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Setting up your router with open DNS. Eric Claus Assistant Network Administrator Network+ Ernest Staats erstaats@gcasda.org Master Science Information Assurance, (CISSP)®, CEH, MCSE, CNA, CWNA, Security+, I-Net+, Network+, Server+, A+ . First register for and Logon to OpenDNS.
Setting up your router with open DNS Eric Claus Assistant Network Administrator Network+ Ernest Staats erstaats@gcasda.org Master Science Information Assurance, (CISSP)®, CEH, MCSE, CNA, CWNA, Security+, I-Net+, Network+, Server+, A+
First register for and Logon to OpenDNS • Go to: https://store.opendns.com/get/home-free • Fill out the boxes on the left hand side of the site.
Next setup your Router to use Open DNS • Next setup your Router to use Open DNS
If it asks for a specific model select your model, otherwise continue to step 6. • Read through the instructions on how to access and change the DNS settings on your specific router. • Once you have saved the changes go back to the OpenDNS page. • Next, click on “NEXT: Test your new settings” at the bottom of the page
If everything is correct you should receive the following screen: • *If you receive the following screen, click on the “Go back and double check your DNS settings” link and repeat Steps 3-8 • Log into your email account and open the email sent from OpenDNS. • *The email may be from a specific person, such as Allison Rhodes, but it will say “OpenDNS” in the subject line.
Next Setup your home/Church Network • Once taken to your dashboard, click the “Settings” tab at the top of the screen. • nter you current IP address, which is displayed at the top of the screen, into the IP field and click “Add This Network”
Enter a name for the network, and check the box next to “Yes, it is dynamic.” Then, if the OpenDNS Updater link displays your correct operating system click on the link to download it. • *If the OpenDNS Updater link does not say the correct operating system you have, or if you are doing this on a computer that is not stationary inside of your network, do not download the software. Click “Done” and skip to Step 16.
Once the file is saved, click on “Done” • Back on the Settings page, click on the IP address under “Your networks”
Next Set your filter level • Select the level of filtering you would like, or create a custom level. • You can go back later and customize other settings, including the block page, from the navigation pane on the left-hand side of the Settings page.
Next Setup Open DNS updater • Twice a week, open the OpenDNS Updater and select “Update now.” This will update the IP address in the OpenDNS settings.
If you downloaded the OpenDNS Updater in Step 14 you are done setting up your OpenDNS. • Click on “client-side software” on the Settings page.
Select your operating system, then download and run the installer. • When the OpenDNS Updater Setup Wizard opens, click “Install”
When it finishes, make sure “Start OpenDNS Updater” is checked and click “Finish.”
Next, enter your email and password to log in to your OpenDNS account.