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CSci 6971: Image Registration Lecture 8: Image Resampling February 3, 2004. Prof. Chuck Stewart, RPI Dr. Luis Ibanez, Kitware. Why Resampling ?. Resampling is the Essence of Intensity Based Image Registration. What is an Image ?.
CSci 6971: Image Registration Lecture 8: Image ResamplingFebruary 3, 2004 Prof. Chuck Stewart, RPI Dr. Luis Ibanez, Kitware
Why Resampling ? Resamplingis the Essence of Intensity BasedImage Registration Lecture 7
What is an Image ? An Image is a sampling of a continuous fieldusing a discrete grid Lecture 7
y x Image Origin & Spacing Spacing (Sx) Spacing (Sy) Origin (Ox,Oy) Lecture 7
Image Sampling Grid Spacing (Sx) Spacing (Sy) Origin (Ox,Oy) Lecture 7
Image Pixel Spacing (Sx) Pixel Value Pixel Region Spacing (Sy) Origin (Ox,Oy) Lecture 7
Image Indices Spacing (Sx) Pixel Index [0,7] [4,7] [0,6] [0,5] [0,4] [0,3] [0,2] Spacing (Sy) [0,1] [0,0] [1,0] [2,0] [3,0] [4,0] [5,0] Origin (Ox,Oy) Lecture 7
Index to Physical Coordinates Spacing (Sx) Pixel Index [0,7] [4,7] [0,6] [0,5] P[0] = Index[0] x Spacing[0] + Origin[0] P[1] = Index[1] x Spacing[1] + Origin[1] [0,4] Index[0] = floor( ( P[0] - Origin[0] ) / Spacing[0] + 0.5 ) [0,3] Index[1] = floor( ( P[1] - Origin[1] ) / Spacing[1] + 0.5 ) [0,2] Spacing (Sy) [0,1] [0,0] [1,0] [2,0] [3,0] [4,0] [5,0] Origin (Ox,Oy) Lecture 7
Image Region Spacing (Sx) Pixel Value Image Region Pixel Region Spacing (Sy) Origin (Ox,Oy) Lecture 7
Image Region Spacing (Sx) Region Size Image Region [3,5] Starting Index [2,3] Spacing (Sy) Origin (Ox,Oy) Lecture 7
Basic Resampling ResamplingTrivial Cases Lecture 7
Spacing ( 2 x Sx ) Spacing ( 2 x Sy ) Sub-Sampling by Half Spacing (Sx) Image Region Spacing (Sy) Origin (Ox,Oy) Lecture 7
Sub-Sampling by Half New Spacing S’x New Spacing S’y New Origin (O’x,O’y) Origin (Ox,Oy) Lecture 7
Super-Sampling by Double Spacing ( Sx/2 ) Spacing (Sx) Spacing ( Sy/2 ) Image Region Spacing (Sy) Origin (Ox,Oy) Lecture 7
New Spacing S’y Super-Sampling by Double New Spacing S’x New Origin (O’x,O’y) Origin (Ox,Oy) Lecture 7
Resampling in ITK itk::ResampleImageFilter Lecture 7
Input Image Output Image Resampling in ITK Origin Spacing Region Size Resample Filter Region Start Transform Interpolator Lecture 7
Resample Image Filter #include "itkImage.h" #include "itkResampleImageFilter.h" #include "itkIdentityTransform.h“ #include "itkLinearInterpolateImageFunction.h" typedef itk::Image< char, 2 > ImageType; ImageType::PointerinputImage = GetImageSomeHow(); typedef itk::ResampleImageFilter< ImageType > FilterType; FilterType::Pointerresampler = FilterType::New(); ImageType::SizeTypesize; size[0] = 200; size[1] = 300; ImageType::IndexTypestart; start[0] = 0; start[1] = 0; Lecture 7
Resample Image Filter ImageType::PointTypeorigin; origin[0] = 10.0; // millimeters origin[1] = 25.5; // millimeters ImageType::SpacingTypespacing; spacing[0] = 2.0; // millimeters spacing[1] = 1.5; // millimeters resampler->SetOutputSpacing( spacing ); resampler->SetOutputOrigin( origin ); resampler->SetSize( size ); resampler->SetOutputStartIndex( start ); resampler->SetDefaultPixelValue( 100 ); resampler->SetInput( inputImage ); Lecture 7
Resample Image Filter typedef itk::LinearInterpolateImageFunction<ImageType, double > InterpolatorType; InterpolatorType::Pointerinterpolator = InterpolatorType::New(); typedef itk::TranslationTransform< double, 2 > TransformType; TransformType::Pointertransform = TransformType::New(); transform->SetIdentity(); resampler->SetInterpolator( interpolator ); resampler->SetTransform( transform ); resampler->Update(); const ImageType *outputImage = resampler->GetOutput(); Lecture 7
Basic Registration RegistrationBasics Lecture 7
j j i i Image Grid Image Grid y’ y y x Space Transform x’ x Physical Coordinates Physical Coordinates Coordinate System Conversions Lecture 7
I will not register images in pixel space I will not register images in pixel space I will not register images in pixel space I will not register images in pixel space I will not register images in pixel space I will not register images in pix Things I will not do… Lecture 7
j j i i Moving Image Grid Fixed Image Grid y’ y Space Transform x’ x Moving ImagePhysical Coordinates Fixed ImagePhysical Coordinates Fixed Image & Moving Image Lecture 7
Selecting Moving & Fixed Images In principle the denomination of Fixed Image & Moving Image is arbitrary In practice the moving image is the one that will be resampled into the fixed image coordinate system Lecture 7
