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Anita Ghulam Ali Teachers’ Award 2009 – Promoting Early Childhood Education – Creating Foundations for Active Learning. A Journey has Begun…. Towards Repositioning the Status of Teachers in Pakistan Recognizing Our Living ICONS & LEGENDS Idara-e-Taleem-o-Aagahi (ITA) April 30, 2009.
Anita Ghulam Ali Teachers’ Award 2009 – Promoting Early Childhood Education – Creating Foundations for Active Learning A Journey has Begun…. Towards Repositioning the Status of Teachers in Pakistan Recognizing Our Living ICONS & LEGENDS Idara-e-Taleem-o-Aagahi (ITA) April 30, 2009
Dear Sponsors/Panelists for AGA 2009 • On behalf of iTA public trust promoter of Anita Ghulam Ali Award, a non-partisan, merit based national award, it is my pleasure to introduce Anita Ghulam Ali Award 2009. The focus of this year is Early Childhood Education (ECE) an education area which is the first foundation of human learning and one that is very dear to Professor Anita Ghulam Ali and the institution she heads, the Sindh Education Foundation (SEF). • ECE is also a critical area of action for all of us and the Government of Pakistan as described in Chapter 4 of the National Education Policy 2009 • We invite you for sponsoring the Award in various categories • The categories/areas for sponsorship against which you can put down your name and confirm are: • Rs. 100,000 for First Prize (Sponsor’s Name ) • Rs. 50,000 for 2nd Prize 3 prizes (Sponsors’ Name/s) • Rs. 25,000 for 3rd Prize 3 prizes (Sponsors’ Name/s) • Rs. 15,000 for consolation prizes 3 (Sponsor’s Name) • Rs. 150,000 Ad./Publicity/ Event/Prizes (Sponsors Name) • Agreement to become a panelist for endorsement of award (Name…) • Sponsors will be provided with maximum publicity through : • Banners: Media, Publications; Website, Certificates and all materials generated for this award. The award will be launched on October 5, If you can give us some indication we shall put your name on the banner announcing the award immediately and also on the Website posting that goes to the public on October 5, 2009 on the occasion of WTD 2009
Brief Introduction of Anita Ghulam Ali and the Award • Professor Anita Ghulam Ali is an icon for educators, teachers of Pakistan - committed to quality and social change in a mission mode - A Living Legend • A microbiologist, an active promoter of Early Year Learning, a celebrated teacher and an activist for teachers’ rights – and rights based quality education • Demonstrated Educational Leadership and innovations • Anita Ghulam Ali since the ‘90s, has served as a Minister Education and M.D Sindh Education Foundation (SEF) • A legacy of: intellectual rigor, commitment, honesty, and unparalleled respect for diversity in the country
A Civil Society Initiative • ITA Public Trust works across the country, committed to the elevating the status of teachers through capabilities. It has been engaged in exploring teachers’ issues each year since 2004. • ITA has actively celebrated the World Teachers Day October 5 as an occasion to research on specific themes, hold social dialogues & produce recommendations for policy makers at all levels. • The AGA Teachers Award is transparent and based on merit. It is open to like minded partners to join the effort, expand the number of awards and institutionalize the practice as a national enterprise.
WHY ECE A FOCUS AREA • The early years are recognized as a vital stage in children’s physical, linguistic, intellectual and emotional development. ECE refers not only to what is happening within the child, but also to the care that child requires in order to thrive.” • Every child should have the opportunity to grow in a setting that value children, that provides conditions for a safe and secure environment, and that respects diversity. Because children are both the present & the future of every nation, they have needs, rights, and intrinsic worth that must be recognized and supported. Children must receive appropriate nurture and education within and outside their families from birth onwards if they are to develop optimally. Attention to the heath, nutrition,
The Significance of “Early Childhood Education” • It is now widely acknowledged that the effects of what happens during the pre-natal period & during the earliest months and years of a child’s life can last a life time. This is because the kind of early care a child receives from parents, pre-school teachers and care givers determines how a child learns and relates to school and life in general. It is during early care that a child develops al the key elements of emotional intelligence, namely confidence, curiosity, purposefulness, self control, connectedness, the capacity to communicate and co-operative ness. • Emotional intelligence is now considered crucial for educational success. Students who have higher level of emotional intelligence are more likely to remain in education, whereas, those with emotional difficulties tend to drop out. • The early years are also critical for the acquisition of the concepts, skills and attitudes that lay the foundation for lifelong learning. Theses include the acquisition of language, perception-motor skills required for learning to read and write & basic numeracy concepts and skills. • Intervening in the earliest years helps to reduce the social & economic disparities, race and gender inequalities that divide our society. • By the time children