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WHO Collaborating Centre for International Drug Monitoring. Mohamed Farah the Uppsala Monitoring Centre. WHO Drug Monitoring Programme Founding Members 1968. WHO Collaborating Centre the Uppsala Monitoring Centre. established as a foundation 1978 based on agreement Sweden – WHO
WHO Collaborating Centre for International Drug Monitoring Mohamed Farah the Uppsala Monitoring Centre 1
WHO Collaborating Centrethe Uppsala Monitoring Centre • established as a foundation 1978 • based on agreement Sweden – WHO • international administrative board • WHO Headquarters responsible for policy 3
Signalling ProcedureWhat should be achieved? • Signals should not be missed • Signals should be found early • ‘False’ signals should be kept to a minimum 4
1 2 5 3 4 Process for joining WHO Programme Ministry of Health • Ministry of Health (or equivalent) designates National Centre National Centre • Ministry of Health sends formal application to WHO-HQ, Geneva the UMC • National Centre sends sample reports to the UMC WHO-HQ Geneva • UMC notifies WHO-HQ that reports are compatible • WHO-HQ advises Ministry of Health of admittance to the Programme 5
A plant needs a name that applies to it and only to it, and which means the same thing to everyone in the world. • genus name tells a plant’s closest relatives • specific epithet tells which species it is • authority tells who first descovered the plant Example: Pimpinella major (L.) Hudson 10
A universal nomenclature for crude drugs, applicable all over the world, could consist of the scientific plant name together with the English name of the plant part. • The reason why common names are not reliable is that they may lead to more than one Accepted botanical name. 11
Common names Aloe vera (L.) Barbados aloe ENG Curacao aloe ENG Medicinal aloe ENG True aloe ENG West indian aloe ENG Aloes vulgaire FRE Echte aloe GER Venezuela-aloe GER Babosa POR Acibar SPA Savila SPA Aloe ferox Mill. Cape aloe ENG True aloe ENG Echte Aloë GER Bitterschopf GER Acibar SPA Zabila SPA Aloés vrai FRE Aloés officinal FRE Aloè ITA Aloe africana ITA Aloe del Capo ITA 13
Aloe barbadensis Mill. Aloe chinensis (Haw.) Bak. Aloe elongate Murray Aloe indica Royle Aloe littoralis Koen.ex Bak Aloe officinalis Forssk. Aloe rubescens DC. Aloe spicata Baker Aloe vera var. perfoliata L. Aloe vulgaris Garsault Aloe vulgaris Lam. Aloe vera (L.) Burm. f. 14
Aloe horrida Haw. Aloe pseudoferox Salm-Dyck Aloe subferox Spreng. Pachidendron ferox Haw. Pachydendron ferox Humb. & Bonpl. Pachydendron supralaeve Haw. Aloe ferox Mill. 15
. 16
Different authors of the same genus and species • Aloe angustifolia Salm-Dvck -- Obs. 57. (IK) • Aloe angustifolia Haw -- Suppl. Pl. Succ. 47 (1819). (IK) • Aloe angustifolia Groenewald -- in Fl. Pl. S. Afr. 1938, xviii. t. 708. (IK) • Aloe agavefoliaTod.-- Hort. Bot. Panorm. i. 85. t. 23. (IK) • Aloe agavefoliaSchweinf. ex Penz. -- in Atti Congr. bot. Genova (1892) 365, nomen. (IK) 17
Ma Huang 麻 黃 (Ephedra Herba) • Ephedra sinica Stapf Ma Huang 麻 黃 • Ephedra equisetina Bunge Ma Huang 麻 黃 • Ephedra intermediaSchrenkex Mey. Ma Huang 麻 黃 18
Botanical Classification WHO database Classification Aesculus hippocastanum L.,leaf Aesculus hippocastanum L., bark Aesculus hippocastanum L., seed Aesculus hippocastanum L., flower Synonyms Aesculus procera Salisb. Aesculus castanea Gelib Hippocastanum aesculus Cav Hippocastanum vulgare Gaert. Accepted scientific plant name Aesculus hippocastanum L. Common names Suo Lou Zi Rosskastanie Marron d’Inde Horse chestnut Morrone amaro Pharmaceutical latin name Flos Hippocastani Folium Hippocastani Cortex Hippocastani Semen Hippocastani 19
Botanical Classification Accepted scientific name (UMC) Aesculus hippocastanum L. Aesculus hippocastanum L., leaf Aesculus hippocastanum L., leaf extract Aesculus hippocastanum L., bark Aesculus hippocastanum L., seed Aesculus hippocastanum L., seed extract Aesculus hippocastanum L., root Aesculus hippocastanum L., tincture 20
Botanical ClassificationAesculus hippocastanum L. Botanical synonyms Aesculus castanea Gilib Aesculus procera Salisb. Hippocastanum aesculus Cav. Hippocastanum vulgare Gaerthn 21
Botanical ClassificationAesculus hippocastanum L. Pharmaceutical latin names Folia Hippocastani Hippocastani folium Extractum Horse chestnut Cortex Hippocastani Semen Hippocastani Extractum semen Hippocastani Tinctura Hippocastani Radix Hippocastani Flos Hippocastani Flores Hippocastani 22
WHO herbal ADR databaseHerbal Code Number (HCN) • one unique number exist for each herbal substance • But the HCN • always begins with a ’9’ and (10) digits • Possible link all herbal substances of the same plant by linking first 5 digits. eg. Valeriana officinalis L. 9005100000 • Valeriana officinalis L. root9005100500 • Valeriana officinalis L. root dry extract9005100502 24
Herbal New Entry Table Yucca Fil. Fol. Extr ? Yucca filamentosa leaf extract Yucca filamentosaRiddell (GCI) Yucca filamentosaWood -- in Proc. Acad. Sc. Philad. (1868) 167. (IK) Yucca filamentosaL. -- Sp. Pl. 319 (1753). (IK) 25
Pharmaceutical latin namesThree flowers tea-mixture • Active ingredients Robiniae flos Althaeae folium Juglandis folium Centaurii herba Millefolii herba Coriandri fructus Foeniculi fructus Frangulae cortex 29
Herbal terminology used for ATC • Properties: Adaptogens Herbs that build resistance to stress. Uses: To support endocrine glands, especially adrenal exhaustion. Support the immune system and nervous systems • Properties: Cardiotonics Stimulates or effects the heart. Uses: Hypertension, Hyperthyroidism, Arteriosclerosis, Angina etc. 31
Herbal ATC assignmentsAdonis vernalis L. • (PhytoCD) Adonidis herba Effects: Positively inotropic Usage: Mild impairment of heart functions, especially when accompanied by nervous symptoms. In Russian folk medicine the drug is used for dehydration, cramps, fever, and menstrual disorders. • THE COMPLETE GERMAN COMMISSION E MONOGRAPHS Uses Mild impairment of heart function, especially when accompanied by nervous symptoms Actions Positively inotropic • (MARTINDALE) Profile: Adonis vernalis, contains cardiac glycosides which have actions similar to those of digoxin. Adonis vernalis is used in herbal and homoeopathic medicine. • Trease and Evans Adonis vernalis contains more than 30 cardiolides, acting similarly to those of strophanthus. • Merck IndexTherapeutic categories: Cardiotonic 32
Herbal ATC assignmentsAdonis vernalis L. • Adonis vernalis L., herb • Adoniside • Cardiotonic • Heart condition • Positive correlation between the traditional use of the plant and the current therapeutic use of the chemical extracted from the plant HC01AX Other cardiac glycosides 33