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Evaluating Technology Integration. Dr. Bill Morgan Educational Technology Specialist Canyons School District. Ed Tech Evaluation Websites. www.edtechevaluation.org www.rtec.org www.uen.org. www.edtechevaluation.org. Essential Questions for Technology Evaluation. www.edtechevaluation.org.
Evaluating Technology Integration • Dr. Bill Morgan • Educational Technology Specialist • Canyons School District
Ed Tech Evaluation Websites • www.edtechevaluation.org • www.rtec.org • www.uen.org
www.edtechevaluation.org • Essential Questions for Technology Evaluation
www.edtechevaluation.org • This evaluation will evaluate various aspects of how well technology has been integrated in your schools and district. • Q1.What does integration mean to you? • Provide some examples.
www.edtechevaluation.org • All programs must have a driving purpose. • Q2. What is the best reason for why your district has implemented and integrated technology as a part of its teaching and learning environment?
www.edtechevaluation.org • Evaluation is about measuring change. • Q3. When evaluating how well your school and district have integrated technology, what sort of changes do you expect to see as a result of this integration?
www.edtechevaluation.org • Change produces results. Evaluation measures those results against expectations. • 4. Identify three “things” that can be measured when attempting to evaluate the change that has occurred in your schools and district as a result of technology integration.
www.rtec.org • Planning and Evaluation • Professional Development • Teaching and Learning • Integrating Technology • Special Topics
http://neirtec.terc.edu/ • Instructional Design Process: Using the components of the "backward design" model, participants will work on the stages of instructional design. Each week will focus on a different element of this process, as participants work toward a completed unit design by the end of the course. • Learner Analysis: Participants will look at learners' needs. Principles of Universal Design will be introduced. Technology-based accessibility tools will be discussed. • Assessment: Models of authentic asssessment and examples of online learning formats and assessment tools will be introduced and incorporated into the unit design. • School-based Support: The implementation phase of the instructional design process will be discussed. As part of this planning process, we will present models of school-based support for the integration of technology into the curriculum. • Peer Feedback and Reflective Learning: Working as a member of the "community of learners," participants will engage in an active critique process, evaluating and refining their own instructional unit and giving similar feedback to one or two others. Participants will reflect on their own learning during the course and on the instructional design process.
www.uen.org/utahlink/tours/tourActivity.cgi?activity_id=4613&tour_id=13582&category_id=18056www.uen.org/utahlink/tours/tourActivity.cgi?activity_id=4613&tour_id=13582&category_id=18056 • Policy makers use assessment to: • 1. Set standards and focus on goals • 2. Monitor the quality of education • 3. Reward/sanction various practices • 4. Direct resources including personnel and money • 5. Formulate policies
www.uen.org/utahlink/tours/tourActivity.cgi?activity_id=4613&tour_id=13582&category_id=18056www.uen.org/utahlink/tours/tourActivity.cgi?activity_id=4613&tour_id=13582&category_id=18056 • Administrators and districts use assessment to: • 1. Monitor program effectiveness • 2. Identify program strengths and weaknesses • 3. Designate program priorities • 4. Assess alternatives • 5. Plan and improve programs
www.uen.org/utahlink/tours • Teachers and administrators use assessment to: • 1. Make grouping decisions • 2. Perform individual diagnosis and prescription • 3. Monitor student progress • 4. Carry out curriculum evaluation and refinement • 5. Provide mastery/promotion/grading and other feedback • * Motivate students * Determine grades
Discuss with your neighbor • ... and prepare to share with the group: • ways that educational technology integration is/ought to be assessed/evaluated in your school or district program.
assessment for PD • a.) perform a needs assessment, • b.) develop or locate training materials to meet those training needs, • c.) deliver training individually or in small groups, and then • d.) gather post training data to see whether the needs were met. • e.) repeat the cycle!
Continue the conversation • william.morgan@canyonsdistrict.org • http://edtecheval.blogspot.com • http://docfrog.blogspot.com