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Emergency Response Centre ( Madhya Pradesh Pollution Control Board ) Bhopal - India. Ph. : +91 755 - 2469180 / 2464428 Fax : +91 755 - 2463742 / 2469180 E.mail : ercbpl@sancharnet.in : ercmppcb@mp.nic.in Web : www.ercmp.nic.in. Emergency Response Centre, Bhopal.
Emergency Response Centre (Madhya Pradesh Pollution Control Board)Bhopal - India Ph. : +91 755 - 2469180 / 2464428 Fax : +91 755 - 2463742 / 2469180 E.mail : ercbpl@sancharnet.in : ercmppcb@mp.nic.in Web : www.ercmp.nic.in
Emergency Response Centre, Bhopal Application of GIS For Emergency Preparedness, Planning and Response during Chemical Accidents
Emergency Response Centre, Bhopal • CCGAS for Accident Prevention, • Preparedness and Mitigation • Establishment of E.R.C. • Location of E.R.C. • Equity Participation
Aims of E.R.C. • Link Industries & Expert Crisis Groups in • Emergency Situation • Dissemination of Scientific & Technical • Information • To deal mainly with Chemical Accidents • and like situations
Objectives of E.R.C. • To minimize impact of accident on people, • environment and property • To provide information to authorities and • common citizens • To provide information about safe areas for • rehabilitation
Functions of ERC • The centre should have a comprehensive database on chemicals • and hazardous material to provide prompt guidance to the caller. • The centre should have information regarding first aid, Medical • information, antidotes and precautions to be observed in the event • of an emergency. • To undertake training and awareness programmes for the benefit • of people in the interest of environment, through publications, • workshops, seminars, and ‘Query Response Service’. • To inventorize chemicals being used in the State • To identify priority of chemicals and processes in the State. • To generate data base on chemicals and Hazardous Material. • To maintain information on first aid, antidotes of chemicals, • precautions to be taken during emergency time.
Functions of ERC (Cont’d) • To provide information to target groups/authorities. • To organize Training and Awareness Programme. • To coordinate with SCG, DCG and Administrative authorities etc. • Centre to be manned/operated round the clock. • To predict the accident scenario for any given case. • To disseminate technical and scientific information to the target • groups and authorities to prevent/mitigate chemical hazards. • To decide movement of hazardous material and routes. • To keep records of regions, maps, topographical features, etc. • To coordinate with district administration, law & order authorities, • State Crisis Group, District Crisis Groups and other authorities • dealing with chemical emergencies. • Work as Central Agency in the State for dissemination of • information.
GIS supported Functions • To predict the accident scenario for any given case. • To decide routes for the movement of hazardous materials. • To keep records of regions, maps, topographical features, etc. • To disseminate technical and scientific information to the target • groups and authorities to prevent/mitigate chemical hazards. • To coordinate as Central Agency with district administration, law & • order authorities, State Crisis Group, District Crisis Groups and • other authorities dealing with chemical emergencies. • The centre should have a comprehensive database on chemicals • and hazardous material to provide prompt guidance to the caller. • The centre should have information regarding first aid, Medical • information, antidotes and precautions to be observed in the event • of an emergency.
Focal Points • Growing threat of Chemical accidents due to rapid Industrialization. • Need to control and mitigate impact of chemical accidents. • Emergency Planning and Response is the prime area of attention. • Application of GIS tools to assist the administration and emergency response personnel.
Material & Method GIS used as a tool for the development of emergency preparedness, planning and response during chemical accident. The plan is useful to the administrative authorities for assessing accident impact zone, safe evacuation routes, shortest and feasible routes for movement of emergency services, safe isolation area for temporary rehabilitation of affected people etc.
Advantages of exercise following queries are answered while executing the task : • Where has the chemical accident occurred? • What is the chemical that has spilled or escaped? • What are the effects of released chemical? • What are the antidotes of released chemicals? • What emergency actions are to be taken by medical team/administration/citizens? • Which are the safe evacuation routes to be followed? • Extent of area that is likely to be affected in particular direction? • Where are the shelter locations? • Whom to contact during chemical crisis situation? • Names of wards falling under influence zone ? • Total population likely to be affected ? • Which are the best suitable routes for transportation of Haz materials? All the above queries have been answered through above GIS based exercise.
Conclusion While executing the project it may be inferred that emergency management through the analysis of information. The majority of information is spatial and can be mapped. Once the information is mapped and the data is linked the emergency management planning can BEGIN. The management personnel can begins to formulate the mitigation, preparedness, response and recovery programme needs. GIS, thus, play an important role in emergency response planning and in enabling decision makers to manage a crisis effectively. In short, the thoughtful application of GIS can in great way assist the Govt. machinery and other agencies in emergency preparedness , planning & management in the event of chemical accidents to minimize the impact on mankind and environment.
Contact Dr. Rajendra Chaturvedi Scientist Emergency Response Centre, MPPCB, Sector E-5, Arera Colony, Bhopal -16 India Phone : +91 755 - 2469180 / 2464428 Fax : +91 755 - 2463742 / 2469180 E.mail : ercbpl@sancharnet.in : ercmppcb@mp.nic.in Web : www.ercmp.nic.in