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ICP2008, July 20-25, Berlin, Germany. IS-008 Tolerance for ambiguity, creativity, and personality. Katya Stoycheva. The New And The Best : Ambiguity Tolerance and Creativity Motivation.
ICP2008, July 20-25, Berlin, Germany IS-008Tolerance for ambiguity, creativity, and personality Katya Stoycheva The New And The Best: Ambiguity Tolerance and Creativity Motivation
To analyse the relationship of ambiguity tolerance to creative motivation and need for achievement across two samples of high school students and university students • How ambiguity tolerance, creative motivation and need for achievement relate to the importance assigned to ambiguity tolerant - ambiguity intolerant behaviours ? Ambiguity Tolerance and Creativity Motivation Katya Stoycheva
School sample n = 106 31 boys and 75 girls high school in applied arts aged 14 to 19 (M = 16,59; SD = 1,29) University sample n = 135 45 men and 90 women Arts (40), Pharmacy (65), Physics (30) aged 19 to 34 (M = 22,44; SD = 2,14)
INSTRUMENTS Bulgarian form of Torrance’s Creative Motivation Scale (Stoycheva, Stetinski, Popova, 2006) Bulgarian adaptation of Norton’s Measure of Ambiguity Tolerance (Stoycheva, Stetinski, Bajdekova, 1998) Bulgarian questionnaire for measuring need for achievement (Paspalanov, 1984; Paspalanov, Stetinski, 1988) Scale for measuring attitudes towards ambiguity tolerant - ambiguity intolerant behaviours (Stoycheva, 1998; 2003) Ambiguity Tolerance and Creativity Motivation Katya Stoycheva
Creative Motivation Scale (Torrance, 1990) children’s form - 18 / 10 yes - no items adults’ form - 19 / 9 yes - no items Bulgarian adaptation of CMS 18 items, 16 straight and 2 reverse, 4-point scale Alpha CronbachTest – Retest 0,78 to 0,84 1,5 month 0,77 to 0,81 3 months 0,67
Measure of Ambiguity Tolerance (Norton, 1975) 54 AInT and 7 AT items Bulgarian adaptation of MAT-50 47 AInT and 5 AT items Before any important job, I must know how long it will take. Vague and impressionistic pictures appeal to me more than realistic pictures. Alpha CronbachTest – Retest 0,84 to 0,88 3 months 0,78 to 0,81
Bulgarian questionnaire for measuring need forachievement (Paspalanov, 1984; Paspalanov, Stetinski, 1988) 26 items, 22 straight and 4 reverse + 16 fillers In collaboration I prefer a charming person to an expert. I put more diligence and conscientiousness in my work than is necessary. Internal consistency Test – Retest 0,76 to 0,80 1 month: 0,82 to 0,86 6 months: 0,98 to 0,99 12 months: 0,76 to 0,80
Scale for measuring attitudes towards ambiguity tolerant - ambiguity intolerant behaviours (Stoycheva, 1998; 2003) 7 AT and 7 AInT items Strictly follows the norms and the rules set at home and at school. Prefer situations with no strict rules and no prescribed ways of doing things. Alpha Cronbach 0,62 to 0,74
RESULTS Tolerance for ambiguity is related positively to creative motivation but is not related to need for achievement Creative motivation and need for achievement are positively related Ambiguity Tolerance and Creativity Motivation Katya Stoycheva
High school University samplesample TFA - CM 0, 32 * * 0, 38 * * * TFA - NACH 0, 10 - 0, 12 CM - NACH 0, 37 * * * 0, 26 * *
High school University Low TFA Low TFA M = 51,69 M = 49,73 SD = 7,31 SD = 8,36 Average TFAAverage TFA M = 55,44 M = 54,22 SD = 6,16 SD = 7,32 High TFAHigh TFA M = 56,67 M = 57,42 SD = 6,61 SD = 7,26
Creative motivation items that differentiate students with high and low tolerance of ambiguity don’t pay attention to the wild ideas dislike getting into things where I don’t know what’s going to happen enjoy work in which must keep trying new approaches fascinated by new ideas, whether or not they have practical value enjoy tackling a job that involves many as yet unknown difficulties get excited about trying out a new idea that may have no practical value Ambiguity Tolerance and Creativity Motivation Katya Stoycheva
