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Join us for an informative night introducing the mission, vision, and overview of VR Athletics. Learn about team values, guidelines, student-athlete expectations, and communication philosophy. Be part of the Wolf Pack!
Vista Ridge Athlete/Parent Informational Night BACK the PACK
Thank you for coming! Purpose: * Introduction Mission/Vision Overview of VR Athletics
IT’S A TEAM THING Vestibulum congue Vestibulum congue Parents Student-Athletes Officials Coaching Staff Vestibulum congue Vestibulum congue Vestibulum congue Vestibulum congue Administration
Athletic Director - Brandon Monson • Colorado Native! • Entering 23rd year in Education (Teacher, Dean of Students, AP, & Principal) • Coached High School basketball 13years • Physical Education, Health, Human Development, Anatomy Physiology • Memory Collector • Passionate about impacting the lives of ALL students • Processes • Accountability • Solution Oriented
Beth Vigil – Athletic Office ~ Born in Colorado Springs, Colorado. Raised in Colorado Springs and Pueblo. ~Graduated from Doherty High School in 1998 ~Graduated University of Colorado at Colorado Springs in 2004 ~Major in Distributed Studies: Justice Studies and Minor in Spanish ~ Activities: Spending time with my 3 wonderful kiddos, dancing, playing violin ~Movies: La Bamba, Ghosts of Mississippi ~Song: Bob Marley Is This Love ~Single mama of 3 amazing children. Familia is everything.
Mission & vision of VR Athletics & Activities. Vista Ridge High School aspires to be among the state’s premier high school athletics programs both academically and athletically, a model of excellence for others to emulate, while enhancing the lives of student-athletes and preparing them for life beyond high school athletics. In addition, the athletic department strives to be recognized as a campus leader in terms of its ethics, community leadership and fiscal responsibility. Vision: The WHY Mission: The HOW
The 6 BICKS FoundationCore values VR: Integrity-- Do what is right because it is the right thing to do Unity-- Team first, Lead by giving. Make your teammates better Passion-- Commit to excellence with positive energy and relentless persistence Dedication—Pursue excellence with 100% effort and efficiency Appreciation—An attitude of gratitude, grow in both victory and defeat Respect—Respect the game, each other, officials, the opponents, and the opportunity.
WE ARE VR! • Create a culture of EXCELLENCE: • Academics • Attendance • Behavior • Sportsmanship ((Wolf PACK) • Leadership (Captain’s Council) • Create a culture of school SPIRIT/PRIDE: • Represent VR with CLASS in ALL WE DO!
Guidelines Principles: • Athletic Director • Coaches • Students • Parents
What Our community Can Expect from the AD: • Honesty • Integrity • Trust • Communication • Accountability • Support • Collaboration • Servant Leadership
What our Community Can Expect from VR Coaches: • Professionalism • Care for ALL participants • Accountability • Communication • Proper Planning • Practices • Games • Follow the processes • Off-season programs (growing) • Program Expectations/Handbook
Student athlete expectations: • Positive member of VR Community • Pick up the – Put down • STUDENT FIRST • Integrity • Character • Be a part of the SOLUTION
Officials are People TOO Are we at VR creating an environment that officials WANT to can work our games?
VRHS Communication philosophy: • Achievement requires sincere commitment from all parties. • For success, effective communication must occur. • The school athletic department and administration believe strongly in being accessible to parents and supportive of the coaching staff and also the student-athletes. • We will continually attempt to improve communication with the students and parents. For our programs to be truly successful, it is necessary that everyone understand the focus and direction of the program.
PARENT - ATHLETE – COACH: Be supportive on the sideline or in the stands! Attendance is a privilege, not a right. Unsportsmanlike behavior can cause removal from games or events. Do not air your grievances with your athlete. Be there to support them and to listen. Listen to your student-athlete and help them problem solve. They will become stronger adults with parents having them solve their own problems when applicable. Encourage them to discuss their situation with a coach. It is reasonable to expect your child’s coach to inform you: a. Coaching philosophy Expectations for all athletes on the squad as well as your specific child. Injuries Disciplinary actions or concerns
Some guiding principles at Vista Ridge: Our Expectations as an Athletic Department: It is inappropriate to discuss with a coach: Playing Time - it is expected that the student-athlete initially conducts this conversation. Team strategy or play calling Other student athletes Right after a game/practice – 24 Hour Rule If you have a concern to discuss with a coach, what procedure should you follow? Have your student - athlete talk to the coach first. What should you do if the meeting with the coach does not result in a solution to the problem? Call the Athletics Director to set up an appointment to discuss the situation. At this meeting, the appropriate next steps can be determined.
WE WANT YOU! Be a part of something BIGGER! #SquadGOALS Representation from EVERY VR PROGRAM! Membership has its privileges WE NEED YOU!