reach the age two, their brains contain as many synapses and use up as much energy as the brain of the average adult. The complexity of this development is described by scientist as a magical “dance” which lies at the very heart of every human being and his/her learning process, beginning at birth, and even before. This relatively new understanding of brain development has critical implications for society, and particularly, for educators and the way children are taught. • It is evident that it is within the crucial early years, when experience is molding the brain that the foundation of learning are also set. A person’s ability to learn and his/her attitudes towards learning stem from their early years. • The brain is never as elastic again as it is in childhood, in terms of receptivity and vulnerability. Adults are capable of assimilating new knowledge, but can never rival the child’s brain in its mastering of new skills and its discovery of learning. Early childhood experiences are the building blocks of this development & the child is architect of his/her own brain, piecing together the puzzle and reacting to the outside world. • Ref: - National Curriculum for Early Childhood Education 2007
Who could apply for the Award ? • Year II of the award in 2009 is targeted toward Early Childhood Education/ Katchi - pre school Teachers in all types of schools across the country (Govt. All types of Private and Non-Formal as well). • No quotas .. • Just merit ..merit & merit! 10 outstanding ECE teachers/institutions through an open national competition
Time Line for the AwardOctober – November 2009 • October 5th Announcement • November 16th Last Date for Entry Submissions with evidence • November 30th Jury/Panelists Finalise & Visit Short listed teachers on site • December 15th Award Announcement Universal Children’s Day • December 16-17 Award Disbursals
Address for Submission of Entries with Evidence and Form Filled out • Ms. Razia Mughal • Idara-e-Taleem-o-Aagahi • 67 A Abid Majeed Road • Cantt, Lahore, Pakistan • Tel. Ph: • Mobile No: • Enquiries email: eceagaita@gmail.com
The Award/s • An eminent jury for selection of winners • Cash Prize • Rs. 100,000 1st Prize • Rs. 50,000 2nd Prize (3) • Rs. 25,000 3rd Prize (3) • Rs. 15,000 4th Prize (3) • Medal • Shield • Citation
The Experience of AGA Teachers’ Science Award 2008 Incomplete and returned for Completion 140 (1st time) Incomplete and returned for Completion 110 (2nd time) Short listed I 40 Short listed II 28 Final Awardees 10 Panels - Science/Maths/Education 3 Panels Short listing Phase I Short listing Phase II Short listing Phase III
The Potential Eminent ECE Panelists • Teachers Resource Centre - A pioneer ECE institution in Pakistan • Ministry of Education - Projects Wing & Curriculum Wing • Aga Khan Foundation (AKF) - World Renowned ECE Knowledge Promoter • Aga Khan University – Institute of Education Development : A pioneer in Quality Education & promoter of ECE practices • Sindh Education Foundation - A learning and practive Hub for ECE • Oxford University Press Pakistan – An active promoter of ECE knowledge generation and material development • Society A practitioner of ECE in Balochistan • Hands A practioner of ECE in Sindh • Alif Laila Book Bus Society : Material Developer for ECE • IER- University of Punjab • UNILEVER Pakistan – Surf Excel team • Idara-e-Taleem-o-Aagahi (ITA) Public Trust ECE Practitioner/ Mat. Developer • Endorsed by Professor Anita Ghulam Ali
The Sponsors ? • Female Education Trust (FET) • Oxford University Press (OUP) • Kifayat Academy • Idara-e- Taleem-o-Aagahi (ITA) • Anonymous Sponsor An Endowment is in the making for the AGA -Award to ensure its continuity
Teachers Submission Form Name of Teacher: __________________________________________ Designation: _____________________ Subject/Grade Teaching : ________________ Principal’s Name: _________________________________________ School Address: ___________________________________________________________ _________________________________ Gender M/F _______ Date of Birth: ______________ National Identity Card No. ______________________ Home Address ___________________________________________________________ Telephone/Mobile Number: __________________________________ Email: _____________ Website of institution, if any 1-
2- Education [Indicate college/university and other specialized education of staff member, giving names of institutions, degrees obtained, and dates of obtainment]: Membership of Professional Associations:
Employment Record [List in reverse order every employment held (last 4 positions) by teachers/head teachers since graduation, using format below: dates of employment, name of employing organization. 3-
5- Certification: I, the undersigned, certify that to the best of my knowledge and belief, this form above and all its evidence attached correctly describes me, my qualifications, and my experience. I understand that any wilful misstatement described herein may lead to my disqualification or dismissal from the competition. _______________________ [Signature of staff member or authorized representative of the staff] Date: _____________ Day/Month/Year Full name of authorized representative for endorsement: ____________________________________________ (could be the school head teacher) Signature _____________________ Stamp of the Institution After filling the form Please send this questionnaire on the following address: