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DTP14 and GTR Drafting Progress Report. 66th GRPE 6 th June 2013. Overview. Good progress made since last GRPE 2 DTP meetings in Tokyo and Geneva 3 phone conferences Several meetings of the sub-groups On- going drafting group meetings ( audio /web or f2f)
DTP14 and GTR DraftingProgress Report 66th GRPE 6th June 2013
Overview • Goodprogressmadesince last GRPE • 2 DTP meetings in Tokyo andGeneva • 3 phoneconferences • Severalmeetingsofthe sub-groups • On-goingdraftinggroupmeetings (audio/web or f2f) • Inf. Doc GRPE-66-02: Draft GTR WLTP
Sub-Group Reports • PM/PN subgrouphasclosed all open issuesandconcentratesitswork on drafting. • AP subgrouphascompletedthework on N20 and NO2-measurement. EtOh-, NH3- and Aldehyde measurement will beaddedat a laterstage. • EV subgrouphasclosed all major open issuesfor Phase 1 except Utility Factor (will bedetermined on a regional basis). Someissues still depend on theoutcomeoftheconfirmationphase. All vehicles will beclassifiedas Class 3. • ICE subgrouphascompletedthenewtestmassapproach (themethodishowever not yetfullyvalidated), but still hasto deal withsomeminor open issues.
Remaining Open Issuesfrom DTP 14 • RCB correction for low-voltage battery • Table of running resistances • Comparison of RLD methods • Vehicle warm-up procedure • Speed trace violation • Definition of predominant mode for multimode gearboxes • Ambient temperature for coastdown • Temperature correction for regional representativeness
1. RCB Correction Issue: The SoCofthelowvoltagebatteryhas an impact on fuelconsumption. This impactshallbeconsideredappropriately. Proposal: SoC will be monitored via OBD data for a worst case family member. The definition of such a family is still an open issue. Correction of fuel consumption if delta RCB> [0,5 %] on the basis Willans factors. Decision: The principlesofthisproposalisagreed. TÜV Nord and VW will cover the open issueoffamilycriteriaandvalidationprocedureandpresenta papertothenextLabProcICEmeeting.
2. Table ofRunningResistances (red) Issue: Default valuesfordynosettingsmaybeappliedifthe Road Loadof a vehiclecannotbedetermined (forexample via coastdown). Proposal: Default values will becalculated on thebasisofCw*A andvehiclemass. The defaultvaluesshouldorienttowardsworstcase. Decision: A newproposalfrom TNO and RDW, whichisbased on a physical model todeterminetheroadloadandwhichapplies an additional 3kW marginisestimatedtobe a promising approach. The groupagreestocontinuethe RLD basedapproach. However additional dataisrequested. LabProc ICE isaskedtocontinuetowork on thisapproachuntil August. At least theprincipleapproach/procedurehastobeagreeduntil August in orderto bring itintothe GTR. Parameter definitioncouldbepostponedto November – ifSteering Group agrees. As a fallbacksolutionthere will beregional defaulttables.
3. Comparisonof RLD Methods Issue: Apart fromthecoastdownthereareothermethodstodeterminetheroadload (torquemeter, wind tunnel measuring) Proposal: The new RLD methodsshouldbeallowed, iftheequivalencyandaccuracyofthenewmethodscanbeshown. The torquemetermethodhasbeenproventobeequivalenttothecoastdownmethod. Decision: Torquemeterandcoastdownmethods will beincluded in the GTR. Wind tunnelmethodcanbecome a subjectfor Phase 2.
4. Warm-Up Procedure (red) Issue: Preconditioningofthevehiclefor RLD andfordynoloadsetting. Proposal: The majorityoftheLabProcICEexpertsare in favourofdefiningstablevehicleconditionsas a recommendationforwarm-up. Japaneseexpertsprefer a dedicatedwarm-upprocedure. Decision: LabProcICEexpertspresented a newapproachbased on a WLTC warm-upcyclefordynoloadsetting; LabProcICEisaskedtowork out thisapproachandtoprovide a documentbefore August.
5. Speed Trace Violation Issue: Deviationsoccuring outside theprescribedtoleranceswhenfollowingthespeedtraceofthetestcycle. Proposal: The LabProcICEproposalis in principleaccepted, but valueshavetobeconfirmed. Itis still unclearhowto deal withvehicleswhichcannotfollowthecycle. Decision: The proposaliswelcomedbythegroup. Indiaproposestoallow1 % time deviationinstead 10 deviations. The DHC Secretaryacceptedtointroduce a commonproposalon thebasisoftheLabProcICEwork. This proposal will also takeintoconsiderationvehiclesthatcannotfollowthecycle.
6. Definition ofPredominant Mode Issue: Vehicleswith multi-mode gearboxesshallbetested in thepredominantmode. Therefore, a stabledefinitionisneeded. Proposal: LabProcICEhasworked out a definition. NL still hasreservationsandisaskedtocomeupwith an improveddefinition. Decision: Despitethefactthatthewordingofthedefinitionofthepredominantmodeis not perfect, the DTP groupagreestoacceptthecurrentdefinitionofthepredominantmode.
7. AmbientTemperatureforcoastdown Issue: Definition of an allowedtemperaturerangeforcoastdown. Proposal: EU proposes 5-35°C; Indiaproposes 5-45°C. Ifnoagreementcanbefound, thetemperaturerangecouldbedefined on a regional basis. Decision: A compromiseproposalbyIndiatorestrictthetemperaturerangeupto 40°C couldbeacceptablebycontractingparties. This couldbeacceptedby EU-COM withtheaddition, thatdeviationsof +/- 5°C areallowed. OICA hasreservationsofpossibledisharmonisation.
8. TemperatureCorrectionfor Regional RepresentativeConditions Issue: Supplementaltestfordeterminationof CO2underrepresentative regional conditions. Proposal: Additional vehicletestunderrepresentativeconditionsfor a representativefamily. The detailsof such a concept still havetobeworked out. Decision: The principlesof such an additional testareaccepted. OICA will presenta stabletestprocedureaswellas a familyconceptand a validationprogrambythe end ofJuly. The procedure still hastobevalidated. EVs shall also betakenintoaccount.
DraftingOverview GTR available as an informal document on the GRPE site GTR uploaded regularly to the CIRCABC website Formation of drafting group consisting of representatives of the subgroups PM/PN, additional pollutants, electrified vehicles, lab procedures, steering group, contracting parties Purpose, scope, application: covers only mono-fuel, ICE and EV vehicles
Major Open Drafting Points Road and dynamometer load Masses Vehicle selection Tyre selection Vehicle warming up Tyre slip on dyno Running resistance table Symbols and abbreviations: too extensive in current GTR Latest cycle and shifting recommendation material to be integrated
Drafting Deadlines Before end of June: Results from this GRPE to be analysed and incorporated into the GTR End of June: f2f drafting group meeting in Brussels Early July: Draft to be sent to WLTP members with comments expected no later than July 19 July 19 to last week of July: Incorporation of comments received above Last week of July: Drafting group meeting (either f2f or audio/web) August 1 - 22: Finalisation of draft August 23: Last date for submitting a Working Document to the UN for the November ad hoc GRPE meeting. November 22: Ad hoc GRPE meeting Mid-December: Last date for submitting a Working Document to the UN for the March meeting of WP.29/AC.3 March 2014: Possible vote on the WLTP-GTR in WP.29/AC3
Next DTP-Meetings • Web/Phone Conference 25.7.2013 9h30-12h00 CET • Further Web/Phone conferencespossiblelater