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Proposal to establish a structured group for better coordination between nodes of space missions, facilitating communication, data delivery, and archive management.
Proposal for a PDSMission Interface Working Group Edward Guinness / Susie Slavney Washington University Presented to PDS Management Council April 4, 2008
Background • Current interface model • Each mission is assigned a lead node • Individual nodes work independently with instrument teams • Interactions between nodes is informal • Data and Archive Working Group (DAWG) meetings are not always the best forum for nodes to work on detailed or internal issues • DAWG meetings involve mission personnel and are often run by the mission • It is sometimes difficult for the lead node to be aware of the status and progress of work at other participating nodes • Interactions currently done informally would benefit from having a more structured Mission Interface Working Group
Working Group Benefits • Enable PDS to present a consistent view of its standards and procedures to data providers • Coordinate archive development and operations (i.e., data delivery phase of missions) activities that require multi-node participation • E.g. Use consistent set of keywords in labels and coordinate keyword values that apply to multiple instruments (mission name and associated IDs) • Keep the Engineering Node informed of deliveries and other archive events • Provide a forum to discuss archiving issues internally • The working group would complement and not replace the DAWG meetings
Scope • Topics for missions in planning or archive design phase • Local data dictionary development • Standard values for ID and name class keywords (data set, volume, instrument, instrument host) • Peer reviews • End to end archive delivery tests • Interactions with EN to prepare for deliveries (catalog files, resource links, release objects) • Topics for missions actively delivering data (operations phase) • Preparations for each delivery • Release announcements • Availability of data online and through search tools
Working Group Operations • Membership • One or more representatives from each node involved with a mission who is well-informed and able to report on the status of work being done for a given mission • Associated EN data engineers • Suggest that WG be chaired by PDS Operations Manager, with the mission lead node representative leading the discussion for each mission • Meetings • Held once a month, about a week before monthly reports are due to ensure that fever charts are consistent and up-to-date • Each mission with issues to discuss would be included on the agenda, otherwise a status would be given • Mission specific issues should be submitted to the agenda with enough advance notice to give the group time to prepare • Suggest that PDS try this WG approach as an experiment for a 6 to 12 month trial period to see if the WG provides a benefit