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My books- Learning to Go https://gumroad.com/l/learn2go & The 30 Goals Challenge for Teachers http://amazon.com/The-Goals-Challenge-Teachers-Transform/dp/0415735343 <br>Resources at http://shellyterrell.com/ventesoltech
Tips for Teaching with Technology ShellyTerrell.com/VENTesoltech
Do you? Take selfies Status update Share images Tweet Like Keep calm and … Use emojiis Tag LOL Use filters Check in Comment Use Siri Google
Our digital behavior influences our … Rituals Customs Values Language Learning Communication Photo by DaveLawler, Flic.kr/p/ceiLph
The number one benefit of educational technology is that it empowers people to do what they want to do. It lets people be creative … productive … learn things they didn't think they could learn before, and so in a sense it is all about potential. - Steve Ballmer Photo by One Laptop per Child, Flic.kr/p/5G9G6x
Discover what tools your students currently use
1rqtefBP2wgcgOp7eAPdXe9kQ3x_loT3iQQWtY5KEu9M/viewform Google Forms https://docs.google.com/forms/d/
Pedagogy is the driver, technology is the accelerator. - Michael Fullan iPad car mount by hammershaug, flic.kr/p/8ngYbH Via Steve-wheeler.blogspot.com
Co-learning & Peeragogy • Students shape their learning & the curriculum • Instructor builds the foundation & provides various opportunities for learners to collaboratively create and curate the content and resources • Students learn from & support each other Howard Rheingold Peeragogy.org
Sites.google.com/a/msad60.org/technology-is-learning/samr-model Photo by tim.klapdor, Flic.kr/p/dSCBGm
Peeragogy Collaboration Play Creativity Real-world connections Exploration Experimentation Digital Literacy Citizenship
Scavenger hunts Digital stories Games ePortfolios Comics Tutorials Podcasts Mindmaps Videos Blogs Infographics
Find the right tool/app
Digital Posters Buncee Thinglink Piktochart Biteslide Smore Tackk Glogster PicCollage ImageChef Muzy
Have students learn the tools, then offer tech support
Partner with parents
Tip: Get students & parents to sign an Acceptable/ Responsible Use Policy (AUP)
How do I manage this?
MrsWideen.com I Can Cards
Learning stations Group work Facilitate Image KSC-04PD-0583 CC by NASA
Activity Logs Activity Logs
Calendars Calendars
The Cup System • Give each group a stack of yellow, blue, & red cups. • The top cup is their status. • Yellow= sunny & bright, everything's all right • Blue= we're through, what should we do? • Red= we have a problem we cannot solve alone Theorganizedclassroomblog.com/index.php/blog/cup Theorganizedclassroomblog.com/index.php/blog/cup-management -management
Whoever wants to understand much must play much. - Gottfried Benn Savage Wii Boxing Match image by Sherif Salam, Flickr
What happens when we play games? Posi$ve Stress Mul$media Explosion Social Goal-‐oriented Try without penalty Failure part of the journey Representa$on of the world students want to be a part of! All can be a hero! P. Maglione, Slidesha.re/pmteenmotivation
Have them design walkthroughs Bit.ly/12I3epM
3 Things we should know about you 2 Places you love to visit 1 Job you wish you had
Technology is just a tool. In terms of getting the kids working together and motivating them, the teacher is the most important. - Bill Gates
Get your copy of Learning to Go- Gum.co/learn2go ShellyTerrell.com/survivaltips/techtips Twitter: @ShellTerrell Facebook.com/ShellyTerrell Amazon- The 30 Goals for Teachers Google.com/+ShellySanchezTerrell