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Te Wiki o Te Reo M āori 2014. Te kupu o te wiki. Using this resource. Each slide has one word from the Kupu o te Wiki list for Te Wiki o te Reo Māori.
Te Wiki o Te Reo Māori 2014 Te kupu o te wiki
Using this resource • Each slide has one word from the Kupu o te Wiki list for Te Wiki o te Reo Māori. • The picture will come up first followed by the Māori word. The English word appears as well in some of the slides. There is an example of how to use the word in a sentence on every slide. • Introduce 1 word a week. Bring up the picture and ask your class what the word is. This could be done during form class time across the school. • Every time you introduce a new word, review previous words that you have learnt. • Print these slides out as flash cards. The print function in Powerpoint will allow up to 9 slides per page. • Email this presentation to everybody in the school and make it available on your school website. • Set up inter-class or inter-department competitions using the words in a quiz game format. • As you walk around the school, ask students what the kupu o te wiki is and its translation. If they get it right they get a small prize. • Use your imagination e hoa mā. Kia kaha!
Tomorrow Āpōpō Ka whiti te rā āpōpō
Heihei He reka ki ahau te heihei.
Poitarawhiti Ka tākaro poitarawhiti au i ngā Rāhoroi.
Naumai Nau mai, haere mai ki tō mātou kura!
BUT Engari He pai te kēmu, engari kāore tōku tīma i toa.
Waea Kei te tangi mai te waea.
Sky Rangi He nui ngā kapua i te rangi.
Niho Me paraehe i ō niho i te ata me te pō.
Pahi Ka haere mātou ki te kura mā runga pahi.
Awa E kaukau ana ngā tamariki i te awa.
Kaiako Me whakarongo tāua ki te kaiako.
Wahine He tino ātaahua te wahine rā.
Tāwhirimātea God of winds Kua riri a Tāwhirimātea i tēnei rā.
Marama Kei te whiti te marama i te pō nei.
Homai Pass (to me) Homai te pepa.
Inu He inu māu?
Ōtautahi Kei Ōtautahi rātou e mahi ana.
Āporo He Granny Smith tēnei momo āporo.
Pāremata Parliament Kei te Whanganui-a-Tara tō tātou whare pāremata.
Rāwhānau Ngā mihi rā whānau ki a koe e hoa!
Wharehākinakina Kei te haere koe ki te whare hākinakina i tēnei rā?
Kaukau Me ako ngā tāngata katoa ki te kaukau.
Whakatā Rest Kua mutu ngā mahi. Me whakatā tātou ināianei.
Get up Maranga Maranga mai, e tama. Kia tere, kei tōmuri tō taenga atu ki te kura.
Kura Ka tīmata te rā kura i te iwa karaka. Ka mutu te rā kura i te toru karaka.
Poihākena E rere atu ana mātou ki Poihākena āpōpō.
Manuhiri Visitor Kua tae mai tā tātou manuhiri.
Ipad Īpapa He īpapa tāu?
Rū I te wā o te rū, ka ngaoki mātou ki raro i te tēpu, ā, ka mau mātou ki ōna waewae.
Pirihimana Police officer “Auē, kua tāhaengia tōku motoka!”, “Kia tere, waea atu ki ngā pirihimana!”
Te Waipounamu He nui ngā pounamu i roto i ngā awa o Te Waipounamu.
Ukurere Kei te ako au ki te whakatangitangi i te ukurere.
Ngutu Kua maroke ōku ngutu. Kei hea taku whakahinuhinu?
Taihoa Hang on / wait Taihoa e haere. Kāore anō au kia reri.
Aranga Ko te Aranga te wā tapu rawa o te tau Karaitiana.
Horoi Me horoi koutou i ō koutou ringaringa i mua i te kai.
Maumahara Remember Ka maumahara tātou ki a rātou.
Papatūānuku Earth Me tiaki tātou i a Papatūānuku i ngā wā katoa
Manu He manu haere pō te rūrū me te kiwi.
Ika Whakahokia tō ika tuatahi ki a Tangaroa.
Moana Ki te whiti te rā i tēnei rangi, ka haere tātou ki te moana kaukau ai.
Oyster Tio Ko ngā tio reka rawa o te motu ko ngā tio o Motupohue.
Taringa Kua mamae tōku taringa matau. Me haere au ki te tākuta.
Hāmoa Sāmoa He tino kaha te iwi o Hāmoa ki te kōrero i tō rātou reo.
Āe Yes “E haere mai ana koe ki te hui i tēnei rā?” “Āe, e haere ana au.”
Whetū E whitu ngā whetū i te kāhui o Matariki.
Macron ā ē ī ō ū Ā Ē Ī Ō Ū Tohutō He tohutō kei runga i te ‘a’ i te kupu Māori.