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Empowering Consumers: Strategies & Challenges in Tanzania

Explore consumer empowerment initiatives & challenges in Tanzania by the Fair Competition Commission to educate, protect & advocate for consumers' rights under the Fair Competition Act. Discover projects, partnerships, and the way forward to enhance consumer education and protection.

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Empowering Consumers: Strategies & Challenges in Tanzania

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  1. Fifth Annual African Dialogue Consumer Protection ConferenceSeptember 10-12, 2013 ● Livingstone, Zambia Empowering and Educating Consumers - Tanzania September, 2013

  2. Introduction In order to build confident, informed and empowered consumers who will be making informed decision in the market, FCC has initiated and implemented different projects as part of protecting consumers under Fair Competition Act (FCA) no 8 of 2003. Consumer empowerment is an integration of two components namely Legal aspect – (institutions set up; competition, consumer and regulatory regime) and the resources disposable to consumer for an informed decision. Tanzania through FCC empower consumers through resources such as information, education and legal aspect.

  3. Empowering Projects Strategic partnership with NGOs in training consumer awareness creators, coordinators and educators; Training of Regional Consumer trainers; Partnering with universities and higher learning institutions in training and awareness; Conducting seminar to policy makers, public administrators, legislators, business communities and students;

  4. … Empowering Projects Participating in public exhibitions; Using of print, electronic and mass media to empower and educate consumers; FCC is working on consumer standard form contracts regulations for the purpose of improving checks and balance to conditions which govern consumer transaction in the country;

  5. … Empowering Projects • Four universities has introduced competition and consumer policy and law programs. FCC played an active role in persuading the higher learning institutions to join hands in education initiatives; and • Tanzania through FCC has been an active, participating member in most of regional and international organizations dealing with consumer and competition policy.

  6. Empowering Challenges The most challenging aspect facing the consumer is the lack of independent and strong consumer protection bodies that would organise them and stand for their rights; Absence of formal consumer education in the formal education system; Sustainable funding to consumer education, especially in the rural area where majority population are residing;

  7. The fast growing and dynamic changes in ICT sector requires good exposure to new varieties of knowledge and application of ICT products; • Mobile technology and cyber crime literacy to consumers; and • Lack of consumer protection policy which provide guidance principal to all matters related to consumer protection. … Empowering Challenges

  8. The Way Forward National initiatives to enhance Financial Education; Effective consumer Recourse; Financial Literacy initiatives and framework for conducting competition, consumer and financial education at institutional, local and national levels; and Enacting legislation on e-commerce

  9. Conclusion Resources mobilization to campaign for a nationwide consumer awareness creation in the current digital market economy must be given a top priority. However, in order to build confident, informed and empowered consumers who will be making informed decision in the market dynamics – The effective and efficient tailored made education initiative for consumer’s protection is very important to all.

  10. Thanks for your attention Joshua Msoma [Senior Consumer Protection Officer] www.competition.or.tz Thanks for your attention Joshua Msoma [Senior Consumer Protection Officer] www.competition.or.tz

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