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HINDUISM. Aryans believed in a religion that has evolved into what we know as Hinduism. BELIEFS. Evolved over centuries (no one person began it) Brahman – universal spirit, god (other gods are manifestations of Brahman) Trinity – 3 most important manifestations are:. BRAHMA. The Creator.
HINDUISM • Aryans believed in a religion that has evolved into what we know as Hinduism
BELIEFS • Evolved over centuries (no one person began it) • Brahman – universal spirit, god (other gods are manifestations of Brahman) • Trinity – 3 most important manifestations are:
BRAHMA • The Creator
VISHNU • The Preserver
SIVA • The Destroyer
KEY CONCEPTS REINCARNATION - The rebirth of the soul
KEY CONCEPTS cont. KARMA - Idea that how a person lives their life will determine what form that person takes in the next life (what comes around goes around)
KEY CONCEPTS cont. DHARMA • Duties of a particular varna (class) • If you fulfill your dharma you get have good karma
KEY CONCEPTS cont. MOKSHA - State in which a person’s soul is freed from the cycle of reincarnation (heaven)
KEY CONCEPTS cont. AHIMSA - Belief that all life is sacred and needs to be protected
SACRED HINDU WRITINGS: THE VEDAS • Ancient poems, legends, hymn, rituals… that formed the basis of Aryan religious life • There are 4, the oldest dating back to about 1000 B.C.
HOLIDAY VIDEOS • Diwali – Festival of Lights • Holi – Festival of colors, triumph of good over evil, coming of the Spring • Holi #2
THE BUDDHA • Siddhartha Gautama– the founder of Buddhism, born in India in 566 B.C. • born into the Kshatriya class, lived a wealthy but sheltered life • wanted to understand why people suffer andhowto minimize it
THE BUDDHA cont. • believed he found the answers while meditating, believed he received “enlightenment” • he preached his message and became known as “The Buddha” (enlightened one) • he rejected the caste system, a person’s position in life should depend on the person, not their birth
THE 8-FOLD PATH LEADS TO NIRVANA • Nirvana – state of enlightenment that frees the soul from the cycle of rebirth
BRANCHES OF BUDDHISM • Make sure you are aware of the following: • Mahayana • Theravada • Tibetan • Zen
CONCEPT OF GOD • Buddha is not thought of as a god • The concept of god is not central to Buddhism
BUILDING/PLACE OF WORSHIP • Use temples and monasteries • Worship and meditation can take place anywhere • Stupa – built to house relics of Buddha (teeth, bones, writings…)
HOLIDAYS/FESTIVALS • See the “Buddhist Festivals and Holidays” worksheet • Festival of the Tooth (Sri Lanka) • Obon (Japan)
SYMBOLS • See the “Buddhist Symbols” worksheet