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  2. ENGLEWOOD BULLDOGS Summer’s over, you’re now stuck in school, and facing your worst fears. You’re no longer the oldest or the top of the school like you were last year. You’re at the bottom of the totem pole as grade tens. You’re probably in a class right now with people you don’t know which are from schools that were unlike your own last year. You may have come from a small where you don’t have lockers, bells, or different teachers from every class. You could even be on the verge of a panic attack and wondering when this torture will ever end. But first take a breath and relax, there have been hundreds of people before you that were in your seats and are doing awesome things in this world. Hundreds of people that were BOBCATS…just like you are. It’s your first “how to” lesson that you’ll learn at Bluefield. You’re no longer a shark, a bull dog or a warrior, but are all bobcats. The first common interest you and your peers have. So relax and make the most of it and learn to become a true BOBCAT! GULF SHORE SHARKS But Now You Are… EAST WILTSHIRE WARRIORS

  3. That’s it? I’m a Bobcat….? But who wants to be ‘Just a Bobcat?’ (Your Choice Really) There’s a lot to being more than ‘Just a Bobcat’ and it’s all gonna’ start with you …Technically…yes…

  4. It’s the same stuff you’ve heard since grade 1. Respect. It’s the basis of everything. It will determine whether you will be a good student or a poor student, a well liked person or a not so liked person. It can determine whether your high school experience will be a regret or an enjoyment R E S P E C T Respect isn’t just about giving it to others either, it means giving it to yourself as well. You are going to accomplish some amazing things in high school, and you need to be proud about it. You are going to face choices that can easily hurt yourself. Self Respect is just as important as giving Respect to others. • “Being brilliant is no great feat if you respect nothing

  5. Involvement! Society for the appreciation of Great Literature Badminton Powerlifting School isn’t just about going to class and doing your homework. It should be so much more than that. Bobcats get involved, but not just in sports. We go above and beyond the calling and get involved in OUR interests. We’re in art, science, band, peer groups, you name it. We make our high school experience the best we can by getting involved! Dance Committees Blueprint Volleyball Soccer RAP Team Students Against Drunk Driving Rugby Basketball Anime Club Student Council Representative Drama Club Duke of Edinburgh God At Bluefield Jazz Band Musical A Bluefield graduate once came up to me and told me they had hated high school. When I asked why, they asked me why I liked going to school. I replied saying that I loved being a part of the many activities I did. They explained to me the difference “You are involved, I never was” -2012 Graduate Improv. Club Student Council Executive JoBo Fitness Honors Band Sevec Exchange Chess Club Field Hockey Concert Band

  6. Advice and What Past Bobcats are Saying One thing I loved about bluefieldwas the friendliness of the Bluefield SchoolFamily. -2011 Grad If I could go back to Bluefield I would be more involved in all three years instead of just eleven and twelve and not hold back from anything -2011 grad I love the support for the arts! I also love the people at Bluefield. -2012 grad The things I love about Bluefield is the fact that you can be involved in a wide range of activities and meet new people. -2012 grad One thing I would change about my high school experience would be to leave my comfort zone in grade 10 and meet new people earlier -2012 grad

  7. Being Proactive What you on?

  8. Being Proactive: serving to prepare for, intervenein, or control an expected occurrence or situation, especially a negative ordifficult one. -Dictionary.com What the… The Question is…Which one are you going to be in high school? You’ve probably never heard about it till now. But you’ve heard another phrase that directly relates to it. Responsibility for you actions. That’s right, you know that annoying phrase that your parents use when you come home with a bad test mark. Believe it or not though, your parents are pointing you in the right direction, and have prepared you for this. There are two types of people you will meet in your life. Reactive and Proactive. Ones that blame everything on something else, and the ones who take the blame on themselves and do something about their situations or actions.

  9. In high school, there is going to be lots of things you’re going to have to face. Truthfully, a lot of it will just be plain crap that no one wants to deal with. The question is how are you going to deal with it? How are your actions going to reflect who you are as a person? How will other people see you because of your actions? The list goes on. The Difference between Reactive and Proactive Reactive people make choices based on impulse or with not thought, and often explode like a can of pop because of it. Proactive people make choices based on values. They think before they act . They realize that they can’t control everything and that crap happens. They can control how they act towards the crap though. Reactivity = Proactivity = “The windshield is bigger than the rearview mirror.” -- Tom Daschle

  10. What they look like in high school Whether I fail or succeed shall be no man’s doing but my own I am the force. –Elaine Maxwell

  11. In many classes in high school, you will be responsible for group projects. Knowing your knowledge of reactive and proactive people… Proactive people… …Are not easily offended WHICH ONE WOULD YOU RATHER WORK WITH? …Take responsibility …Think before they act What they sound like* …Bounce back when something happens …Always find a way to make it happen WHAT KIND OF GROUP MEMBER WILL YOUR GROUP WANT YOU TO BE? What they Sound Like …Focus on things they can do something about, and don’t worry about things they can’t Taken From ‘Seven Habits for Highly Effective Teenagers”

  12. High school isn’t always as pretty as it seems. Sure you get some amazing opportunities, but really like we said, there’s gonna’ be some crap along the way. Your chemistry mark may not be the way you or your parents want it to be. Or maybe your best friend just decided to ditch you. Don’t forget the pressures that you might have to face or that thing your organizing and nothing is going right with it. Perhaps your just super busy and never finding time to do anything. Get the picture? You can’t do it by your self you need help Being Proactive also means not doing everything by yourself…there are times you need help Who do I go to? Freinds Family Guidance Counselors Youth Workers RAP (respect, accept, protect) team Teachers Why Would I Need Help?

  13. So…which one you gonna’ be?

  14. Be Yourself (Cause everyone else is taken)

  15. Question: How many people took a lot of time to choose their clothes, makeup, or hairstyle in order to fit in? Sometimes in high school it will seem like you have to do certain things such as join certain clubs, have certain friends, wear certain clothes or fall under certain pressures. Your high school experience shouldn’t be about this though! Anyone will tell you that the greatest advice for high school is to be yourself because being someone else never makes us feel satisfied What’s the point? “Let the world know you as you are, not as you think you should be, because sooner or later, if you are posing, you will forget the pose, and then where are you?” Question: How many of you would have rathered just have worn sweats or not care what other people thought about their look?

  16. Ok...So what happens when… You might be thinking…so what? No one will know the difference if I’m me or not. Besides high school is supposed to be fun, and I’m not ruining my chances of not being accepted into a group or getting invited to a party. …You want to join a club that no one would ever think you would? Not being ourselves leads to missed opportunities and disappointment to both others and ourselves… The Point Is… Will you really be yourself? Or Will you be the other person? …Someone finds you do something and says “I never thought you’d do that!?” …Someone that knows the real you asks about your change? Why Are We So Afraid to Be Ourselves? Video …You really don’t want to do what everyone thinks you will? What’s the big deal?

  17. …Is that really what you want in your high school experience? (This is another one of those choices you make) High school lasts for 3 years, and to you thatmight seem like a long time. But it doesn’t have to be. Imagine waking up and putting on those sweats cause THAT’S WHO YOU ARE. Then going to school and taking classes that you like because THAT’S WHO YOU ARE. So what if the majority of people don’t like your sweats, or think your club is weird? That’s their problem. Not. YOURS. (The have the right to respect it, if they don’t and trouble may occur make sure to get help!)

  18. “Always be a first-rate version of yourself, instead of a second-rate version of somebody else.” -coolsmart.com You’re Not Alone! “Simply put, the real me is boring. I don't like to talk a lot, I don't have really funny stories to tell or jokes. I'm just not that interesting of a guy and letting new people I've met know that isn't always the best idea... plus, if they knew the real me, new people wouldn't want to be my friends anyway. Sometimes it's just easier to put on that fake mask and try my best to fit in.” -Bubbaboyjr1989 from SoulPancake.com You’d be surprised at how many people try to act like someone else just like you. So never think that you’re the only one that has your problem, cause you’re not! If you ever struggle deeply with this problem, make sure to seek help such as a guidance counselor or a friend. “You were born an original. Don’t become a copy.” -coolsmart.com

  19. So How do you do it? Friends/Relationships It’s true when they say that friends can have the biggest influence on you and your choices. And they can also define who you are as well. You will deal with lots of crap in high school and your first choice to turn to will be probably your friends. Will your friends make choices based on who you are? Do you make choices based on what your friends want and go against your wishes? Your friends should be supportive of what you want and encourage you to be yourself. If they can’t give you that, it may be time to look for someone that will understand you. Make A List! If you have no idea who you are, it’s time to make a list of things you like or dislike such as activities or qualities of people. Your beliefs, what you stand for, what is important in your life and so forth. Put it somewhere where you can see it so you know who you are, especially when you’re struggling with this concept. This could be in any from such as a poem, story, or maybe even one word. Involvement! Especially in high school, the kinds of activities you participate define in other people’s view who you are. People see you as an athlete when you’re in the gym. Are you involved? Do you like doing the activities that you do? Will people see who you are through your involvment? If not, it might be time to change your activities. Trying to be yourself isn’t always easy. Especially in high school. We’re afraid that people might judge us to who we are, and we’ll end up in a bottomless pit. Here are some tips though how to ease into being YOU!

  20. Why Should I be Myself? “Sure I can be my worst critic and enemy, but at the same time I am happy to be myself. Like everyone, I got my flaws and try my best not to let people see it. But at the same time, if I am not my true self how can anyone truly and ever accept me for who I am? I try my best to act like my online self as I am in real life. There is no point pretending to be something you are not, in a way its deception and you never know who you will come across” -http://www.experienceproject.com/stories/Like-Being-Myself/1929631

  21. Goals Make it or Break it Kid

  22. So you’ve decided this new school year, you’re going to be the greatest student. You’re going to get 80% on every test and do your homework every night. You’re going to make every sport team, and the list goes on… Goals are so important as it gives direction to our lives and a plan of what we want to make it. Goals don’t have to be huge and will differ from person to person. Maybe your goal for high school is to be able to go to university after, while the guy beside you is working to graduate from high school. Goals also help take control of our lives, because if we don’t take it someone else will. …Welcome to Goal Making 101!

  23. Plan? What Plan? *taken fromhttp://www.goal-setting-guide.com/goal-setting-tutorials/smart-goal-setting Every goal needs to have an outline or a plan. It’s just like building a house. You need to have a blueprint to know how it will all work. ‘If you don't know where you are going, you'll end up someplace else.‘ Yogi Berra* This is our ‘Blueprint!* We’ll use the ‘S.M.A.R.T’ method to achieving our goals by using the examples of possible goals you might have during your high school year. * Taken from:http://www.inspirational-quotes.info

  24. Specific. M. A. R. T. The First step is to make your goal clear and not broad, so you understand fully what you’re trying to accomplish. Do 10 minutes of homework of each subject each night S. Measurable. A. R. T. Example: Many people find it hard to read a huge novel in a complete sitting. So they break it up into sections. The Measurable step means breaking up your central goal into ‘little goals’ so you can reach the main goal. Go to extra help once a week Central Goal: Earn Honours achievement in Grade 10 Don’t Be afraid to ask questions in class

  25. S. M. Attainable. R. T. Attainable means ‘reachable’ in the sense that you’ll have the right attitude, motivation, and skill. If you lack one of these greatly, your goal will seem very far, and pointless to achieve. Joe is in band and would love to make the honors band. He doesn’t like practicing though and he really hates going to early morning band. He doesn’t seem to want to change his way of thinking either No. If Joe really wants to make the honors band, he has to develop more skill by practicing and get a better attitude about the work it will take Attainable? Jack is in band and would love to make the honors band. He is committed to practicing 3x a week and makes sure he’s on time for early morning band even though he might not always enjoy being up so early! Yes. Jack has a good attitude for his goal, and realizes the work he needs to put into it. He realizes it’s not always going to be easy but he’s committed to doing so

  26. Ever worked on something and then realized that it just wasn’t possible to finish? Did you feel disappointed about the wasted work? Would it have been better if you had mapped it out before hand? The same is with goals. Why waste a significant amount of time only to find that it’s impossible to do for various reasons? That’s what realistic is. S.M.A. Realistic. T. Unrealistic Goal I’m going to get as involved as much as I can. I’m going to do band, basketball, and be an honors student I’m going to get involved in everything! I’m going to do musical, basketball, band, student council, and be an honors student! Realistic Goal S. M . A. R. Time Bound Goal: Get Student Council Frosh Week Ready Most goals don’t take forever to be finished and usually you don’t want to take forever! You need to set up a rough timeline to when you want your goal to be finished. The best way is to break your goal up and have different aspects of it done at certain times. Remember, your ‘schedule’ should be attainable, realistic and measurable! In 1 week – Create Committee In 2 weeks – Have Outline of Week Done In 3 weeks – Have all supplies ready In 4 weeks – Be ready and Run Frosh Week

  27. Be a part of a Sevec Exchange “G-OOO-AAA-LLL!” Learning a new instrument Perform in a noon-hour concert Passing a test Goals are a real success for everyone, but mostly you. You take control of your life and you feel good about yourself when you’ve finished your goal. Goals are also accomplishments that can be used in your future such as a resume or job/college applications. These are things you will start thinking about in high school (don’t freak out yet!) Becoming captain of a sports team Achieving academic achievement Making a sports team Getting a good mark on a project Becoming an all-star on a sports team Become a student council representative Becoming friends with someone Getting a lead role in the musical

  28. So be sure when you step Step with care and great tact. And remember that life’s a great balancing act. And will you succeed? Yes! You will, indeed! 98 and 3/4 percent guaranteed. Kid, you’ll move mountains -Dr. Seuss From Oh, the Places You’ll Go. So Are YOU ready for high school? Really it’s not a big deal, and in a couple of days you’ll laugh at how worried you were about high school. The biggest advice anyone can give you is to have fun, and enjoy your 3 years at Bluefield High School!

  29. References • Ideas based around Sean Covey’s ‘7 Habits for Highly Effective Teens’ • Quotes also taken from this book unless otherwise stated. • http://www.goal-setting-guide.com/goal-setting-tutorials/smart-goal-setting - used for the S.M.A.R.T goal setting.

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