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E T distribution of inclusive electron candidates. Data selection: All runs with good detector and offline reconstruction conditions from 2010 Inclusive electron triggers of various thresholds and tightness are used for different run periods, reflecting increasing machine luminosity.
ET distribution of inclusive electron candidates Data selection: All runs with good detector and offline reconstruction conditions from 2010 Inclusive electron triggers of various thresholds and tightness are used for different run periods, reflecting increasing machine luminosity. All triggers are fully efficient for candidates with ET above 20 GeV, the total integrated luminosity above this threshold is 36.6 pb-1 Data points below 20 GeV correspond to lower integrated luminosities but are normalised to 36.6 pb-1 in order to show a smooth distribution Total number of events is 423,268 • Inclusive electron ET distribution showing the Jacobian peak from W and Z decay electrons. Other main contributions are electrons from bottom and charm quark semileptonic decays, mis-identified hadrons and electrons from photon conversions. 5
“Measurement of inclusive jet and dijets cross sections at s=7 TeV” Submitted to EPJC september 2010, accepted for publication • Selection criteria: • primary vertex with at least 5 tracks, |zIP| < 10 cm (2.6 % events > 1 vertex) • anti-kt jet reconstruction algorithm with R<0.4 (R<0.6) • leading jet pt > 60 GeV, rapidity |y| < 2.8 • for dijets, subleading jet pt > 30 GeV Statistics: 17 nb, 56535 (77716) events for cone R<0.4 (R<0.6) 45621 (65739) dijet events for cone R<0.4 (R<0.6) • Systematics: • Luminosity measurement 11 % • Jet Energy Scale: 8 (9) % in barrel (endcap) for jets with pt < 60 GeV • 6 (7) % in barrel (endcap) pt > 60 GeV • Trigger efficiency > 99 %, cosmic and beam backgrounds small
W e W L = 35 pb-1 ee L = 37 pb-1 L = 42 pb-1 L = 36 pb-1 Z / * ll