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Magnificent Monocots

Magnificent Monocots. Poales: Poaceae (Grasses). Grass Flowers and Fruits. Grass Economics. Asparagales. Narcissus. Aloe. Asparagales: Orchidaceae. Orchis. Rhizanthella. Orchid Flowers. The Orchid World is Full of Violence, Sex & Lies! . Pseudocopulation (hormonal secretions & shapes)

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Magnificent Monocots

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Presentation Transcript

  1. MagnificentMonocots

  2. Poales: Poaceae (Grasses)

  3. Grass Flowers and Fruits

  4. Grass Economics

  5. Asparagales Narcissus Aloe

  6. Asparagales: Orchidaceae Orchis

  7. Rhizanthella

  8. Orchid Flowers

  9. The Orchid World is Full of Violence, Sex & Lies! • Pseudocopulation (hormonal secretions & shapes) • Here, wasp tries to mate, and is hammered onto the reproductive parts Bee orchid, Ophrys apifera. Flower mimics female bee so exactly that it is even hairy.

  10. More Cool Orchids Lyperanthus suaveolens Orchids are in the same order as Asparagus

  11. Liliales Smilax Trillium Colchicum

  12. Cyperaceae & Juncaceae:Sedges and Rushes

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