Creative motivation items that differentiate students with high and low need for achievement put a lot of energy and hard work in what they do enjoy getting into things that involve unknowndifficulties get excited when an idea begins to work out Need for achievement items that differentiate students with high and low creative motivation take up several things to do at the same time give upsomething that can be achieved only with great efforts always interfere if a question is being incompetently discussed get enthusiastic when they talk about their work and plans Ambiguity Tolerance and Creativity Motivation Katya Stoycheva
RESULTS University students assign greater importance ( t = 2, 64 * *) to ambiguity tolerant behaviours ( M = 20, 09; SD = 3,77) than to ambiguity intolerant behaviours ( M = 18,52; SD = 4,56) Attitudes towards ambiguity tolerant and ambiguity intolerant behaviours are inversely related ( r = - 0, 32 * * * ) Ambiguity Tolerance and Creativity Motivation Katya Stoycheva
Tolerance for ambiguity is inversely related to the importance assigned to ambiguity intolerant behaviours TFA ATAInT 0,25 * * - 0,60 * * * 0,12 - 0,57 * * * TFA - AInT Behaviours high < average < low F = 18,91 * * * ( controlling for AT)
Creative motivation is positively related to the importance assigned to ambiguity tolerant behaviours CM AT AInT 0,52 * * * - 0,40 * * * 0,44 * * * - 0,26 * * - 0,11 CM - AT Behaviours high, average > low F = 18,44 * * * (controlling for AInT)
Need for achievement is not related to the importance assigned to ambiguity tolerant - ambiguity intolerant behaviours NACHAT AInT 0,19 * 0,10 0,24 * * 0,17 0,12
Ambiguity tolerant behaviours that differentiate students with high and low creative motivation put oneself to test by experimenting in different situations willing to participate in new endeavours and to take risks enjoys unexpected situations and surprises original and non-traditional in one’s tastes and preferences apt to non-traditional profession Ambiguity Tolerance and Creativity Motivation Katya Stoycheva
CONCLUSIONS Tolerance for ambiguity contributes to creative motivation (1) The ability to withstand the discomfort of an ambiguous situation contributes to individual’s willingness to explore new possibilities, unusual ideas and uncommon pathways (2) People high in tolerance for ambiguity who assign little importance to ambiguity intolerant behaviours may easier undertake creative initiatives that are uncertain and unpredictable (3) The positive attitude towards ambiguity tolerant behaviours strengthens individual’s creative motivation Ambiguity Tolerance and Creativity Motivation Katya Stoycheva
CONCLUSIONS Tolerance for ambiguity is not related to achievement motivation Tolerance of ambiguity may empower the intrinsically motivated exploration of novel, unusual or complex stimuli and situations. In this way ambiguity tolerance contributes to the search for the new in the creative process. However, ambiguity tolerance is not related to the search for the best standards of achievement in the results of the creative work. Ambiguity Tolerance and Creativity Motivation Katya Stoycheva
CONCLUSIONS Creative motivation and need for achievement are related yet different aspects of creativity motivation Creative motivation empowers the individual in his/her intrinsically motivated engagement with creative pursuits Need for achievement empowers the individual in his/her expenditure of time, energy and efforts in the creative work Ambiguity Tolerance and Creativity Motivation Katya Stoycheva
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Dimitar Stetinski Kalina Popova Institute of Psychology Bulgarian Academy of Sciences Ambiguity Tolerance and Creativity Motivation Katya Stoycheva
ICP2008, July 20-25, Berlin, Germany IS008 - Tolerance for ambiguity, creativity, and personality THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION! The New And The Best: Ambiguity Tolerance and Creativity Motivation Katya Stoycheva