1. Evropske smernice in predpisi za priznavanje izobraževanja Univerzitetna služba UL za 1. in 2. stopnjo
Polonca Miklavc Valencic
Posvet, 25.3.2011
2. EVROPA in EVROPA http://www.coe.int/aboutCoe/default.asp
Lizbonska konvencija o priznavanju visokošolskih kvalifikacij v Evropski regiji
Evropska direktiva o priznavanju poklicnih kvalifikacij
8. Legal Framework & Background
The Lisbon Recognition Convention (The Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications concerning Higher Education in the European Region), 1997 (ETS No. 165) Explanatory Report to the Lisbon Convention
List of Ratifying States
Documents adopted by the Lisbon Recognition Convention Committee
Revised Code of Good Practice in the Provision of Transnational Education, June 2007
The Diploma Supplement, June 2007
Joint ENIC/NARIC Charter of Activities and Services, June 2004
Recommendation on the Recognition of Joint Degrees, June 2004
Explanatory Memorandum
Recommendation on Criteria and Procedures for the Assessment of Foreign Qualifications and Explanatory Memorandum , 2001, revised 2010
Code of Good Practice in the Provision of Transnational Education, 2001
Explanatory Memorandum
Recommendation on International Access Qualifications, 1999
Documents adopted by the Joint ENIC-NARIC Networks Code of Good Practice in the Provision of Information on Recognition, June 2004