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Learn about the importance of Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) in a Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS) and how it can positively impact student success in academics, behavior, and emotional well-being.
The Whole Child: Customizing a Multi-Tiered System of Support Kelly Boeing Assistant Principal Lucerne Valley Unified School District
No significant learning occurs without significant relationships.” Dr. James Comer Founder and chairman of the School Development Program at the Yale University School of Medicine's Child Study Center
Social-Emotional Learning as it Relates to Multi Tiered Systems of Support Agenda What is Multi Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) & What does it look like? What is Social-Emotional Learning & Why is it Imperative to Address it? What does SEL look like when implemented? -20 days -60 days -90 days -Beyond Positive SEL Implications -National Stats -Lucerne Valley Unified Stats
MTSS is a framework that many schools use to provide targeted support to students. It focuses on the whole child. It supports academic growth and achievement, positive behavior and social-emotional learning. • It is not a particular curriculum, but rather a series of supports to solidify student success. • What is MTSS? • (Multi Systems of Support)
Universal Screener- Diagnostic test that shows area of focus • Level I-Best first instruction to all students • Level II-Small group reteach no pull out • Level III- Pull out intervention • MTSS • Support
Academics • Level I- best first instruction for all students • Level II Intervention- Reteach small group (no pull-out) • Level III Intervention- Pull out intervention for students in great need • MTSS- Academics
Behavior Level I- Rules Expectations set forth for entire student population Level II Intervention- redirect in the classroom Level III Intervention- Pull out discipline (suspension, expulsion, etc.) MTSS- Behavior
Social Emotional Learning Level I- Rules Expectations set forth for entire student population Level II Intervention- redirect in the classroom Level III Intervention- Pull out discipline (suspension, expulsion, etc.) MTSS- Social Emotional
WHY DO WE NEED SEL? Suicide is the SECOND leading cause of death for ages 10-24. (2017 CDC WISQARS) A teen takes their life every 75 minutes More teenagers and young adults die from suicide than from cancer, heart disease, AIDS, birth defects, stroke, pneumonia, influenza, and chronic lung disease, COMBINED. Each day in our nation, there are an average of over 3,041 suicide attempts by young people grades 9-12. If these percentages are additionally applied to grades 7 & 8, the numbers would be higher. Four out of Five teens who attempt suicide have given clear warning signs
A national survey of 12 to 17-year-olds revealed that: 39% reported witnessing violence 17% reported physical assault 8% of that age group experienced lifetime sexual assault “Students can better respond to the effects of trauma by developing social-emotional competencies. The brain’s neuroplasticity makes it possible for repeated experiences to shape the brain and even reverse the effects of chronic stress,” says Susan Ward-Roncalli, a Social-Emotional Learning Facilitator for the Division of Instruction with the Los Angeles Unified School District. For our most at-risk students, who live in poverty and/or who may witness or experience traumatic experiences, SEL is an extraordinary tool for repairing the damage and for building lifetime coping skills.
The question we must seek to answer, is why? Why is adolescent depression and suicide on the rise?
Social and emotional learning (SEL) is the process through which children and adults understand and manage emotions, set and achieve positive goals, feel and show empathy for others, establish and maintain positive relationships, and make responsible decisions. (CASEL, 2015). What is Social Emotional Learning?
https://youtu.be/DqNn9qWoO1M SEL Competencies
Leads to Academic Outcomes and Improved Behaviors SEL interventions that address CASEL’s five core competencies increased students’ academic performance by 11 percentile points, compared to students who did not participate in such SEL programs. Students participating in SEL programs also showed improved classroom behavior, an increased ability to manage stress and depression, and better attitudes about themselves, others, and school.
First, some info: • 600 square miles • 3 schools • 749 total students • How is Lucerne Valley Acting to Impact?
Elementary School Restorative practices and circles Weekly focus on SEL topics Entire staff went through a 2 day training on restorative practices They are continuing to grow and develop this practice
Middle School AVID allows me to teach a lessons on SEL in the classroom One lesson focused on Self-Awareness and Self-Management Egg vs. Ball AVID teachers continued to reassert this notion throughout the year during students’ challenging times
High School 2018-2019 We started with growing a Peer Counseling Club We tasked this club with working on developing a lesson that centered around one of the 5 competencies Lessons were presented digitally to our AVID and ASB students and they were encourage to make posters and to implement the messages. Peer Counselors worked with middle school students as they struggled through growth
High School and Middle School 2019-2020 2 sections of SEL Instead of dedicated roster, all classes will rotate through Peer counselors will be in the 2 dedicated classes as well as a presence on campus Each class will be able to go through the SEL class twice a month
Things to Google CASEL (Collaborative for academic, social and emotional learning) www.casel.org School-Connect (SEL Curriculum) www.school-connect.net Confident Kids Confident Parents (SEL Resource for parents) https://confidentparentsconfidentkids.org/ Social and Emotional Learning, Austin ISD www.austinisd/academics/sel Social Emotional Learning Grant (Up to $5k) https://education-first.com/social-emotional-learning-innovation-fund/
Social Media to Follow Selebrateyou @SELlaunchpad @Coach_Rudy @MTSSCoaches @SELearningEDU
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Thank You Kelly Boeing Session #108 The Whole Child: Customizing a Multi-Tiered System of Support Lucerne Valley Middle High School Assistant Principal Follow me on: