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The Subjunctive With Conjunctions

Learn how conjunctions trigger the subjunctive in Spanish for expressing doubt or uncertainty about future events. Practice using key conjunctions a fin de que, a menos que, antes de que, con tal de que, en caso de que, para que, sin que. Improve your Spanish grammar skills today!

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The Subjunctive With Conjunctions

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  1. The Subjunctive With Conjunctions page 277 Avancemos 3

  2. Subjunctive with Conjunctions • In ENGLISH, the use of conjunctions in compound sentences will NEVER utilize the subjunctive. • I’ll take my umbrella in caseit rains.

  3. Subjunctive with Conjunctions • But in SPANISH, they are followed by the SUBJUNCTIVE. • Traeré mi paraguas en caso de quellueva.

  4. Subjunctive with Conjunctions • Always use the subjunctive after the following conjunctions because they express doubt or uncertainty about whether or not the events in the second part of the sentence will happen.

  5. Subjunctive with Conjunctions • a fin de que • a menos que • antes de que • con tal de que • en caso de que • para que • sin que • so that • unless • before • provided that • in case that (in the event that) • so that(in order that) • without

  6. Subjunctive with Conjunctions • No gastes tus ahorros a menos quesea necesario. • Don’t spend your savings unless it’s necessary. • Voy a imprimirlasfotosparaquetodoslasmiren. • I’m going to print the photos so that everyone can look at them.

  7. Subjunctive with Conjunctions • Conjunctions without “que” = indicative • Tendrás que comer antes de que salgas. • Tendrás que comer antes de salir.

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