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The Magma: a liquid or solvent incandescent silicate that natural is the car, the temperature between 900-1200 degrees Celsius or more coming from the bottom of the earth's crust. MAGMA. Magma in the earth's crust.
The Magma: a liquid or solvent incandescent silicate that natural is the car, the temperature between 900-1200 degrees Celsius or more coming from the bottom of the earth's crust. MAGMA
1.Senyawa a non volatil oxide and a compound in magma consisting of SiO2, Al2O9, Fe2O9, FeO, MnO, Cao, Na2O, K2O, TiO2, P2O5. 2.Senyawa volatil; consists of a faction-faction gas CH4, CO2, HCL, H2S, SO2 etc.. 3. Elements or trace elements: Rb, Ba, Sr, Ni, Co, V, Li, Cr, S, Pb. Chemical composition of magma
Magma can change into another magma by processes: 1. Hybridization: The establishment of new magma as the magma mixing 2 different 2. Sinteksis: the establishment of new magma because the process of the rock side asimilasi 3. Anateksis: the process of formation of magma f romthe fusion of rock at great depth MAGMA EVOLUtIon
DEFFERENSI MAGMATIK: is all the change process from the initial magma is homogeneous in the large-scale rock mass into the composition of the frozen dg berfariasi
Fragsinasi: is the separation of crystals from solution because the magma crystallization process does not run in proportion or crystal-crystal at the time of cooling does not follow the development of the (changes of temperature and pressure and striking suddenly). Cristal settling / gravitational settling is the settling of the crystals because the crystals are grafitasi Ca, Mg, Fe is enriched in the magma reservoir. Liquid immisibility Cristal flotation Vesiculation Diffusion Processes of magma differentiation include
A scheme showing the sequence of crystallization of the rock forming minerals Consists of: 1.The black mineral or mineral mefik 2.The white mineral or mineral felsik BOWN reaction
Main minerals in rock are: ultra basa rock group: Olivin : olivin –piroksen Olivin – Plagioklas : Olivin- plagioklas-piroksen Piroksen : piroksen-plagioklas Intermediet rock group : Piroksen-hornblende-plagioklas Hornblende-plagioklas Hornblende-plagioklas-biotit-kwarsa intermedietasam rock group: Hornblende-biotit-orthoklas-plagioklas Hornblende-biotit-muskovit-plagioklas-kwarsa Biotit-muscovite- orthoklas-etc. Crystallization sequence of minerals is not always menunujukkansuccessive crystalitation but also overlapping
Main minerals: adl. Minerals that form from magma crystallization, and attendance is set in stone naming. MINERAL composition
Based on color and density can be grouped into: • Felsicminerals (meneral colored light with an average density 2,5-2,7), namely: Miniralkwarsa (Si O2) • Feldspar group, consists of a series feldsfar alkali (K, Na) AlSiaOa, alkali feldspar series consists of sanidin, orthoklas, anorthoklas, adularia, and mkroklin, plagioklas series consists of albit, oligoklas, andesin, labradorit, bitownit, and anortit. • Groups feldspatoid (Na, K alumina silicate), consisting of nevelin, sodalit, leusit.
Namely: Olivin group: Fayalith, and Forsterite Piroksen group: consists of Enstantite, Hipersten, Augit, Pegionit, and Diopsite. Groups Mika; Biotit, Muskovit, plogopit Groups Ampibol: Cumingtonit, Hornblende, Rieberkit, tremolit, Aktinolit, etc. Glaukopan. b).Mineral mafic(minerals feromagnesia with dark color and density average 3,0-3,6)
Mineral is a major change from the mineral, can result from weathering, a reaction against hidrotermalmaupun results metamorfose major mineral. B. SECONDARY MINERAL
Groups kalsit (kalsit, dolomite, magnesit, siderit), can change the results of mineral plagioklas. Groups serpentin (antigorit, krisotil) general form of the mineral mefic change (especially olivin groups, and piroksen) Groups klorit, (proklor, penin, talk) in general form of the mineral group of minerals change plagioklas Groups sericit, change as mineral plagioklas Kaolin group minerals (kaolin, holosyte) generally found as a result of the frozen rock weathering. SECONDARY MINERAL CONSISTS OF:
Minerals that form from magma crystallization, generally in a little amount. Although quite a lot of presence does not affect the naming rock. Included in this group are: Hematit, kromit, spene, muskovit, rutile, magnetit, zeolit, apatit, etc.. C. ADDITIONAL MINERAL