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SA Allocations Information Session. 2014-2015. Allocations Overview. Student Association devotes over $250,000 to funding for events and travel organized by chartered student organizations this year Organizations can be awarded funding for through either event sponsorship or travel allocations.
SA Allocations Information Session 2014-2015
Allocations Overview • Student Association devotes over $250,000 to funding for events and travel organized by chartered student organizations this year • Organizations can be awarded funding for through either event sponsorship or travel allocations
Eligibility • Must have a current charter on file with SA • Representative at one Allocations Information Sessions • No organization is eligible to receive more than $6000 total for the combinations of event sponsorship and travel allocation • Event Sponsorship Cap: $5000 for 6 events • Travel Allocations Cap: $3000
Law/Graduate Organizations • If law students/graduate students comprise 50% of an organization’s membership, funding must be solicited from the Student Bar Association/Graduate Student Association • If a law or graduate organization has documentation of undergraduates at a GSA or SBA sponsored event, additional funding may be received from SA.
Before the Event – Catering • Sodexo – Jessica Putz – 918-631-2145 • Other than Sodexo –Must submit a catering exemption request form at least ten days before the event. Can be found here: http://www.utulsa.edu/student-life/living-and-dining-on-campus/dining/forms.aspx • Your vendor isn’t on the list? Contact Jessica Putz 918-631-2145 • Necessary for insurance information
Before the Event – Catering • If you are spending under $100 on food, your request will be automatically approved, but you must still submit a request
Before the Event - Funding • Download the application from www.utulsa.edu/sa and submit it to sa-allocations@utulsa.edu. • Must be submitted by the date of the event, and no sooner than eight weeks before the date of the event • Exceptions to the eight-week rule are granted at the discretion of the Financial Appropriations Committee (FAC)
Event sponsorship • Applications totaling $500 or less can be waived from the Senate interview
Joint Events • An event hosted by multiple organizations shall be considered a single event, and both parties should disclose the joint nature of the event when applying • Counts as an event towards both organizations’ total number of events • Money can be divided between the organizations’ as requested by the representatives
ES Funding caps • Food: $7 per unique person (even in a series) • Advertising: $30 per event • Entertainment: $1000 per event • Décor & Dinnerware: $75 per event • Security: $200 per event • Miscellaneous: $500 per event • *Adjustments may be made to the final total at the discretion of the Senate
Event series • You can apply for funding for multiple events as one “event” (subject to the same funding caps), provided that: • -- All events in the event series demonstrate a “cohesive, unifying theme or purpose” • -- All events take place within a two week period (e.g. Chess Club Tourney Week) OR • -- All events share a common format (e.g. Chess Club Weekly Meeting)
We cannot fund… • Non-consumable goods (i.e., shirts, video cameras, books) • Events that are not open to all TU students (an admission fee may be charged only for events that give 100% of proceeds to charity) • Alcoholic beverages • Events that are not advertised • Events that require overnight lodging • Events held off campus without advertised, university-approved transportation available to all students to and from the event • (at the minimum, events held off campus must be advertised on digital signage for at least three days before the event takes place, including the day of the event) • Gifts, awards, or prizes • Retroactive expenses (cannot apply after event takes place) • Operating expenses (gas for car, postage…)
After the Event – Reimbursement • You have only 30 days from the date on the receipt to be reimbursed • Fill out a check request (www.utulsa.edu/sa) • Two people must sign it • Instructions on www.utulsa.edu/sa as well • Print and bring it to Grant Garner (in Business office)
After the Event – Reimbursement • Vendor that provides a service (DJ, Performer, etc.) • Cannot pay up-front because of tax and liability issues • Must have faculty advisor submit a requisition, then a check will be sent after the event. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- • Allow 5 days to process • Pick up check at the business office (can also request direct deposit)
After the Event – Charity Event • When you make the donation, request a receipt of the donation on official letterhead and send it to • nicole-coppola@utulsa.edu • jonathan-triplett@utulsa.edu
Travel Allocations • Must apply 10 days before travel starts • Cannot fund expenses of an individual who is not a student of the University of Tulsa
Travel Funding caps • Registration or entrance fees: maximum of $150 per person • Lodging: maximum of $40 per person and night • Transportation: maximum of $200 per person • Food: maximum of $15 per person per day • Miscellaneous: maximum of $250 (highly discretionary) • For closed travel: you may receive either 50% of the amount you are eligible for, or $80 per person (whichever is greater) • *Adjustments to the final total may be made by the Senate
Questions??? http://orgs.utulsa.edu/sa more information in the ‘Organizations’ tab sa-allocations@utulsa.edu Nicole Coppola nicole-coppola@utulsa.edu