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The Applicant Pool – 2006 Cycle Five Report

The Applicant Pool – 2006 Cycle Five Report. 5-YEAR REPORT October 2006 – Quebec City. Ted J. Ruback, Chair Oregon Health & Science University Jennifer Coombs University of Utah Cristina González UT Southwestern Medical Center Martin Keck

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The Applicant Pool – 2006 Cycle Five Report

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  1. The Applicant Pool – 2006CycleFive Report 5-YEAR REPORT October 2006 – Quebec City

  2. Ted J. Ruback, Chair Oregon Health & Science University Jennifer Coombs University of Utah Cristina González UT Southwestern Medical Center Martin Keck Diane Landon University of Nebraska Janie McDaniel Wake Forest University Chere Pereira NAAHP Representative Anita Duhl Glicken PAEA Board Liaison CASPA Advisory Committee

  3. CASPA Cycle 5 • Applications initiated: 10,586 • Applications e-submitted: 8,032 • Applications complete/mailed: 7,608

  4. Applicant Pool - Submitted5-Year Trend

  5. CASPA Applicants5-Year Trend +13.3% +15.3% +14.1% +7.1% 59.7% Increase in Number of Unique Applicants Year One to Year Five

  6. Growth in Applicant Pool Comparisons2005 – 2006

  7. CASPA Applications5-Year Trend +21.1% +27.3% +25.1% +22.8%

  8. Designations per Applicant Trends 72% applied to 2 or more programs

  9. Seats per Applicant 5-Year Trend

  10. Seats per Applicant – 2006 Comparisons (PA corrected) Sources: CASPA; AACOMAS; AAMC

  11. CASPA APPLICANT POOL2006 Demographic Information

  12. CASPA Applicant PoolGender - 2006

  13. CASPA Applicant PoolGender 5-Year Trend 70.5% 26.6%

  14. CASPA Applicant PoolAge 5 Year Trend

  15. CASPA Applicant PoolAge by Gender 5 Year Trend

  16. American Indian or Alaskan Native Asian Indian Black, African-American (non-Hispanic) White (non-Hispanic) Mexican, Mexican American or Chicano Other Spanish/Hispanic/Latino Puerto Rican Samoan No Answer Chinese Cuban Filipino Guamanian or Chamorro Japanese Korean Vietnamese Native Hawaiian Other Pacific Islander Other Asian Other CASPA Applicant Pool, 2006 Ethnicity Designation Categories

  17. CASPA Applicant Pool, 2006Ethnicity

  18. CASPA Applicant PoolEthnicity 5-Year Trend

  19. CASPA Applicant PoolG.P.A. 5-Year Trend

  20. CASPA Applicant PoolMost Common Majors - 2006 • Biology 3287 • Psychology 589 • Health Science 469 • Exercise Science 438 • Nursing 284 • Medical Tech 272 • Premedical 253 • Science 248 • Other 604

  21. Average Health Care Experience* *Self-reported data

  22. CASPA Applicant PoolHealth Care Experience - 2006 57.8% of Self-Reported Health Care Experience is Direct Patient Care

  23. CASPA Applicant PoolStates Contributing Most Applicantsas % of entire pool

  24. CASPA ServiceCycle Five

  25. CASPA Applicants Submitted Prior to September 1

  26. CASPA Processing Time

  27. Percent Change in Applicant Pool per Program - 2005-200668% of Programs experienced an increase in applicants 2006

  28. Fee Waivers2004-2006 Trend

  29. SummaryFee Waivers - 2006 • Total dollars awarded: $14,390 • Total number of 2006 recipients: 102 • Total awardees matriculated: 34 • Percent of awardees matriculated: 33%

  30. CASPA CUSTOMER SERVICEYear Five Program Survey ResultsDate of Survey: May 2006 N=78 “Very responsive/responsive” To applicant concerns: 91% To program concerns: 94.9% “Very satisfied or satisfied” With CASPA’s communications and efficiency: 93.6

  31. CASPA CUSTOMER SERVICEYear Five Applicant Survey ResultsDate of Survey: March 2006 N=1350 “Very satisfied or satisfied” • With CASPA’s responsiveness: 85.2% • With timeliness to process and deliver application: 77.3% • With the overall quality of service provided by CASPA: 84.1%

  32. Please rate the professionalismof CASPA staff. 92% Very Professional or Professional if contact, 72.5 in 04-05

  33. Rate your overall satisfaction of the quality of service provided by CASPA. 84.1% Very High or High 76.5% in 04-05

  34. How many non-participating CASPA programs did you apply to? • 81% Respondents applied to only CASPA participating programs in 2005-06 • 75% Respondents applied to only CASPA participating programs in 2004-05 • 71% Respondents applied to only CASPA participating programs in 2003-04

  35. When did you receive communication from the programs you applied to?

  36. CASPA 2006 The Applicant Pool as compared to Matriculants

  37. CASPA Applicant Pool vs. Matriculants and Non-Matriculants

  38. CASPA Applicant Pool vs. Matriculants and Non-MatriculantsGender

  39. CASPA Applicant Pool vs. Matriculants and Non-Matriculants Age

  40. CASPA Applicant Pool vs. Matriculants and Non-Matriculants Age by Gender Total CASPAPool Non- Matriculants Matriculants

  41. CASPA Applicant Pool vs. Matriculants and Non-Matriculants U.S. Citizenship Matriculants Total CASPA Pool Non- Matriculants

  42. CASPA Applicant Pool vs. Matriculants and Non-MatriculantsGPA

  43. CASPA Applicant Pool vs. Matriculants and Non-MatriculantsEthnicity

  44. CASPA Applicant Pool vs. MaticulantsEthnicity Matriculants CASPA Pool

  45. CASPA Applicant Pool vs. Matriculants and Non-Matriculants Economically & Educationally Disadvantaged* * Self-reported data

  46. CASPA Applicant Pool vs. Matriculants and Non-MatriculantsAverage Health Care Experience* *Self-reported data

  47. Comparison of Applicants to PA and Medical Schools2002 - 2005

  48. Comparison of Applicants to PA and Medical SchoolsApplications by Gender 2002 2003 2004 2005 CASPA AAMC CASPA AAMC CASPA AAMC CASPA AAMC Male 31% 51% 31% 49% 31% 50% 28% 50% Female 69% 49% 69% 51% 69% 50% 73% 50%

  49. Comparison of Applicants to PA and Medical SchoolsAge Age2003 2004 2005 CASPA AAMC CASPA AAMC CASPA AAMC Average 29 24 28 24 29 24 Male 32 24 30 24 31 24 Female 28 23 27 23 28 23

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