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My 1 st Year

My 1 st Year . Teaching at Lower Level Schools. Today’s Schedule . Brief Background Information Main Activity Group Discussion. Background. First-Year teaching on the JET Program 4 Schools Iwai Sakai Bando-Sogo Sowa Tech. What did I do wrong?. Class 1 - 1. The students were either:

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My 1 st Year

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Presentation Transcript

  1. My 1st Year Teaching at Lower Level Schools

  2. Today’s Schedule • Brief Background Information • Main Activity • Group Discussion

  3. Background • First-Year teaching on the JET Program • 4 Schools • Iwai • Sakai • Bando-Sogo • Sowa Tech

  4. What did I do wrong? Class 1 - 1 • The students were either: • Sleeping • Talking (shouting across the room) • Walking around (in and out of the classroom) • Throwing rolled up paper balls (my worksheets from my self-introduction)

  5. Putting myself in their shoes • I was once a student myself and studying another language in high school was not of my interest then. • If my JTE couldn’t keep the students in check, how would I? • Realizing that I can’t either saved me lots of time and stress. • Talking to other ALTs and figuring out ways to connect with students helped a lot: • For example, giving out prizes for games and activities How to make this work….?

  6. 3 Thing I’ve Learned 1. My Expectations vs. Believable Expectations • Example: • My Expectation: I expect all students to listen and learn at least one thing every lesson • Believable Expectation: Only a few students will listen and learn one thing every few lessons

  7. 3 Thing I’ve Learned 2. Adaptability • Being prepared for anything that could happen in a classroom • All classrooms are different. There are quiet classrooms, and then there are classrooms that are loud • Example: Base school, huge differences in classroom noise • Getting their attention and keeping it • “Kawaii sensei!!!” • Talking students • Lesson Planning

  8. 3 Thing I’ve Learned 3. Building healthy teaching relationships with JTEs • A very crucial part of teaching with another person • Communicating and discussing lessons before actual class time allows teaching efficiency in the classroom • JTEs are usually quite busy, but by providing a printed lesson plan, they can read it when they’re not busy • Conversing about nonrelated class topics • Building chemistry • For example: • New JTEs -> different teaching styles -> talking about nonrelated class topics build chemistry • Visiting School

  9. Let’s Go! Ganbatte! Although everyday is different, being able to utilize, learn from, and go through each experience has taught me more and more about being a teacher, and most importantly, teaching at lower level schools. I’ve learned how to have believable expectations, how to be more adaptable and flexible to different occurrences in a classroom, and how to keep communication flowing with my JTEs.

  10. Group Discussions • Groups of 4 • Please discuss these two questions: • When you find yourself with a loud classroom, how would you grab those student’s attention? • If you could give an advice to help someone prepare for teaching at lower level schools, what would it be?

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