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Our school system. General compulsory education. In 1774 Empress Maria Theresia established the general compuslory education ( from the age of 6 to 12). In Austria children must attend school for 9 years. Childcare.
General compulsoryeducation In 1774 Empress Maria Theresia establishedthegeneralcompusloryeducation (fromtheageof 6 to 12). In Austria children must attendschoolfor9 years.
Childcare In Nussdorf-Debantwehave a Mother-Child-Center, a instituitionthatcaresforchildren, whoseparentsareworking. The childrencanstaytherefrom 7a.m. to 7p.m. The childcare also isopenedthewholeyear.
Kindergarten In Nussdorf-Debantthere also is a kindergarten, wherechildrenfirstcangotowhentheyare 3 yearsold. In Austria itiscompulsorytoattendkindergartenfor1 year.
School Regulation In Austria it‘spossibletorepeat a certainclass (course) if a pupilfails it. If a pupil‘sschoolcertificatecontainsmorethantwo „Nicht Genügend“ (E) he/shehastorepeattheclass (course). But iftheschoolcertificateONLYcontainstwo„Nicht Genügend“ (E), there still isthechanceofdoing a repeatexamination in autumn.
Ourgradingsystem • In Austria thereare 5 different grades: • A Sehr gut (1) – best grade • B Gut (2) • C Befriedigend (3) • D Genügend (4) • E Nicht Genügend (5)
Elementary School • Every Austrian childhastoattendelementaryschool (fromtheageof 6 to 10) • Subjects: • German, Mathematics • Religion, P.E., Music, GeographyandHandicrafts. Someschools also offerscientific-orientatedsubjects.
New Secondary School • Pupilsattendourschoolfromtheageof 10 to 14. • Ourschoolputsthefocus on: • Music, Italian und Informatics • Other subjects: • German, Mathematics, English • History, Geography, Biology, Music, Physics, Chemistry, Cooking, Handictrafts, P.E., Informatics,…
Secondary School This school type issimilartothenewsecondaryschool. In ordertobeadmitted, theschoolcertificatemustn‘tcontain grades worsethan „Befriedigend“ (C)
Special Needs School This school type isdesignedfordisabledchildrenorforthose, whohavelearningproblems. Classescontainonlyfewpupilsandtheteachersarespeciallytrained (have a specialeducation) in ordertoteachthem. Childrenfromtheageof 6 to 16 attendtheseschools.
Different Choices 1 Year: Polytechnic Institute (POLY) 3Years: Vocationals Schools (LLA, HF) 4Years: High School (GYM, BORG) A-Levels 5 Years: Vocational Schools withhighereducation (HAK, HLW, HTL) - vocationaleducation - A-Levels
Polytechnic Institute In Austria children must attendschoolfor 9 years. Afterwardstheycanattendthepolytechnicinstitute, whichlastsfor 1 year. Theretheypupilsreceivevocationaltraining. The focusis on (freechoice): Tourism Wood/Construction Electonics Business & Office
Apprenticeship • After completingthe 9 compulsoryschoolyears, everychildcandecideto do an apprenticeship. The apprenticeshiplastsfor 3 to 4 years. • In Austria thereis a dyadicsystem: • The traineeswork in a company • Every yeartheyhavetoattend a vocationalschool
Agricultural School This school type lastsfor 3 yearsandthefoucsis on agriculture. The male pupilsreceive a moretechinc-basededucation (woodprocessing, machineengineering).The femalepupilsrecive a moreservice-basededucation(cooking, serving)
Tourism School This type ofschoollastsforthreeyearsandthefocusis on tourism, cookingandservice.
Higher secondaryschool (BORG) This school type lastsfor 4 years (ageof 15 to 18) andpupilsgraduateattheageof 18. Thenthey also gettheir A-Levels. The focusis on: Music P.E. Art
Commercial Academy (HAK) This school type lastsfor 5 yearsandthefocusis on economicsubjects. Itofferssubjects such asinformatics, languages, accounting,… Atthe end ofthe 5 yearsthepupilsgettheir A-Levels andsimultaneouslycomplete a salesmanoccupation.
Commercial High School (HLW) This school type also lastsfor 5 yearsandthefocusis on tourism. Atthe end ofthe 5 yearsthepupilsgettheir A-Levels andsimultaneouslycomplete a educationfortouristicjobs (cook, waiter/waitress, receptionis)
Technic Institution (HTL) Pupilshavetoattendthis type ofschoolfor 5 years. Itoffersvariousdiciplines: construction, design, electricalengineering, mechatronics, aircraftconstruction,…
Admission RequirementsforUniversities in Austria • School • A-Levels • Apprenticeship • qualifyingexamination in ordertobeallowedtoattenduniversity