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Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Integrated Safety Management Systems Review August 8-9, 2006 Purpose and Objectives. David McGraw Associate Laboratory Director/Chief Operating Officer. Concerns Regarding Berkeley Lab EH&S Performance. I. Ray Orbach Letter to Gerald Parsky 12-22-2005
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Integrated Safety Management Systems ReviewAugust 8-9, 2006Purpose and Objectives David McGraw Associate Laboratory Director/Chief Operating Officer
Concerns Regarding Berkeley LabEH&S Performance I. Ray Orbach Letter to Gerald Parsky 12-22-2005 • “Failed to meet TRC & DART Targets” • “The LBNL Performance is dreadful” • “…LBNL used to be the ‘Poster Child’ for best safety performance…” • “Provide me with your plan for LBNL to rise to ‘Best in Class’ for safety”
Concerns Regarding Berkeley LabEH&S Performance II. DOE Contracting Officer Letter to UC Contract Administrator 12-23-2005 • Class IV Lasers that lack proper access controls • Advance Light Source (ALS) Shielding procedures violations (formal investigation underway) • Sprains, strains, hand and other ergo injuries • Superglue eye injury
Concerns Regarding Berkeley LabEH&S Performance III. Pat Dehmer Correspondence to Lab Director & COO Pat sent a Basic Energy Science (BES) ES&H statement, which was circulated throughout the Lab. Some excerpts: • “Funds provided by BES for research will be applied as necessary to ensure that all BES research activities are conducted safely and in an environmentally conscientious manner” Pat added: “This sentence means that the first dollar we send to the Labs is the dollar that is to be used for safety” • “Only research that is conducted in this way will be supported.”
Total Recordable Case Rate and Days Away, Restricted or Transferred Rate
Berkeley Lab FY '06 Recordable Accidents (25 Total) (as of 7/11/06)
Concerns Regarding Berkeley LabEH&S Performance • Actions Taken by Lab Management • Periodic walkthroughs by Directorate (this is not new) • Closing of Labs (one PI) for one week until Labs brought up to standard • Director communications (memos, TABL, The View, Special meetings of DDM & SLC) • Initiated an independent peer review
Concerns Regarding Berkeley LabEH&S Performance V. Is the Berkeley ES&H Program still sound? • Peer Review results • “Committee impressed with overall attitudes of all interviewed and provocative character of leadership and staff….” • “…marry outstanding peer review culture with its Operations…” • “Committed to continuous improvement”
Concerns Regarding Berkeley LabEH&S Performance V. Is the Berkeley ES&H Program still sound? (continued) • Some evidence of • Subtle relationship change between EH&S Division and scientific divisions • Some soft spots in the “Organizational Middle”, especially regarding role of Principal Investigator (PI) • Corrective Action Plan has been written; peer review validated by DOE team
Long History of Safety As A Value at Berkeley Lab “ Good research needs both the GENIUS to make new discoveries and the DISCIPLINE to do it safely.” Charles V. Shank, Former Director Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory “Unsafe behavior is anti-social behavior” Steven Chu, Director Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Safety Accountability “The PI is the best person to inculcate a safety mindset… They mentor, coach guide, teach check and audit laboratory conditions and practices and even discipline those who disregard safety rules and put themselves and their colleagues at risk.” Dr. Peck Thian Guan Director ES&H Singapore National University Teacher Mentor Guide PI/ Supervisor Coach Auditor Disciplinarian
Path Forward • Work with BSO to incorporate Team recommendations • Consolidate and continue implementing corrective actions • Commission an extern review team lead by McCallum-Turner • Conduct review by early October • Consolidate Corrective Action Plans