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The challenge to verify operational weather warnings. Tanja Weusthoff and Marco Arpagaus EMS, 14.09.2011. MeteoSwiss official warnings (24h acc. precip.) for 4th September 2011. 152 warning regions. Introduction. 5 level. 8 different hazards.
The challenge to verify operational weather warnings Tanja Weusthoff and Marco Arpagaus EMS, 14.09.2011 MeteoSwiss official warnings (24h acc. precip.) for 4th September 2011
152 warning regions Introduction 5 level 8 different hazards currentproject: developmentof an applicationfor an automaticverificationofweatherwarnings
Introduction specifications: • develop an automaticverificationforoperational warnings, whichallows a certaintolerance (spaceand time) • usesynergies(e.g. with GIN, a commonplatformfor all naturalhazards in Switzerland: http://www.gin-info.ch/index.html) motivation: • replacecurrentmanual(subjective) verification in ordertoreleaseresources • provethequalityofofficialwarnings • singleofficialvoice (SOV, sinceJanuary 2011) distribution via mediaforlevel 4 and 5
Challenges • how to evaluate the usefulness of warnings without knowing the needs of individual users (and their cost/loss) • how to interprete „tolerant results“ and what should be communicated to the users Precautions causes Costs Having no protection results in Losses
Challenges • representativityofobservations • accountforfeedbackofauthorities • smallstatistics (rare events) e.g. station Magadino / Cadenazzo (203 m asl) is only wind station for two warn regions with complex terrain (308 and 309) > 2000 m < 800 m
Basic Concept event-oriented verification, warnings as binary events tolerant in space, time and threshold distinguish two types of warnings SHORT: short-term events (e.g. thunderstorms) AKKU: accumulated events (e.g. 24h precipitation accumulation) event definition and evaluation is (in principle) the same within each group; differentiate between basic verification (strict) and detailed verification verification per warning region, summary for specific regions or whole Switzerland
Example: AKKU Rain level 3-5 Snowfall (lowlands and mountains) level 3-5 Snowmelt level 3-5 Heat wave level 3 • snowmelt cannot be verified due to a lack of observations; • for snow and rain use of radar data (spatial information) and psychrometer temperature
Event-Definition WarnEvent (ts to te) acc/3 ti issue time t2 te ts t1 ObsEvent (t1 to t2) t2 - ti > tv? AKKU • each warning is an event; duration of warning at least as long as accumulation period duration • observation: consider hourly 24h, 48h and 72h sum; important is first threshold exceedance (t2) Hit An eventisobservedduring a valid warningandthefirstthresholdexceedance (t2) occursat least accumulationPeriod/3 hours (i.e. 8h,16h,24h) after thebeginningofthe warn event (ts) and not laterthenthe end ofthe warn event (te). Miss A thresholdexceedanceisobservedwithout an activewarningorthefirstthresholdexceedanceoccurs bevor accumulationPeriod/3 hoursafter thebeginningofthewarning (ts). FalseAlarm A warninghasbeenissued, but nothresholdexceedancehasbeenobserved.
Evaluation A: Basic-verification Present results as: POD FAR FBI (TS) derived from contingency table AKKU Missing-D-problem: what is a „non-event“? Evaluation B: detailed verification • in principle like Evaluation A (Hit, Miss, False Alarm) • introduce additional category • combination of Hit, Miss und False Alarm see definitions on next slide
Evaluation B: detailed verification WarnEvent (ts to te) ti issue time te t2 ts t1 ObsEvent (t1 to t2) t2 - te < tshift AKKU (2.) (1.) WarnEvent (ts to te) acc/4 acc/3 ti issue time t2 te ts ObsEvent (t1 to t2) Specifications Miss + Hit + False Alarm the first threshold exceedance (t2) occurs maximal tshift hours after the end of the warn event (te) or less than accumulatioPeriod/3 (8,16,24h) but more than accumulationPeriod/4 (6,12,18h) after the start of the warning (ts).
Evaluation B: detailed verification Presentation of results: „perfect“ hit „useful“ combined categories including a hit „bad“ false alarm, miss AKKU „good“ ... adapted from DWD
Tolerance Allowtolerances in: threshold:LowHit = 90% ofthreshold time:variationoftime components (e.g. tshift) space:ifpossible, takeintoaccountneighbouring warn regions applytolerancestobasicanddetailedverification SHORT: possibilitytorequest a minimumleadtimetvforthewarning (i.e. a hitisonlypossibleifthewarninghasbeenissuedat least tv (= t1 - ti) hoursbeforetheobservedevent, otherwiseitisclassifiedas a miss) SHORT + AKKU
Application Flow Diagram warn DataBase warn events • Java Application • AWV • deriveobsevents • perform event-basedverificationforeachsettingandeachregion store warn and obs events on a monthly basis obs DataBase hourly data per warn region store evaluation results for each event on a monthly basis • aggregateresultsandcalculatescoresforspecificperiod • present results • per region • single event • …
Luzern MeteoSwiss official warnings (24h acc. precip.) for 4th September 2011 Observations (surface stations): 24 h acc. precipitation analysis for 4th September 2011 (prel.) Bern A qualitative example… Level 3 warning: WarnIssue 04.09.2011 08:56 WarnStart 04.09.2011 12:00 WarnEnd 05.09.2011 12:00 24h acc. precip. 35 mm/24h 50 mm/24h