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Beginnings of an American Identity. 5-3: The French and Indian War. Braddock’s Defeat Edward Willard Deming. France Claims Western Lands. Charles de Langlade was trying to force the British to leave the Ohio Valley so the Indians would trade with the French instead.
Beginnings of an American Identity 5-3: The French and Indian War
Braddock’s Defeat Edward Willard Deming France Claims Western Lands • Charles de Langlade was trying to force the British to leave the Ohio Valley so the Indians would trade with the French instead • Britain hoped to extend its colonies into the Ohio River Valley in defiance of France
The Taking of Mary Jemison Robert Griffing Native American Alliances • Native Americans west of the Appalachians were at war with each other because … the Iroquois were trying to expand their lands in order to control the fur trade • The Huron and Algonquin allied with France • The Iroquois allied with Britain
Conflict in the Ohio Valley Between 1689 and 1763 Britain and France fought 4 major wars : 1 - The War of the League of Augsburg (1689-1697) AKA: King William’s War 2 – The War of the Spanish Succession (1702-1713) AKA: Queen Anne’s War 3 – The War of the Austrian Succession (1744-1748) AKA: King George’s War 4 – The Seven Years’ War (1756-1763) AKA: The French and Indian War (Begins in America in 1754!)
Conflict in the Ohio Valley The first three wars were caused by competition in Europe … … the 4th was caused by competition in North America over control of … the Ohio River Valley
Conflict in the Ohio Valley Britain France • Large Population (1,485,000) Small Population (75,000) • Organized Colonial Militias Few Troops in Canada • Colonies are Self-Supporting Relied Heavily upon Imports • Navy Controlled Trade Routes Smaller navy Defends Europe • 13 Separate Governments Single Colonial Government • Settlements Spread Along Coast Settlements Clustered Together • Few Indian Allies (Iroquois) Strong Alliances with Indians
War Begins and Spreads • Washington was sent to evict the French from the Ohio Valley • When he got close, his men shot at a group of French diplomats • French troops from Ft. Duquesne came after him • Washington hurriedly built a fortand named it Ft. Necessity • Washington was soon forced to surrender his newly-built fort
War Begins and Spreads • The Albany Plan of Union … • Purpose: • Author: • Rejected: • to unify the colonies in order to defend themselves against the French • Benjamin Franklin • Colonial legislatures did not want to give up any control
Braddock’s Defeat • Braddock Defeated because … • Stubborn and refused to listen to advice • Insisted upon using European tactics in North American forests • George Washington • Bravely ralliedsurvivors and led them back to Virginia
The British Take Quebec • Britain gets a new PMand then a new King • William Pitt • and George III • Pitt sent his best generals andtroops to fight in America • Pitt raised money to pay forcolonial supplies and troops • To win … • The British would have to capture French cities in Canada – Quebec and Montreal
British troops led by James Wolfescale Quebec’s “unclimbable” cliffs • Defeat French led by the Marquis de Montcalm The British Take Quebec
The Death of General James Wolfe Benjamin West The British Take Quebec • Both Montcalm and Wolfe died in the Battle
The Treaty of Paris, 1763 • Britain gains all land from the Atlantic to the Mississippi River • France gives Louisiana (west of the Mississippi) to Spain • France keeps only Haiti in the Caribbean and the islands of St. Pierre and Miguelon in the Gulf of St. Lawrence
Daniel Boone Escorting Settlers through the Cumberland Gap - George Caleb Bingham Pontiac’s Rebellion
The Siege of Fort Detroit Frederic Sackrider Remington Pontiac’s Rebellion • British settlers (no longer worried about the French) were moving across the Appalachians and taking Native lands • Pontiac wanted to stop the loss of Native land and culture in the lands west of the Appalachians
Pontiac’s Rebellion • British government passed theProclamation of 1763 • Forbade settlement west of the Appalachians … … including in the fertile land of the Ohio River Valley