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Erasmus + KA229 - School Exchange Partnerships Project 2018-1-EL01-KA229-048000_2

M ethodology of environmental education . Techniques to integrate into the daily pedagogical framework. Erasmus + KA229 - School Exchange Partnerships Project 2018-1-EL01-KA229-048000_2 “Be the change ... you want to be!”

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Erasmus + KA229 - School Exchange Partnerships Project 2018-1-EL01-KA229-048000_2

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  1. Methodologyofenvironmentaleducation.Techniques to integrateintothedailypedagogicalframework. Erasmus + KA229 - School Exchange Partnerships Project 2018-1-EL01-KA229-048000_2 “Be the change ... you want to be!” Gargždų “Minijos” progimnazija, Lithuania November, 2018

  2. Environmentaleducationmay be viewed to be anexampleofcross-curricularorintegratedlearning. • Ourchildren, needtheknowledgeandskills to understandtheproblemswe are facing, and to be able to makedecisionsand take actions to resolvethem. • We wantourstudents to becomeenvironmentallyresponsible. • It might be integratedinoneschoolsubject (e.g. biology). • Integrationbetweenseveralschoolsubjects (e.g. biology, chemistry, physics,geography.) • Studiesingeography, history, technology, andotherartsandsciencescanhelpstudentsdevelopawarenessofdiverseculturalperceptionsandinterpretationsoftheenvironment. • Exploringandaddressingglobalissues, suchas air, water pollution, endangered species, deforestation, saving energy, overconsumption, foodproduction, andtransportation are essential to establishing a sustainablesociety.

  3. Environmentaleducationas a toolforinterdisciplinaryteachingacrossthecurricular • We are sure- it isvitalthatfromanearlyage, childrenacquire a goodknowlwedgeandunderstandingoftheirsurroundingsandthenaturalresources. • Onlythenchildrenwillgainrespectfortheenvironmentanddesire to ta take care of it. Thisisthekey to a sustainablefuture. • At a youngageeducationshould be experimental, interactiveandcreativeinorder to stimulateinterestinandexcitmentaboutlearning.

  4. Aninteractive, learner-centredandaction-orientedpedagogy • Theenvironmentalstudiesshould be a child-centredapproachthatallowsthechild to interactwiththeenvironment • Providingthechildrenwithopportunities to observethelocalenvironmentalfeatures, issues, phenomenaandchangesinthecommunityand also differentlivingorganisms. • Conductingoraldiscussionswiththechildrenaboutthesocialandphysicalaspectsoftheenvironment • Organizingout-of-classactivitiesforrealexperiencesinthelocalenvironmentalareaslike (parks, lakes, rivers,ponds, zoos)  • Guidingchildreninconductingsimpleoutdoorprojectsthatisconnected to theenvironmentalmanagement, problemsandsustainability

  5. What our students are involved in • BirdFeeder Studentscreateanallnaturalbirdfeeder to hangneartheschool to feedbirdsduringthevariousseasons. • WindowGarden Studentsplan, experiment, andobserveasseedsgrowin a windowgarden.Studentsexplorewhythisisimportant to thesustainabilityofourenvironment. • AnimalHomesNearandFar Studentsworkincooperativegroups to listanimalhabitats. Theyconcludethelessonbyselectingoneofthehabitatsandwritingaboutsomeofitscharacteristicsandlisting a fewanimalsthatliveinthatenvironment. • Reduce, Reuse, Recycle Studentswillwatch a video aboutreduce, reuse, andrecycleandthencomplete a gallerywalk to discussideasofotherways to reduce, reuse, andrecycle. • Energyfromwindpower Making a paperwindmill. • Pictureswithplants Makingthepicture usingtinyflowers, seeds, grassorfernfronds or leaves. • Mindmaps Working on the mindmaps to reviewtheinformationfromthewholelessonandidentifytheresultsofdifferentenvironmentalproblems. Theyshouldrecordtheinformationundertheheadings, description, predictionsandsolutions.

  6. Learningoutcomes • Workingcollaboratively • Competenciesofcriticalthinking, systemsthinking • Creativityandinnovation • Takingresponsibility

  7. Learningcontent: Investigatingtopicsfromaninterdisciplinaryperspective Naturecan be a greatteachingtool to deepenchildren‘s understandingofscience, mathematics, language, artsandsocialstudies • Students shouldworkcollaborativelyongroupassignments, solvereal-lifeproblems, goonexcursionsordiscussproblemsinsmallgroupseminars. • Theteacherismore a facilitator, ratherthan a knowledgeprovider. Thestudentismuchmoreactiveandresponsible, ratherthanbeing a passiverecipientofknowledge.

  8. My verypersonalcontribution to environmentalandclimateprotection,  nomatterhowsmall, canachieve a significanteffecttogetherwiththecontributionofallotheractivepeople.

  9. How to Help Save the Environment. Tips that we give to our students Method1SavingEnergyandElectricity Turn off electric items when they are not in use to save energy. A good rule of thumb is that if you aren’t using it, turn it off.  Method2ConservingWater Spend less time in the shower Taking 5-minute showers or only filling the bathtub one-quarter to one-third of the way full. Turn off the tap when you brush your teeth – this can save 6 litres of water per minute Method3Reducing, Reusing, Recycling Don't buy what you don’t need. Buy for durability. For items you do buy, look for things which will last a lifetime. Donate your old household items so someone else can reuse them. Don’t just throw your old stuff in the trash. Aim to recycle as much glass, metal, plastic, and paper as you can.  Method4ChangingYourEatingHabits Try eating less meat and dairy to help the environment. Domestic meat and dairy production requires a lot of natural resources. Eating less meat and dairy, and more plants, is one way you may be able to help the environment, and stay healthy yourself

  10. To sum up • Educationabout, inandfortheenvironmentprovidesstudentswithopportunities to learnaboutthefunctioningofnaturalsystems, to identifytheirbeliefsandopinions, consider a range ofviews, andultimatelymakeinformedandresponsiblechoicesforthemselves, theirfamiliesandcommunities. • Intheecologicalview, studentsmaycome to knowandunderstandmoredeeplythatallhumanenvironments, societies, orcultures are alldeeplydependentonnaturalsystems, bothfortheirdevelopmentand, ultimately, theirsurvival

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