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Integrative taxonomy. Gustav Paulay Florida Museum of Natural History University of Florida. Integrative taxonomy. Use of multiple lines of evidence Field - museum - lab Ecology - behavior - morphology - genetics - geography Distinguishing between morphs and species
Integrative taxonomy Gustav Paulay Florida Museum of Natural History University of Florida
Integrative taxonomy • Use of multiple lines of evidence • Field - museum - lab • Ecology - behavior - morphology - genetics - geography • Distinguishing between morphs and species • Two or more independent characters showing distinction between species
Not seeing species where there are • cukes vs. primates • different foci for sensory perception • unequal rates of evolution • phenotype: morphology, behavior, color pattern... • genotype: sequence divergence • reproductive isolation
Supposed distribution of Scutellastra flexuosa and exusta Powell, 1968
but what is really going on... NJ K2P COI
Seeing species where there aren’t • ecophenotypic variation • ontogenetic variation • geographic variation • ecological variation - depth, habitat, etc • polymorphism • paralogous loci • former divergence now united
Paralogous loci:mitochondrial genes gone nuclear in Alpheus Williams & Knowlton 2001 Mol Biol Evol
ESU - reciprocal monophyly • DNA - gene flow - BSC • reciprocal monophyly implies lack of recent genetic connections • need several samples of each form to test • reliability of conclusion depends on depth of intra- vs. inter-specific variation • in sympatry - separate biological species • in allopatry - separate ESUs, species status subjective
Cypraea punctata complex Basinal/subbasinal speciation common • perceived as other dominant mode of speciation by past studies • predominant mode in Cypraeidae, Aspidochirotida, Diogenidae, Parribacus
Lack of reciprocal monophyly • morphs rather than species • distinct species, but: • introgression • insufficient time for sorting • deep coalescent • rapid speciation
Introgression in Bohadschia argus? • Unusual form only in W Pacific; never seen in Polynesia, etc. • Need compare independent markers to test
Insufficient time for sortingGene trees vs. species trees:coalescence theory Avise 1999 Phylogeography
Evolution of reproductive isolation • Slow • most gastropod • deep divergence among allopatric ESUs • clear reciprocal monophyly • slow to secondary sympatry / biological species • Rapid • echinoids, holothuroids • shallow divergence among sympatric species • potential paraphyletic species • rapid to secondary sympatry / biological species
Astralium rhodostomum complex • Two deeply divergent clades: A & B sympatric on 8 island groups • 30 ESUs so far • Pigmentation separates major and minor clades.
Persistence of allopatry - Cypraeidae 94% divergences < 10 Ma retain allopatry (115 of 122) 94% divergences < 10 Ma retain signal (115 of 122) Geographic signal no signal
Echinometra mathaei complex Rapid secondary sympatryFacilitated by rapid evolution of fertilization proteins? ~1 Ma COI Bindin Bindin COI Landry et al. 2003 Proc Roy Soc
Cukes like urchins: Actinopyga obesa complex
Advantages of sequence data • Directly test genetic connections • Very large number of characters • Independent markers - independent sources • “Independent” of morphology - so can trace evolution of form, etc on gene tree without circularity
Potential problems with sequence data • depth of coalescent vs. interspecific divergence • paralogous sequences • introgression • selective sweeps • homogenization through drift