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Teachers:. Project this power point onto the smart board and work on it as a class (need help with pacing? Use a timer) OR print out a set for each table and let students work at their own pace. . Evolution of Prokaryotes Booklet. Booklet Instructions. Make a booklet.

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  1. Teachers: Project this power point onto the smart board and work on it as a class (need help with pacing? Use a timer) OR print out a set for each table and let students work at their own pace.

  2. Evolution of Prokaryotes Booklet Booklet Instructions

  3. Make a booklet • Fold three sheets of notebook paper in half to make a booklet. Staple. • Write the following title on the front page. • Title: “Prokaryotes: A success story” • Writeyour name and period in the urhc. • You may turn the booklet on it’s side so that you’re writing on the lines of the notebook paper.

  4. Open your booklet! • The left side is the Table of contents and will be considered page “0”. Write down your table of contents: • Fascinating Stuff article summary • Article Questions • Bacteria Profile #1 • Bacteria Profile #2 • Bacteria Profile #3 • Bacteria Profile #4 • Bacteria Profile #5 • Bacteria Profile #6 • Conclusion • “A success story”

  5. Page 1: Article summary • Read the article “Fascinating Stuff You Didn’t Know about Bacteria”! • Write a paragraph or two, summarizing the article. • Your paragraph(s) must be at least 7 sentences. Use proper grammar, spelling, punctuation and formatting. • You may turn the booklet on it’s side so that you’re writing on the lines of the notebook paper.

  6. Page 2: Article questions • Answer the following questions on page two of your booklet. Write your answers in complete sentences. • The article talks about several ways bacteria can help humans. Which do you think is the best application or will help the most people? Why. • The article mentions several reasons why bacteria are so successful. What are they? (Hint: there are at least 5) • What does the author mean when he says that human bodies are really symbionts (symbiotic)?

  7. Page 3 – 8: Bacteria Profiles • Read the bacteria profiles. • In your booklet, make the page title the scientific name of the bacteria. • Below the title, write the following information: • Common name • Where is it found? • What does it look like? (Draw the picture) • Summarize the interesting things about this bacteria in a sentence or two.

  8. Page 9: Conclusion • Answer the conclusion questions in complete sentences on your paper. You cannot reuse answers! • What was the most interesting thing you learned from the article? • What was the most surprising thing you learned from the article? • What was the scariest thing you learned from the article? • Which of the 6 bacteria profiles was your favorite and why?

  9. Page 10: “A success story” • You have two choices. Pick the one you like! • Write a story about a family of bacteria with the title: “A success story”. What are some obstacles they have to overcome? What allowed them to be successful? • Draw a picture of a “Superbacterium”. Make a list of (at least) ten characteristics it would have.

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