. • http://www.swissinfo.org/eng/front/Airport_noise_test_case_wins_compensation.html?siteSect=108&sid=8793737&cKey=1204277366000&ty=st • http://www.ci.minneapolis.mn.us/airportnoise/ • http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_qn4176/is_20040815/ai_n14584126

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