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Community-Based Education Program: Students

Community-Based Education Program: Students. “This project not only gave me the opportunity to expand my knowledge on a wide variety of subjects, but also gave me experience using skills that I could put on my resume .”.

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Community-Based Education Program: Students

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Community-Based Education Program: Students

  2. “This project not only gave me the opportunity to expand my knowledge on a wide variety of subjects, but also gave me experience using skills that I could put on my resume.”

  3. “I loved the idea of being able to use my geographical education in the real world setting. Great work experience.”

  4. “Learning how to connect with people from a rural community - different attitude than the city; Working with partners - learning how to communicate and handle our issues as a team; communication as a whole.”

  5. “It was really great to write something that will hopefully be useful to someone else and get out of the academic world and into community, still with the support from the academic side.”

  6. “Great experience, I learned a lot about research, communication and potential connections for future employment.”

  7. Community-Based Education Program: Host Organizations

  8. “The ongoing work the student did created more awareness of certain world issues and helped to raise our organization’s profile in the Trent and Peterborough communities.”

  9. “The ESL audit report will serve as a baseline report for discussion at the ESL Steering Committee. It will also serve to inform the ESL SC on the status of ESL services in Peterborough and help formulate recommendations to improve the status of ESL services, as well as plan future actions.”

  10. “We will use this project as a means to further our program impact and to showcase our work and success in grant applications.”

  11. “[This project]…[p]rovides additional current data on the condition of the lake shoreline health which should encourage cottagers to protect or improve their shoreline.” • “Some results will be used in presentations to [Municipal] councils and in a larger project evaluating [the] effectiveness [of our initiative]. Results will also be communicated to the public.”

  12. “The reports are being reviewed by our committees and will be used as background for the 2014 [Watershed] Report Card and as background to upcoming funding applications.” • “We have already received a grant from the Earth Day Community Environment Fund, which asked about Community Partnerships. Having Trent and Community Based Education as partners can only strengthen community ties and funding opportunities for the future.”

  13. Community Service-Learning Program: Students

  14. “A lesson learned from this service learning work is that activism is the only way that we can begin to make changes. By getting out there and teaching children about the environment, we are taking an active role in helping our future.”

  15. “This project is worthwhile because it introduces you to the organizations around the community that are there to help you with whatever your needs are.”

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