MRI-T2 PET 128 x 128 pixels 256 x 256 pixels Quiz #1 Images from the same patient Moving Image ? Fixed Image ? Images provided as part of the project: “Retrospective Image Registration Evaluation”, NIH, Project No. 8R01EB002124-03, Principal Investigator, J. Michael Fitzpatrick, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN. Lecture 7
MRI-T2 PET 128 x 128 pixels 256 x 256 pixels Scaling Transform Quiz #2 Images from the same patient What scale factor ? • 2.0 • 1.0 • 0.5 Images provided as part of the project: “Retrospective Image Registration Evaluation”, NIH, Project No. 8R01EB002124-03, Principal Investigator, J. Michael Fitzpatrick, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN. Lecture 7
I will not register images in pixel space I will not register images in pixel space I will not register images in pixel space I will not register images in pixel space I will not register images in pixel space I will not register images in pix Things I will not do… Lecture 7
Security Airport Security "Do not accept packages or baggage from unknown individuals." Image Security "Do not accept images or volumes without pixel spacing." Lecture 7
Exercise #1 Output Image Size: 181x217 pixels Spacing: 0.8 x 0.9 mm Input Image Size: 181x217 pixels Spacing: 0.8 x 0.9 mm Coordinates ? Coordinates ? ( 0.0mm , 195.3mm ) ( 144.8mm , 195.3mm ) Output Origin ( 35.0mm , 50.0mm ) Coordinates ? Origin: (0,0) ( 144.8mm , 0.0mm ) Lecture 7
Exercise #1 Output Image Size: 181x217 pixels Spacing: 0.8 x 0.9 mm Input Image Size: 181x217 pixels Spacing: 0.8 x 0.9 mm Origin: (0,0) Lecture 7
Resample Image Filter #include "itkImage.h" #include "itkResampleImageFilter.h" #include "itkIdentityTransform.h" #include "itkNearestNeighborInterpolateImageFunction.h" typedef itk::Image< char, 2 > ImageType; ImageType::ConstPointerinputImage = reader->GetOutput(); typedef itk::ResampleImageFilter< ImageType > FilterType; FilterType::Pointerresampler = FilterType::New(); ImageType::RegionTyperegion = inputImage->GetBufferedRegion(); resampler->SetSize( region->GetSize() ); resampler->SetOutputStartIndex( region->GetIndex() ); resampler->SetOutputSpacing( inputImage->GetSpacing() ); Lecture 7
Resample Image Filter ImageType::PointTypeorigin; origin[0] = 35.0; // millimeters origin[1] = 50.0; // millimeters resampler->SetOutputOrigin( origin ); typedef itk::IdentityTransform< double, 2 > TransformType; TransformType::Pointertransform = TransformType::New(); resampler->SetTransform( transform ); resampler->SetDefaultPixelValue( 100 ); resampler->SetInput( inputImage ); writer->SetInput( resampler->GetOutput() ); writer->Update(); Lecture 7
Exercise #1 Output Image Size: 181x217 pixels Spacing: 0.8 x 0.9 mm Input Image Size: 181x217 pixels Spacing: 0.8 x 0.9 mm Origin: (0,0) Lecture 7
Transform ? Quiz #3 Moving Image Size: 181x217 pixels Spacing: 0.8 x 0.9 mm Fixed Image Size: 181x217 pixels Spacing: 0.8 x 0.9 mm Origin: (0,0) Origin: (35,50) Lecture 7
I will not register images in pixel space I will not register images in pixel space I will not register images in pixel space I will not register images in pixel space I will not register images in pixel space I will not register images in pix Things I will not do… Lecture 7
Transform ? Quiz #4 Moving Image Size: 181x217 pixels Spacing: 0.8 x 0.9 mm Fixed Image Size: 181x217 pixels Spacing: 0.8 x 0.9 mm Origin: (0,0) Origin: (0,0) Lecture 7
Translation ( -35 , -50 ) Return to the Source Output Image Size: 181x217 pixels Spacing: 0.8 x 0.9 mm Input Image Size: 181x217 pixels Spacing: 0.8 x 0.9 mm (35,50) Origin: (0,0) Origin: (0,0) Lecture 7
More Resampling ResamplingLess Trivial Cases Lecture 7
Rotation y y Transform 10o x x Fixed Moving Lecture 7
Rotation y y Transform 10o x x Fixed Moving Lecture 7
Rotation y y Transform 10o x x Fixed Moving Lecture 7
Rotation around the Origin Spacing (Sx) Spacing (Sy) Rotation Center Origin (Ox,Oy) Lecture 7
Rotation around the Origin Spacing (Sx) Spacing (Sy) Origin (Ox,Oy) Lecture 7
Rotation around the Origin DefaultPixelValue Origin (Ox,Oy) Lecture 7
Rotation around the Center y y Transform 10o x x Fixed Moving Lecture 7
Rotation around the Center y y Transform 10o x x Fixed Moving Lecture 7
Rotation around the Center y y Transform 10o x x Fixed Moving Lecture 7
Rotation around the Center y y Transform 10o x x Fixed Moving Lecture 7
Rotation around the Center Spacing (Sx) RotationCenter Spacing (Sy) Origin (Ox,Oy) Lecture 7