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The Networking

The Networking. a great communication opportunity for nonprofit. Dissertation of Chiara Porqueddu Supervisor Giampaolo Azzoni Co-supervisor Marco Dotti. The Networking.

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The Networking

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  1. The Networking a greatcommunicationopportunity for nonprofit Dissertation of Chiara Porqueddu Supervisor Giampaolo Azzoni Co-supervisor Marco Dotti

  2. The Networking Networking is the practice of makingcontact and exchanging information with otherpeople, groups or institutions. Usually, networking occurs with otherpeoplewhohaveinterests in similarareas.

  3. The Networking The goal of the networking relationshipmay be to furtheryour personal employmentopportunities,to cultivate new clients or the expansion of business relationships.

  4. The Networked nonprofit

  5. The Networked nonprofit

  6. What is the Networked nonprofit? The Networked non profit are simple and transparentorganizations. They are easy for outsiders to getinto and insiders to get out of.

  7. What is the Networked nonprofit? Theyengagepeople in shaping and sharingtheir work in order to raiseawareness of social issues, organizecommunities to provideservices or advocate for legislation. In the long run, they help make the world a safer, fairer, healthierplace to live.

  8. National Wildlife Federation USA • Understanding the social network • Create a social culture • Listening, engagingand creatingrelationships • Building trust throughtransparency The National Wildlife Federation can be considered to allintents and purposes a Networked nonprofits.

  9. National Wildlife Federation

  10. Bringing in theircommunication policy these new means of communication The importance of social media

  11. The importance of social media News and media presence Blog

  12. Listening and engagement lead to build strong relationships Listen to and engagethe public

  13. For a Networked nonprofititisveryimportant to work in a transparent way Transparency

  14. Transparency Annual Report

  15. Online “friends” can becomeimportantfunders Fund raising through social media

  16. WWF The WWF hasdevelopedsince a long time a clearstrategy for social media and isfocusedto renew and perfectit. Social media is in itself an innovative toolthatstimulates the foundationto express itselfand communicate in new ways. Itsfundamentalvaluealsolies in the ability to measure and manage the sentiment, whichmeanshow the foundation and especiallyitsinitiatives are seen.

  17. WWF and Social Media strategy In case of non positive feedback, provides the opportunity to furtherdirectcontact with the nature of the disappointment, facilitatingmediation and possiblyremedy.

  18. WWF and Social Media strategy Through Social Media the WWF is "advertising" the mostimportantcampaigns and alsosharingthe work doneby membersand partners

  19. Given the trend of consumptionof New Media in Italy and worldwide, WWF can not be separated from developing cross-media communicationactivities, digital and mobile, aswellasvisual. WWF and Social Media strategy

  20. WWF and Social Media strategy Thisallows WWF to reach a broader and more varied audience, with an emotionallystronger and more immediate impact, aswellasviralmessagewhich are faster and can reachpeoplewhoprobablywouldnotthink to engage WWF and itscauses.

  21. CIPSI A small number of nonprofitorganizationsthathave "early” adopted social media and social networking websitesisbeginning to collect large amounts of money online. These include Charity: water, EpicChange, The Nature Conservancy, the Humane Society of the UnitedStates, the American Red Cross and Emergency. also CIPSI isone of theseorganizations

  22. CIPSI and Fund Raising

  23. CIPSI and Fund Raising Forces: goodideas, shared mission, credibilityof organization. Weaknesses: the associationisnotwellknownatnationallevel, "lessprojectual” and concrete initiativesare more closelyrelated to activities to raiseawareness of certainissuessuchas public water or Africanwomen, and so lessdifficult to "spend" at the level of fundraising.

  24. Social media ispart of a multi-channelstrategy. The use of social media channels for fund raising will be much more effectiveifitisincorporatedinto a multi-channelstrategythatincludesalsothe traditionalfundraisingtechniques. CIPSI and Fund Raising

  25. CIPSI and Fund Raising Thisincludes the use of e-mail, websites, Google ads, and the trend toward the mainstreammedia.

  26. CIPSI and Banca Etica The idea behindBanca Eticaconsists in creating a placewheresavers, driven by the common desire of a more transparent and responsible management of financialresources, maymeetsocio-economicinitiatives, inspired by the values of a sustainable social and human development.

  27. Emergency Emergency is an independent and neutralItalianorganization, created to provide free and high qualitymedical and surgical care to the victims of war, landmines and poverty. The associationthrough social media share everything: from the results of the projects to the results of fund raising campaigns. We can thereforesaythat Emergency tends to Transparency.

  28. Emergency workstransparently

  29. More transparencyiscrucial for nonprofitorganizationswhowant to embrace a broader network of individuals and organizations; involving more honest and open networks in the world can not take placewithout a significanttransparency. Emergency workstransparently

  30. Emergency through social media notonlycommunicates with the outside world buthasalsodevelopedtools to monitorizetheir progress. Emergency workstransparently

  31. Emergency workstransparently

  32. Conclusions • How useful are networking and social media for nonprofitorganizations? • Social media cover significantrole in the lives of NPO. • Leader: tackle difficultchange in course. • Stand-alone organizationssurvive in the future buttheywillloserelevance. • Itisnecessaryfor nonprofitorganizations to convert to Networked nonprofits.

  33. Grazie per l’attenzione

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